Binance Square
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#bnb #megadrp #ListaDAO 很多人看到megadrop的公告就去listaDao官网做了质押任务 刚刚咨询客服 活动开始之后再去做
#bnb #megadrp #ListaDAO 很多人看到megadrop的公告就去listaDao官网做了质押任务 刚刚咨询客服 活动开始之后再去做
CZ即将出狱,BNB挖矿何时来? Binance 前首席执行官赵长鹏(CZ)将于2024年9月29日完成监禁,出狱后被禁止参与公司的日常运营,但是保留CZ所有股东权利,如果日后币安公司如果表现不符合预期,作为最大的股东他有权更换或提名新的董事会成员和CEO。 2024年BNB已经经历了19期挖矿,距离上次挖矿已经有20天,本年的第20期挖矿即将到来。并且马上要进入降息周期,牛市临近BNB很快要回到往日的巅峰时刻,大家一定拿住。 持有BNB、让时间陪我们慢慢变富 #BNB #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop #megadrp

Binance 前首席执行官赵长鹏(CZ)将于2024年9月29日完成监禁,出狱后被禁止参与公司的日常运营,但是保留CZ所有股东权利,如果日后币安公司如果表现不符合预期,作为最大的股东他有权更换或提名新的董事会成员和CEO。


#BNB #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop #megadrp
2024年BNB挖矿总览 2024年的1-8月BNB总挖矿项目数量达到19个,上半年挖矿收益率表现很好,在ENA之前具体收益率没有具体统计,但是参与挖矿的人应该都知道收益率都不低,都在1-3%之间。 之前我写过一篇文章是挖出的代币是复投BNB还是继续持有,结果毫无疑问一定是复投BNB,大家可以去看看这些挖矿的代币价格的走势,大多都是腰斩腰斩再腰斩。如果是挖矿再复投,8个月BNB本位收益是超过30%的,并且BNB的价格从年初的200多涨到现在的500多,综合来看年初买BNB+挖矿复投现在收益率是超过150%的。 下半年挖矿数量减少、收益率减少,这和市场情绪有很大的关系。没有项目方愿意在市场情绪恐慌的时候上线。三季度垃圾时间即将结束,四季度的行情会很好,同时BNB的挖矿数量和挖矿收益都会提高,大家拿好手中的BNB即可。 还是哪句话:“持有BTC、ETH、BNB,让时间陪我们慢慢变富” #Launchpool #megadrp #holderdrop #BTC #BNB




#Launchpool #megadrp #holderdrop #BTC #BNB
第56期launchpool挖矿收益总结—TON TON挖矿已经结束,本期TON矿池挖矿总共质押BNB163.4枚,挖出52.04枚TON,已经全部卖出,复投买进0.65枚BNB(有少量BNB是理财),本期挖矿收益率为0.39%。 目前持有BNB总量为164.05枚,BNB持仓均价:28600U/164.05=174.3U,收益金额:512*164.05-28600=55393.6U,收益率:55393.6/28600=193.68%。 本轮周期我不会加仓BNB,也不会减仓BNB,只把BNB所有活动的收益进行复投,期待这波牛市28600U能变成多少?我们一起验证。 还是哪句话“持有BTC、ETH、BNB,让时间陪我们慢慢变富” #Launchpool #BNB #BTC #megadrp #HODLers




#Launchpool #BNB #BTC #megadrp #HODLers
Summary of the 1st Hodler Mining Income—$BANANA The total amount of BNB deposited in the current and fixed deposits by Hodler in this period is 161.82 BNB, and a total of 8.4215 BANANA have been mined. All BANANA have been sold at a price of around 70, and all have been reinvested to buy BNB. The number of BNB bought in this mining is 1.04. The total number of BNB held is 162.86. The total investment in BNB in ​​this round of cycle is 28600U, and the latest average price of BNB holdings is: 28600/162.86=175.61U. According to the latest BNB price of 582U, the total income is 582*162.86-28600=66184.5U, and the rate of return is: 66184.5/28600=231.4%. Before the 25-year bull market, I will not increase or decrease my BNB holdings. I will only reinvest the income from all BNB activities. What can 28600U become in this bull market? Let's verify it together. Holding Binance Coin will make us richer with time #Launchpool #megadrp #hodler #think_not_over
Summary of the 1st Hodler Mining Income—$BANANA
The total amount of BNB deposited in the current and fixed deposits by Hodler in this period is 161.82 BNB, and a total of 8.4215 BANANA have been mined. All BANANA have been sold at a price of around 70, and all have been reinvested to buy BNB. The number of BNB bought in this mining is 1.04. The total number of BNB held is 162.86.
The total investment in BNB in ​​this round of cycle is 28600U, and the latest average price of BNB holdings is: 28600/162.86=175.61U. According to the latest BNB price of 582U, the total income is 582*162.86-28600=66184.5U, and the rate of return is: 66184.5/28600=231.4%.
Before the 25-year bull market, I will not increase or decrease my BNB holdings. I will only reinvest the income from all BNB activities. What can 28600U become in this bull market? Let's verify it together.
Holding Binance Coin will make us richer with time
#Launchpool #megadrp #hodler #think_not_over
第1期Hodler挖矿收益总结—BANANA 本期Hodler存入BNB活期和定期数量总共为161.82枚BNB,总挖出8.4215枚BANANA,所有BANANA已在70左右价格卖出,并且全部复投买进BNB,本次挖矿买进BNB数量为1.04枚。BNB总持仓数量为162.86枚。 本轮周期BNB总投入28600U,最新BNB持仓均价:28600/162.86=175.61U。按照最新的BNB价格582U计算,总收益为582*162.86-28600=66184.5U,收益率为:66184.5/28600=231.4%。 25年牛市之前我不会加仓和减仓BNB,只把BNB所有活动的收益进行复投,期待这波牛市28600U能变成多少?我们一起验证。 持有币安币让时间陪我们慢慢变富 #Launchpool #megadrp #hodler




#Launchpool #megadrp #hodler
下一期挖矿啥时候到来了🎊 持有BTC、ETH、BNB、SOL、TON,让时间陪我们慢慢变富。 2024年挖矿汇总: 1, 2024-01-04 第42期launchpool AI 2, 2024-01-09 第43期launchpool XAI 3, 2024-01-18 第44期launchpool MANTA 4, 2024-01-25 第45期launchpool ALT 5, 2024-02-19 第46期launchpool PIXEL 6, 2024-02-29 第47期launchpool PORTAL 7, 2024-03-08 第48期launchpool AEVO 8, 2024-03-14 第49期launchpool ETHFI 9, 2024-03-30 第50期launchpool ENA 10,2024-04-05 第51期launchpool SAGA 11,2024-04-17 第52期launchpool OMNI 12,2024-04-24 第53期launchpool REZ 13,2024-04-26 第1期MegaDrop BB 14,2024-05-13 第54期launchpool NOT 15,2024-05-30 第2期MegaDrop LISTA 16,2024-06-07 第55期launchpool IO 17,2024-07-20 第55期Holder BANANA #BNB金铲子 #megadrp #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop 更多空投活动#比特币大亨惊爆预言 专注Web3、链游、AI、AirDrop投资机会 🫙监控全网100位币圈达人🔥 一起穿越牛熊

1, 2024-01-04 第42期launchpool AI
2, 2024-01-09 第43期launchpool XAI
3, 2024-01-18 第44期launchpool MANTA
4, 2024-01-25 第45期launchpool ALT
5, 2024-02-19 第46期launchpool PIXEL
6, 2024-02-29 第47期launchpool PORTAL
7, 2024-03-08 第48期launchpool AEVO
8, 2024-03-14 第49期launchpool ETHFI
9, 2024-03-30 第50期launchpool ENA
10,2024-04-05 第51期launchpool SAGA
11,2024-04-17 第52期launchpool OMNI
12,2024-04-24 第53期launchpool REZ
13,2024-04-26 第1期MegaDrop BB
14,2024-05-13 第54期launchpool NOT
15,2024-05-30 第2期MegaDrop LISTA
16,2024-06-07 第55期launchpool IO
17,2024-07-20 第55期Holder BANANA
#BNB金铲子 #megadrp #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop

专注Web3、链游、AI、AirDrop投资机会 🫙监控全网100位币圈达人🔥 一起穿越牛熊
如果三季度行情继续低迷,BNB挖矿便会迟迟不来 自比特币诞生以来三季度表现都很一般,看来今年也不例外,8月过后还有个9月大家再好好坚持坚持,一定守好自己手中的币。BNB的MegaDrop上次挖矿是在5月30日,现在已经过去72天。上次launchpool挖矿是6月7日,已经过去65天。上次Holder是7月20日,已经过去22天。 币安投资了几十个项目都等待着上币,但是行情持续低迷,项目方纷纷延迟上市,如果行情转好BNB的挖矿应该早就开始了。币安也想上挖矿来推动推动BNB价格,但是没有项目方愿意在这个时候上线。大家一定要沉得住气,耐得住寂寞,看得见繁华。 持有BTC、ETH、BNB,让时间陪我们慢慢变富。 2024年挖矿汇总: 1, 2024-01-04 第42期launchpool AI 2, 2024-01-09 第43期launchpool XAI 3, 2024-01-18 第44期launchpool MANTA 4, 2024-01-25 第45期launchpool ALT 5, 2024-02-19 第46期launchpool PIXEL 6, 2024-02-29 第47期launchpool PORTAL 7, 2024-03-08 第48期launchpool AEVO 8, 2024-03-14 第49期launchpool ETHFI 9, 2024-03-30 第50期launchpool ENA 10,2024-04-05 第51期launchpool SAGA 11,2024-04-17 第52期launchpool OMNI 12,2024-04-24 第53期launchpool REZ 13,2024-04-26 第1期MegaDrop BB 14,2024-05-13 第54期launchpool NOT 15,2024-05-30 第2期MegaDrop LISTA 16,2024-06-07 第55期launchpool IO 17,2024-07-20 第55期Holder BANANA #BNB金鏟子 #megadrp #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop




1, 2024-01-04 第42期launchpool AI
2, 2024-01-09 第43期launchpool XAI
3, 2024-01-18 第44期launchpool MANTA
4, 2024-01-25 第45期launchpool ALT
5, 2024-02-19 第46期launchpool PIXEL
6, 2024-02-29 第47期launchpool PORTAL
7, 2024-03-08 第48期launchpool AEVO
8, 2024-03-14 第49期launchpool ETHFI
9, 2024-03-30 第50期launchpool ENA
10,2024-04-05 第51期launchpool SAGA
11,2024-04-17 第52期launchpool OMNI
12,2024-04-24 第53期launchpool REZ
13,2024-04-26 第1期MegaDrop BB
14,2024-05-13 第54期launchpool NOT
15,2024-05-30 第2期MegaDrop LISTA
16,2024-06-07 第55期launchpool IO
17,2024-07-20 第55期Holder BANANA
#BNB金鏟子 #megadrp #Launchpool‬ #holderdrop
2024年BNB的第23次挖矿即将到来 今天看了下BNB的价格就知道,新的一期挖矿即将到来,大家再耐心等等。 持有BNB,让时间陪我们慢慢变富。 #BNB #Launchpool‬ #megadrp


#BNB #Launchpool‬ #megadrp
Earn $50 Daily on Binance: A Simple GuideWant to make $50 every day on Binance? Here's a straightforward strategy: Day Trading What It Is: Buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the same day. How to Do It: Research and analyze market trends. Focus on trading pairs with high activity, like BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT. Use tools like RSI and MACD to find good entry and exit points. Bot Trading What It Is: Using automated programs to trade for you. How to Do It: Pick a reliable bot like 3Commas or HaasOnline.Set it up to follow specific strategies. Check its performance regularly and adjust as needed. Promotions and Competitions What It Is: Joining Binance’s special offers and contests. How to Do It: Keep an eye on Binance announcements. Participate in contests and promotions to earn extra. Additional Tips Learn Continuously: The crypto market changes fast, so keep learning. Start Small: Begin with a small investment and increase it as you get better. Diversify: Don’t put all your money in one place to reduce risks. Remember, trading cryptocurrencies comes with risks. Stay informed, trade smart, and use these strategies to boost your chances of making daily profits on Binance. #Write2Earn! #DailyTrade #BinanceTournament #megadrp #altcoins

Earn $50 Daily on Binance: A Simple Guide

Want to make $50 every day on Binance? Here's a straightforward strategy:

Day Trading

What It Is: Buying and selling cryptocurrencies within the same day.
How to Do It:
Research and analyze market trends.
Focus on trading pairs with high activity, like BTC/USDT or ETH/USDT.
Use tools like RSI and MACD to find good entry and exit points.

Bot Trading

What It Is:
Using automated programs to trade for you.
How to Do It:
Pick a reliable bot like 3Commas or HaasOnline.Set it up to follow specific strategies.
Check its performance regularly and adjust as needed.
Promotions and Competitions
What It Is:
Joining Binance’s special offers and contests.
How to Do It:
Keep an eye on Binance announcements.
Participate in contests and promotions to earn extra.

Additional Tips

Learn Continuously: The crypto market changes fast, so keep learning.
Start Small: Begin with a small investment and increase it as you get better.
Diversify: Don’t put all your money in one place to reduce risks.
Remember, trading cryptocurrencies comes with risks. Stay informed, trade smart, and use these strategies to boost your chances of making daily profits on Binance.

#Write2Earn! #DailyTrade #BinanceTournament #megadrp #altcoins
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