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كيف تحقق أرباح من العملات المستقرة؟ اكتشف بروتوكول Usual الجديدإذا كنت تعتقد أن العملات المستقرة، مثل USDT وUSDC، هي مجرد وسيلة لحفظ قيمة أموالك مقابل العملات الرقمية، فأنت في المكان الصحيح! في هذا المقال، سنكشف لك عن بروتوكول جديد يتيح لك الفرصة للربح من عوائد العملات المستقرة، بدلاً من أن تظل هذه العوائد محصورة في يد المؤسسات المالية الكبرى فقط. العملات المستقرة: وسيلة للحفظ أم مصدر للأرباح؟ العملات المستقرة، مثل USDC وUSDT، هي من أكثر العملات شيوعًا في سوق العملات الرقمية. تتميز هذه العملات بأنها مربوطة بالدولار الأمريكي، مما يجعلها خيارًا شائعًا للأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن استثمار مستقر أو وسيلة لحفظ القيمة. ومع ذلك، رغم أن هذه العملات مستقرة في قيمتها، إلا أن الفوائد الناتجة عنها عادة ما تذهب إلى أيدي قلة من المؤسسات المالية الكبيرة أو الأفراد الذين يمتلكون كميات ضخمة منها. هل تعرف كم تحقق تيثر (USDT) من أرباح عن طريق الاحتفاظ بالاحتياطي الدولاري الذي يودعه المستخدمون لديها؟ وفقًا للتقرير الأخير من مؤسسة تيثر نفسها، بلغ إجمالي أرباحها في النصف الأول من العام 5.2 مليار دولار! تتمثل المشكلة الرئيسية في أن الفوائد التي يتم جنيها من العملات المستقرة غالبًا ما تذهب إلى المؤسسات المالية الكبرى، مثل البنوك والشركات الضخمة، بينما يظل المستثمرون الصغار والمستخدمون العاديون بعيدين عن الاستفادة من هذه الأرباح. لكن هل هناك حل لهذا الوضع؟ الإجابة هي "نعم"! بروتوكول Usual: [فرص ربح للجميع]( هنا يظهر بروتوكول Usual الجديد، الذي يقدم فرصة لكل شخص للاستفادة من أرباح العملات المستقرة. هذا البروتوكول هو بروتوكول لامركزي بالكامل، ويعتمد على تقنية مبتكرة تتيح توزيع أرباح العملات المستقرة بين جميع المستخدمين بشكل عادل. ما الذي يميز بروتوكول Usual؟ بروتوكول Usual يعتمد على استخدام الأصول الحقيقية (RWA)، مثل العقارات والأصول المالية المدعومة، لتوفير استقرار حقيقي للـ USD0، العملة المستقرة الخاصة بالبروتوكول. بمعنى آخر، قيمة USD0 لا تعتمد فقط على الدولار الأمريكي ولكن مدعومة أيضًا بأصول حقيقية، مما يضمن استقرارًا أكبر للعملة. إعادة توزيع الأرباح للجميع من أهم المميزات التي يقدمها بروتوكول Usual هو طريقة توزيع الأرباح. على عكس العملات المستقرة التقليدية التي تذهب أرباحها إلى المؤسسات الكبرى، يتيح Usual لكل مستخدم أن يشارك في الأرباح الناتجة عن الأنشطة المالية التي تتم على البروتوكول، مثل الإقراض أو الستاكينغ. بذلك، يمكن لكل شخص أن يحقق دخلًا مستمرًا وعادلاً من خلال مشاركته في البروتوكول. المنتجات الرئيسية في بروتوكول Usual بروتوكول Usual يعتمد على ثلاث منتجات رئيسية تشكل جوهر النظام: USD0 Stablecoin: العملة المستقرة المدعومة بالأصول الحقيقية (RWA)، مما يضمن استقرار قيمتها.USD0++: التوكن السائل المرتبط بـ USD0 والذي يتيح للمستخدمين الحصول على مكافآت في شكل توكنات USUAL.USUAL Token: التوكن الأصلي للبروتوكول، والذي يعمل كتوكن حوكمة ومكافآت، ويعزز نمو وتبني USD0 داخل النظام البيئي. النجاح والتوسع السريع حقق بروتوكول Usual نجاحًا كبيرًا حتى الآن، حيث جمع استثمارات وصلت إلى 7 مليون دولار، ووصل إجمالي القيمة المقفلة فيه (TVL) إلى 355 مليون دولار، مع أكثر من 50,000 مستخدم حاليًا. كيف يمكنني الاستفادة من Usual؟ إذا كنت مهتمًا بكيفية الاستفادة من بروتوكول Usual، فالعملية بسيطة. يمكنك إيداع عملاتك الرقمية، سواء كانت بيتكوين، إيثريوم، أو حتى العملات المستقرة مثل USDC، في البروتوكول للاستفادة من العوائد التي يتم تحقيقها من خلال الأنشطة اللامركزية داخل النظام. التوكنوميكس (Tokenomics) والنظام البيئي من الجدير بالذكر أن توكنوميكس (Tokenomics) بروتوكول Usual هو من أهم النقاط التي تميز البروتوكول. يستخدم البروتوكول العملة المستقرة USD0 المدعومة بالأصول الحقيقية لضمان استقرار قيمتها. اسم الرمز: Usualنوع الرمز: ERC-20 على شبكة إيثريومإجمالي المعروض من توكنات USUAL: 4,000,000,000الحد الأقصى للعرض: 4,000,000,000 توكن USUAL مقارنة مع العملات المستقرة التقليدية إذا قارنا بروتوكول Usual مع العملات المستقرة التقليدية مثل USDT أو USDC، نجد أن الفرق واضح. في حين أن العملات التقليدية تركز على تحقيق أرباح ضخمة للمؤسسات الكبرى، يعمل Usual على تحقيق العدالة المالية من خلال توزيع الأرباح بشكل عادل بين جميع المستخدمين. تم الإعلان عن المشروع رقم 61 على الإنشبول، وثاني مشروع على Pre-Market! 🔥 💥 مشروع #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market هو مشروع مبتكر يهدف إلى تسهيل عمليات التحويل بين الأفراد عبر الإنترنت. يركز المشروع على توفير حلول مبتكرة للاستخدام، ويقدم خدمات مثل: التحويلات الدوليةشريك الفاتورةإدارة الأموال والأمان كل هذا يساعد المستخدمين في إدارة أموالهم بطريقة آمنة وفعّالة. 💥 كيفية شراء عملة $USUAL: يمكنك شراء عملة $USUAL قبل بدء التداول في سوق Pre-Market على منصة بينانس، بداية من 2024-11-19 الساعة 10:00 (UTC). 💥 كيفية إجراء فامنج لعملة $USUAL: يمكنك تسوية الفامنج لعملة $USUAL عن طريق حجز عملات BNB و FDUSD لمدة أربعة أيام، بدءًا من 2024-11-15 الساعة 00:00 (UTC). 💥 كيف تسجل في بينانس؟ إذا لم تكن قد سجلت بعد في منصة بينانس، يمكنك التسجيل من خلال الرابط التالي أو استخدام كود الإحالة AWSHQ6VY او من الرابط التالي [](

كيف تحقق أرباح من العملات المستقرة؟ اكتشف بروتوكول Usual الجديد

إذا كنت تعتقد أن العملات المستقرة، مثل USDT وUSDC، هي مجرد وسيلة لحفظ قيمة أموالك مقابل العملات الرقمية، فأنت في المكان الصحيح! في هذا المقال، سنكشف لك عن بروتوكول جديد يتيح لك الفرصة للربح من عوائد العملات المستقرة، بدلاً من أن تظل هذه العوائد محصورة في يد المؤسسات المالية الكبرى فقط.
العملات المستقرة: وسيلة للحفظ أم مصدر للأرباح؟
العملات المستقرة، مثل USDC وUSDT، هي من أكثر العملات شيوعًا في سوق العملات الرقمية. تتميز هذه العملات بأنها مربوطة بالدولار الأمريكي، مما يجعلها خيارًا شائعًا للأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن استثمار مستقر أو وسيلة لحفظ القيمة. ومع ذلك، رغم أن هذه العملات مستقرة في قيمتها، إلا أن الفوائد الناتجة عنها عادة ما تذهب إلى أيدي قلة من المؤسسات المالية الكبيرة أو الأفراد الذين يمتلكون كميات ضخمة منها.
هل تعرف كم تحقق تيثر (USDT) من أرباح عن طريق الاحتفاظ بالاحتياطي الدولاري الذي يودعه المستخدمون لديها؟ وفقًا للتقرير الأخير من مؤسسة تيثر نفسها، بلغ إجمالي أرباحها في النصف الأول من العام 5.2 مليار دولار!
تتمثل المشكلة الرئيسية في أن الفوائد التي يتم جنيها من العملات المستقرة غالبًا ما تذهب إلى المؤسسات المالية الكبرى، مثل البنوك والشركات الضخمة، بينما يظل المستثمرون الصغار والمستخدمون العاديون بعيدين عن الاستفادة من هذه الأرباح.
لكن هل هناك حل لهذا الوضع؟ الإجابة هي "نعم"!
بروتوكول Usual: فرص ربح للجميع
هنا يظهر بروتوكول Usual الجديد، الذي يقدم فرصة لكل شخص للاستفادة من أرباح العملات المستقرة. هذا البروتوكول هو بروتوكول لامركزي بالكامل، ويعتمد على تقنية مبتكرة تتيح توزيع أرباح العملات المستقرة بين جميع المستخدمين بشكل عادل.
ما الذي يميز بروتوكول Usual؟
بروتوكول Usual يعتمد على استخدام الأصول الحقيقية (RWA)، مثل العقارات والأصول المالية المدعومة، لتوفير استقرار حقيقي للـ USD0، العملة المستقرة الخاصة بالبروتوكول. بمعنى آخر، قيمة USD0 لا تعتمد فقط على الدولار الأمريكي ولكن مدعومة أيضًا بأصول حقيقية، مما يضمن استقرارًا أكبر للعملة.
إعادة توزيع الأرباح للجميع
من أهم المميزات التي يقدمها بروتوكول Usual هو طريقة توزيع الأرباح. على عكس العملات المستقرة التقليدية التي تذهب أرباحها إلى المؤسسات الكبرى، يتيح Usual لكل مستخدم أن يشارك في الأرباح الناتجة عن الأنشطة المالية التي تتم على البروتوكول، مثل الإقراض أو الستاكينغ. بذلك، يمكن لكل شخص أن يحقق دخلًا مستمرًا وعادلاً من خلال مشاركته في البروتوكول.
المنتجات الرئيسية في بروتوكول Usual
بروتوكول Usual يعتمد على ثلاث منتجات رئيسية تشكل جوهر النظام:
USD0 Stablecoin: العملة المستقرة المدعومة بالأصول الحقيقية (RWA)، مما يضمن استقرار قيمتها.USD0++: التوكن السائل المرتبط بـ USD0 والذي يتيح للمستخدمين الحصول على مكافآت في شكل توكنات USUAL.USUAL Token: التوكن الأصلي للبروتوكول، والذي يعمل كتوكن حوكمة ومكافآت، ويعزز نمو وتبني USD0 داخل النظام البيئي.
النجاح والتوسع السريع
حقق بروتوكول Usual نجاحًا كبيرًا حتى الآن، حيث جمع استثمارات وصلت إلى 7 مليون دولار، ووصل إجمالي القيمة المقفلة فيه (TVL) إلى 355 مليون دولار، مع أكثر من 50,000 مستخدم حاليًا.
كيف يمكنني الاستفادة من Usual؟
إذا كنت مهتمًا بكيفية الاستفادة من بروتوكول Usual، فالعملية بسيطة. يمكنك إيداع عملاتك الرقمية، سواء كانت بيتكوين، إيثريوم، أو حتى العملات المستقرة مثل USDC، في البروتوكول للاستفادة من العوائد التي يتم تحقيقها من خلال الأنشطة اللامركزية داخل النظام.
التوكنوميكس (Tokenomics) والنظام البيئي
من الجدير بالذكر أن توكنوميكس (Tokenomics) بروتوكول Usual هو من أهم النقاط التي تميز البروتوكول. يستخدم البروتوكول العملة المستقرة USD0 المدعومة بالأصول الحقيقية لضمان استقرار قيمتها.
اسم الرمز: Usualنوع الرمز: ERC-20 على شبكة إيثريومإجمالي المعروض من توكنات USUAL: 4,000,000,000الحد الأقصى للعرض: 4,000,000,000 توكن USUAL
مقارنة مع العملات المستقرة التقليدية
إذا قارنا بروتوكول Usual مع العملات المستقرة التقليدية مثل USDT أو USDC، نجد أن الفرق واضح. في حين أن العملات التقليدية تركز على تحقيق أرباح ضخمة للمؤسسات الكبرى، يعمل Usual على تحقيق العدالة المالية من خلال توزيع الأرباح بشكل عادل بين جميع المستخدمين.

تم الإعلان عن المشروع رقم 61 على الإنشبول، وثاني مشروع على Pre-Market! 🔥
💥 مشروع #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market هو مشروع مبتكر يهدف إلى تسهيل عمليات التحويل بين الأفراد عبر الإنترنت. يركز المشروع على توفير حلول مبتكرة للاستخدام، ويقدم خدمات مثل:
التحويلات الدوليةشريك الفاتورةإدارة الأموال والأمان
كل هذا يساعد المستخدمين في إدارة أموالهم بطريقة آمنة وفعّالة.
💥 كيفية شراء عملة $USUAL:
يمكنك شراء عملة $USUAL قبل بدء التداول في سوق Pre-Market على منصة بينانس، بداية من 2024-11-19 الساعة 10:00 (UTC).
💥 كيفية إجراء فامنج لعملة $USUAL:
يمكنك تسوية الفامنج لعملة $USUAL عن طريق حجز عملات BNB و FDUSD لمدة أربعة أيام، بدءًا من 2024-11-15 الساعة 00:00 (UTC).
💥 كيف تسجل في بينانس؟
إذا لم تكن قد سجلت بعد في منصة بينانس، يمكنك التسجيل من خلال الرابط التالي أو استخدام كود الإحالة
او من الرابط التالي
كيفيت بيعها
$DOGE 🔔 🚨 انخفاض العملة إلى منطقة حرجة - تحرك رئيسي قادم! 🚨 يتم تداول $DOGE حاليًا عند 0.34543، حيث شهدت انخفاضًا حادًا بنسبة -8.95% في آخر 24 ساعة. بعد اختبار أعلى مستوى عند 0.39148، انخفض السعر بالقرب من أدنى مستوى له على مدار 24 ساعة عند 0.34205، مما أثار مخاوف من تكثيف ضغوط البيع. مع تداول أكثر من 3.58 مليار DOGE في الحجم، يشير هذا إلى أن السوق تحت توتر شديد. يراقب المتداولون عن كثب الخطوة التالية - هل سترتد $DOGE من منطقة الدعم الخاصة بها أم ستواصل هبوطها إلى مستويات منخفضة غير مسبوقة؟ السوق متوترة، وقد تحدد الشموع القليلة القادمة نغمة مسار DOGE! كن حذرًا! #Bb🔥🔥 #BinanceBlockchainWeek #WorldLibertyXChainlink #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #DOGE: {future}(DOGEUSDT) {future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(SOLUSDT)
$DOGE 🔔 🚨

انخفاض العملة إلى منطقة حرجة - تحرك رئيسي قادم! 🚨

يتم تداول $DOGE حاليًا عند 0.34543، حيث شهدت انخفاضًا حادًا بنسبة -8.95% في آخر 24 ساعة.

بعد اختبار أعلى مستوى عند 0.39148، انخفض السعر بالقرب من أدنى مستوى له على مدار 24 ساعة عند 0.34205، مما أثار مخاوف من تكثيف ضغوط البيع.

مع تداول أكثر من 3.58 مليار DOGE في الحجم، يشير هذا إلى أن السوق تحت توتر شديد.

يراقب المتداولون عن كثب الخطوة التالية - هل سترتد $DOGE من منطقة الدعم الخاصة بها أم ستواصل هبوطها إلى مستويات منخفضة غير مسبوقة؟

السوق متوترة، وقد تحدد الشموع القليلة القادمة نغمة مسار DOGE! كن حذرًا!

#Bb🔥🔥 #BinanceBlockchainWeek #WorldLibertyXChainlink #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market
PEPE Coin ($PEPE) 2025 Price Prediction 🚀 Analysts are keeping a close eye on PEPE, predicting ❤️Follow🫂+LiKe ✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸 . ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you it could reach $0.0000015 to $0.0000037 by 2025, with potential highs of $0.0000042 in an optimistic market. Given its high growth potential and inherent volatility, PEPE could be an interesting choice for those who enjoy the thrill of speculative trading. Long-term holders might find themselves rewarded if PEPE continues to grow. > Insight: PEPE has shown solid momentum. With meme coins often attracting loyal communities and considerable hype, PEPE could be one to watch—especially if broader market trends continue their upward trend. --- ❤️Follow🫂+LiKe ✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸 . ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you#USInflationAboveTarget #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #MemecoinWars #BTCBreaks93k #PNUTSurge $PEPE {spot}(PEPEUSDT) $FLOKI {spot}(FLOKIUSDT) $WLD {future}(WLDUSDT)
PEPE Coin ($PEPE ) 2025 Price Prediction 🚀
Analysts are keeping a close eye on PEPE, predicting
✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸
. ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you
it could reach $0.0000015 to $0.0000037 by 2025, with potential highs of $0.0000042 in an optimistic market. Given its high growth potential and inherent volatility, PEPE could be an interesting choice for those who enjoy the thrill of speculative trading. Long-term holders might find themselves rewarded if PEPE continues to grow.
> Insight: PEPE has shown solid momentum. With meme coins often attracting loyal communities and considerable hype, PEPE could be one to watch—especially if broader market trends continue their upward trend.
✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸
. ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you#USInflationAboveTarget #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #MemecoinWars #BTCBreaks93k #PNUTSurge $PEPE
JJ_Crypto ボア

GM ☕️☕️

As expected breakout happened ✍️Now the direction is clear: 0.8$ first and 1$ then.

Yesterday, just one trade made my whole week target.
So no rush by my side but will consider a possible entry on the retest 👀⏳️

#tensor #solana $SOL $PNUT
📈 The Art of Accumulation in Crypto Markets Here's a chart that might look familiar to those who've been around the block in the crypto space. Notice the patterns? 🔍 Each yellow shaded area represents a phase of accumulation, where the price finds a base after a decline or volatility. 2016 ➡️ Breakout and a massive bull run. 2020 ➡️ Another breakout, even bigger gains. And now, 2024? The market seems to be playing its old tricks again. Could we be on the verge of another breakout? Remember, history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Keep your eyes peeled, and maybe your wallets ready. $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) #Binance240MUsers #WorldLibertyXChainlink #NextMarketMoves #PennsylvaniaBitcoinReserve #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market
📈 The Art of Accumulation in Crypto Markets

Here's a chart that might look familiar to those who've been around the block in the crypto space. Notice the patterns?

🔍 Each yellow shaded area represents a phase of accumulation, where the price finds a base after a decline or volatility.

2016 ➡️ Breakout and a massive bull run.
2020 ➡️ Another breakout, even bigger gains.

And now, 2024?

The market seems to be playing its old tricks again. Could we be on the verge of another breakout?

Remember, history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Keep your eyes peeled, and maybe your wallets ready.

#Binance240MUsers #WorldLibertyXChainlink #NextMarketMoves #PennsylvaniaBitcoinReserve #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market
Q8Three - غازي
كيف تشارك في Launchpool عملة USUAL؟
أعلنت منصة Binance الأسبوع الماضي عن مشروع جديد وهو $Usual. المشروع يتضمن فرصة LaunchPool كما أن بينانس ستكون من أوائل المنصات التي ستدرج العملة في سوق Pre-Market هذا الأسبوع.
في هذا المقال، سأناقش معكم تفاصيل المشروع والعملة بالإضافة إلى تفاصيل عن Launchpool وتوقعات لأسعار العملة.
ما هو مشروع Usual؟
المشروع هو بروتوكول لامركزي يعمل على إصدار عملات مستقرة مضمونة بأصول العالم الحقيقي RWA. تم إطلاق المشروع في يوليو 2024 وخلال فترة قصيرة استطاعت عملته المستقرة USDo الوصول إلى قائمة Top 10 من حيث القيمة السوقية.
الفكرة من عملة USDo التي تحاول تمييز نفسها عن العملات المستقرة الاخرى هي أن معظم العملات المستقرة الموجودة حالياً مركزية وتعتمد على أصول محفوظة في بنوك. لذلك، الفكرة القائمة عليها USDo هي أن تكون العملة مضمونة بأصول العالم الحقيقي لتزيل الحاجز بين القطاع المالي التقليدي وقطاع العملات الرقمية.
ما هي عملة USUAL؟
هي عملة الحوكمة والقيمة المستحقة لمشروع Usual. فبحسب وصف العملة في الورقة البيضاء، تعتبر العملة وكأنك تملك حصة في المشروع. الورقة البحثية التي نشرتها Binance توضح أن استخدامات العملة تتلخص في الآتي:
- التحكم في البروتوكول.
- قابلة للإصدار مقابل القيمة المحجوزة لـ USDO المخزنة.
- لها نموذج استحقاق مرتبط بالإيرادات المستقبلية.
- مكافآت التخزين.
- آلية توجيه توزيع السيولة.
- إدارة أنواع الضمانات وأوزانها.
- إدارة فعالة لخزانة البروتوكول.
 تفاصيل عملة USUAL
العملة سيتم إطلاقها على شبكة Ethereum، وإجمالي العملة هو 4 مليارات قطعة، لكن إجمالي المعروض عند الإدراج سيكون 496.6 مليون فقط. توزيع إجمالي عملة Usual سيكون كالتالي:
- بينانس لانشبول: 7.50%
- الإيردروب الأولي: 8.50%
- المستثمرون والمستشارون: 5.68%
- الفريق: 4.32%
- المنظمة والنظام البيئي: 7.50%
- السيولة: 2.00%
- حوافز المجتمع: 64.50%
لانشبول عملة USUAL
أعلنت منصة Binance عن Launchpool رقم 61 الذي سيكون لعملة USUAL. بدأ اللانشبول في 16 نوفمبر وسيستمر لمدة أربعة أيام حتى 19 نوفمبر. خلال هذه المدة، سيتم توزيع 300 مليون قطعة على المشاركين في Launchpool. كالعادة في الـLaunchpools، العملات المسموح بالمشاركة بها هي BNB وFDUSD. حيث سيتم تخصيص 85% من عملات USUAL للمشاركين بعملة $BNB، بينما سيتم تخصيص 15% فقط للمشاركين بعملة $FDUSD.
كيف تحصل على عملات رقمية مجانية؟
المشاركون في الـLaunchpool يحصلون على العملات الرقمية مجاناً بشرط تخزين عملات BNB أو FDUSD لمدة Launchpool. بعد نهاية الـLaunchpool، تستطيع استعادة عملات BNB أو FDUSD التي خزنتها بالإضافة إلى عملات المشروع الجديد التي حصلت عليها.
خلال حدث Launchpool لعملة USUAL، يتم توزيع 75 مليون قطعة على المشاركين، بحيث يتم توزيع 63.75 مليون قطعة للمشاركين بعملة BNB، و11.25 مليون قطعة للمشاركين بعملة FDUSD.
كيف تشارك في Launchpool عملة Usual؟
1. ابحث عن Launchpool.
2. اختر العملة التي تود تخزينها.
3. قم بإدخال عدد العملات التي تود تخزينها.

بعد تخزين العملة، سيتم إضافة العملات التي حصلت عليها مجاناً كل ساعة. تستطيع جمع العملة كل ساعة إذا أردت أو الانتظار حتى نهاية الـLaunchpool وجمعها دفعة واحدة.
بالرغم من أن الـLaunchpool لعملة USUAL ينتهي في 19 نوفمبر، إلا أنها لن تدرج في سوق Spot بشكل رسمي. لكن إذا كنت تود شراء أو بيع العملة قبل الإدراج، يمكنك القيام بذلك في سوق البيع المسبق Pre-Market. بكل بساطة، سوق Pre-Market يسمح لمستخدمي Launchpool ببيع عملاتهم قبل الإدراج، ويفتح المجال لغير المشاركين في Launchpool لشراء العملة قبل إدراجها على أي منصة.
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market توقعاتكم في اللانشبول الجديد $usual
توقعاتكم في اللانشبول الجديد $usual
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market oui
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market oui
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market القيمة السوقية للعملات المشفرة تصل إلى 3 تريليونات دولار، بعدما قفزت 80% منذ بداية العام، فهل يستمر دعم ترمب لهذه السوق؟
القيمة السوقية للعملات المشفرة تصل إلى 3 تريليونات دولار، بعدما قفزت 80% منذ بداية العام، فهل يستمر دعم ترمب لهذه السوق؟
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market توقعاتكم في اللانشبول الجديد $usual
توقعاتكم في اللانشبول الجديد $usual
Why do investors prefer the currency xrp? ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️ Investors may be drawn to XRP for several reasons: * Faster and cheaper transactions: XRP's network is designed for fast and low-cost transactions, making it an attractive option for cross-border payments. * Potential for growth: As the Ripple network gains traction and partnerships with financial institutions grow, XRP's value could increase. * Unique value proposition: XRP's role as a bridge currency in international transactions sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies. * Lower price point: Compared to other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, XRP is often more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of investors. However, it's important to note that XRP also carries risks, including: * Regulatory uncertainty: The ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC creates uncertainty about XRP's future. * Volatility: Like all cryptocurrencies, XRP is highly volatile, meaning its value can fluctuate significantly. * Centralization concerns: Some investors may be concerned about the degree of centralization in the XRP network. Ultimately, the decision of whether to invest in XRP depends on individual risk tolerance and investment goals. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider all factors before making any investment decisions. #XRPGoal #BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #ETHETFsApproved #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
Why do investors prefer the currency xrp?

Investors may be drawn to XRP for several reasons:
* Faster and cheaper transactions: XRP's network is designed for fast and low-cost transactions, making it an attractive option for cross-border payments.
* Potential for growth: As the Ripple network gains traction and partnerships with financial institutions grow, XRP's value could increase.
* Unique value proposition: XRP's role as a bridge currency in international transactions sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies.
* Lower price point: Compared to other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, XRP is often more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of investors.
However, it's important to note that XRP also carries risks, including:
* Regulatory uncertainty: The ongoing legal battle between Ripple and the SEC creates uncertainty about XRP's future.
* Volatility: Like all cryptocurrencies, XRP is highly volatile, meaning its value can fluctuate significantly.
* Centralization concerns: Some investors may be concerned about the degree of centralization in the XRP network.
Ultimately, the decision of whether to invest in XRP depends on individual risk tolerance and investment goals. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and consider all factors before making any investment decisions.

#XRPGoal #BTC☀ #BinanceSquareFamily #ETHETFsApproved #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Soars With 620M SHIB Burnt In A Week, What’s Next? Weekly Shiba Inu burn rate witnessed a 450% uptick as 624M tokens were burnt. Market watchers are eyeing a parabolic SHIB price rally ahead. The renowned dog-themed meme crypto SHIB continues to steal the spotlight amid a highly bullish market, further solidifying market optimism with a massive Shiba Inu burn rate surge on Saturday. Recent statistics indicate that the meme coin’s weekly burn rate soared nearly 450% in the wake of over 600 million coins burnt in the past seven days. In turn, crypto market enthusiasts speculate whether a parabolic bull run for the toke lies ahead as the broader sector remains highly bullish in Q4. Weekly Shiba Inu Burn Rate Soars As 624M Coins Destroyed According to an X post by the official Shibburn X handle on November 16, the weekly Shiba Inu burn rate witnessed a remarkable 464% uptick as 624.5 million tokens tokens were burned over the past seven days. The remarkable surge has dealt a significant blow to the meme coin’s total supply in the market. The latest data by the tracker’s X handle pointed out that Shiba Inu’s current market supply totaled 589.262 trillion coins. For context, the meme coin’s burn mechanism aids the broader ecosystem in killing the token supply, a bullish factor per the law of supply and demand. This chronicle has garnered noteworthy optimism toward the meme coin’s future price movements. Meanwhile, a recent #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #NextMarketMoves #MemecoinWars #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ $SHIB B
Shiba Inu Burn Rate Soars With 620M SHIB Burnt In A Week, What’s Next?

Weekly Shiba Inu burn rate witnessed a 450%
uptick as 624M tokens were burnt. Market watchers are eyeing a parabolic SHIB price rally ahead.

The renowned dog-themed meme crypto SHIB continues to steal the spotlight amid a highly bullish market, further solidifying market optimism with a massive Shiba Inu burn rate surge on Saturday. Recent statistics indicate that the meme coin’s weekly burn rate soared nearly 450% in the wake of over 600 million coins burnt in the past seven days. In turn, crypto market enthusiasts speculate whether a parabolic bull run for the toke lies ahead as the broader sector remains highly bullish in Q4.
Weekly Shiba Inu Burn Rate Soars As 624M Coins Destroyed
According to an X post by the official Shibburn X handle on November 16, the weekly Shiba Inu burn rate witnessed a remarkable 464% uptick as 624.5 million tokens tokens were burned over the past seven days. The remarkable surge has dealt a significant blow to the meme coin’s total supply in the market.

The latest data by the tracker’s X handle pointed out that Shiba Inu’s current market supply totaled 589.262 trillion coins. For context, the meme coin’s burn mechanism aids the broader ecosystem in killing the token supply, a bullish factor per the law of supply and demand. This chronicle has garnered noteworthy optimism toward the meme coin’s future price movements.
Meanwhile, a recent

#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #NextMarketMoves #MemecoinWars #BTC☀ #bitcoin☀️ $SHIB B
My 2025-2026 Game Plan 💰💰 1. Don’t Let Pullbacks Shake Me Out 🎗 Staying focused and strong during market dips, remembering: pullbacks are part of the journey. 2. Ride the Uptrend, Protecting My Spot Bag No impulsive trades, only growth and patience with my core positions. 3. Watch for BTC Dominance Drop 👀 When Bitcoin dominance finally dips, Altseason will likely be on the horizon. 4. Target a 5x on $SOL and 3x on $ETH 🚀 Patiently hold these plays, knowing they have potential for solid returns this cycle. 5. Hold Early-Stage Projects Until Retail FOMO Begins 🔥 I'm waiting until the hype truly kicks in to see max gains on my early bets. 6. Call the Cycle Top and Lock in Profits 💰 Sell strategically at peak, aiming for maximum returns. 7. Stack Cash, Convert Profits to USDT 💵 Securing profits by converting to stable assets, ready to deploy during future dips. 8. Diversify Into Real-World Assets During Recession Reinvesting into undervalued real-world assets to grow wealth beyond crypto. Bonus: Repeat What Worked Last Cycle This plan isn’t new; it’s a refined version of what’s worked in past bull runs. ✨ Currently in Stage 1 — Hold Tight & Build Conviction ✨ Join me on this journey, and let’s make this a powerful cycle. #PennsylvaniaBitcoinReserve #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETHETFsApproved #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT)
My 2025-2026 Game Plan 💰💰

1. Don’t Let Pullbacks Shake Me Out 🎗
Staying focused and strong during market dips, remembering: pullbacks are part of the journey.

2. Ride the Uptrend, Protecting My Spot Bag
No impulsive trades, only growth and patience with my core positions.
3. Watch for BTC Dominance Drop 👀
When Bitcoin dominance finally dips, Altseason will likely be on the horizon.
4. Target a 5x on $SOL and 3x on $ETH 🚀
Patiently hold these plays, knowing they have potential for solid returns this cycle.
5. Hold Early-Stage Projects Until Retail FOMO Begins 🔥
I'm waiting until the hype truly kicks in to see max gains on my early bets.
6. Call the Cycle Top and Lock in Profits 💰
Sell strategically at peak, aiming for maximum returns.
7. Stack Cash, Convert Profits to USDT 💵
Securing profits by converting to stable assets, ready to deploy during future dips.
8. Diversify Into Real-World Assets During Recession
Reinvesting into undervalued real-world assets to grow wealth beyond crypto.
Bonus: Repeat What Worked Last Cycle
This plan isn’t new; it’s a refined version of what’s worked in past bull runs.
✨ Currently in Stage 1 — Hold Tight & Build Conviction ✨
Join me on this journey, and let’s make this a powerful cycle.

#PennsylvaniaBitcoinReserve #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ETHETFsApproved #BTC☀
As Bitcoin Rises, Why is Ethereum Struggling To Catch Up? Analyst Explains$BTC $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) While Bitcoin has faced strong bullish momentum in recent weeks, achieving new all-time highs consistently for days, Ethereum has been an underperformer, unable to catch up with BTC’s bullish pace. Even compared to other crypto assets (altcoins) in the market, Ethereum has failed to make a major rally that melts faces. Instead, as Bitcoin achieved a peak above $93,000, leading the overall crypto market in a bullish market, Ethereum has only been able to surge to just $3,396 over the same period BTC broke multiple resistances to achieve consistent new highs. So far, ETH remains roughly a 37.5% decrease away from its all-time high of $4,878, seen 3 years ago in November 2021. At the time of writing, the asset faces a correction alongside the rest of the crypto market, including Bitcoin. ETH has declined by 2.3% in the past day, currently trading at $3,023. Why is Ethereum Struggling to Catch Up? The underperformance of Ethereum relative to Bitcoin has caught the attention of market analysts. One key observation comes from a CryptoQuant analyst known as Darkfost, who provided a possible explanation for Ethereum’s price stagnation. According to Darkfost, the taker buy-sell ratio is a crucial metric to consider, particularly on the Binance exchange. This ratio is an indicator of short-term market sentiment, and when it remains below 1, it suggests there is more selling pressure than buying interest. It can also indicate a hesitation among traders to accumulate ETH at current levels, which could contribute to a lagging price performance. The taker buy-sell ratio on Binance remains bearish, as it has been below 1 most of the time over the past month. This indicates that traders are more willing to sell than buy ETH, which could explain why ETH is currently underperforming compared to BTC. Is There Still Hope For ETH? Despite Ethereum’s struggle to match Bitcoin’s gains, some analysts remain optimistic about the long-term potential of ETH. For example, a well-known crypto analyst, Kingpin Crypto, expressed a bullish sentiment regarding ETH at its current price levels. In a recent post on X, Kingpin Crypto suggested that ETH trading around the $3,000 mark presents a notable buying opportunity. Similarly, another crypto analyst, Yoddha, shared an analysis indicating a potentially bullish pattern for Ethereum. According to the chart shared by Yoddha, ETH’s historical price movements often include a phase of retesting followed by a sharp surge in value. Yoddha highlighted that Ethereum may have already completed its retest phase, suggesting that a strong price rally could be on the horizon. The chart labelling “we are here” points out the current position of ETH within this pattern, implying that a significant upward move may soon follow. #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations

As Bitcoin Rises, Why is Ethereum Struggling To Catch Up? Analyst Explains


While Bitcoin has faced strong bullish momentum in recent weeks, achieving new all-time highs consistently for days, Ethereum has been an underperformer, unable to catch up with BTC’s bullish pace.

Even compared to other crypto assets (altcoins) in the market, Ethereum has failed to make a major rally that melts faces.

Instead, as Bitcoin achieved a peak above $93,000, leading the overall crypto market in a bullish market, Ethereum has only been able to surge to just $3,396 over the same period BTC broke multiple resistances to achieve consistent new highs.

So far, ETH remains roughly a 37.5% decrease away from its all-time high of $4,878, seen 3 years ago in November 2021. At the time of writing, the asset faces a correction alongside the rest of the crypto market, including Bitcoin. ETH has declined by 2.3% in the past day, currently trading at $3,023.

Why is Ethereum Struggling to Catch Up?
The underperformance of Ethereum relative to Bitcoin has caught the attention of market analysts. One key observation comes from a CryptoQuant analyst known as Darkfost, who provided a possible explanation for Ethereum’s price stagnation.

According to Darkfost, the taker buy-sell ratio is a crucial metric to consider, particularly on the Binance exchange. This ratio is an indicator of short-term market sentiment, and when it remains below 1, it suggests there is more selling pressure than buying interest.

It can also indicate a hesitation among traders to accumulate ETH at current levels, which could contribute to a lagging price performance.

The taker buy-sell ratio on Binance remains bearish, as it has been below 1 most of the time over the past month. This indicates that traders are more willing to sell than buy ETH, which could explain why ETH is currently underperforming compared to BTC.

Is There Still Hope For ETH?
Despite Ethereum’s struggle to match Bitcoin’s gains, some analysts remain optimistic about the long-term potential of ETH.

For example, a well-known crypto analyst, Kingpin Crypto, expressed a bullish sentiment regarding ETH at its current price levels. In a recent post on X, Kingpin Crypto suggested that ETH trading around the $3,000 mark presents a notable buying opportunity.

Similarly, another crypto analyst, Yoddha, shared an analysis indicating a potentially bullish pattern for Ethereum.

According to the chart shared by Yoddha, ETH’s historical price movements often include a phase of retesting followed by a sharp surge in value.

Yoddha highlighted that Ethereum may have already completed its retest phase, suggesting that a strong price rally could be on the horizon.

The chart labelling “we are here” points out the current position of ETH within this pattern, implying that a significant upward move may soon follow.

#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations
Pennsylvania Introduces Bill to Implement Strategic Bitcoin Reserve ❤️Follow🫂+LiKe ✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸 . ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you Pennsylvania’s legislature has introduced a bill allowing the state to invest in Bitcoin. Led by Representative Mike Cabell, this bill would permit Pennsylvania to allocate up to 10% of three state funds — the General Fund, Rainy Day Fund, and State Investment Fund — into Bitcoin (BTC).  Cabell argues that Bitcoin could act as a hedge against inflation, helping protect the state’s economy amid economic volatility. The bill, known as the Pennsylvania Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Act, aligns with a broader interest in Bitcoin as a store of value in the U.S., according to Fox. Earlier on Nov. 14, the Crypto Market Integrity Coalition called on Congress to establish a national regulatory framework for digital assets before the current legislative session ends.  You might also like: DOJ investigates Polymarket over alleged U.S. user participation ❤️Follow🫂+LiKe ✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸 . ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) $SOL {future}(SOLUSDT)
Pennsylvania Introduces Bill to Implement Strategic Bitcoin Reserve
✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸
. ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you
Pennsylvania’s legislature has introduced a bill allowing the state to invest in Bitcoin.
Led by Representative Mike Cabell, this bill would permit Pennsylvania to allocate up to 10% of three state funds — the General Fund, Rainy Day Fund, and State Investment Fund — into Bitcoin (BTC). 
Cabell argues that Bitcoin could act as a hedge against inflation, helping protect the state’s economy amid economic volatility.
The bill, known as the Pennsylvania Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Act, aligns with a broader interest in Bitcoin as a store of value in the U.S., according to Fox.
Earlier on Nov. 14, the Crypto Market Integrity Coalition called on Congress to establish a national regulatory framework for digital assets before the current legislative session ends. 
You might also like: DOJ investigates Polymarket over alleged U.S. user participation
✅My brother, follow our offers from 💸$100 to 💵$200 and above to get the best investment, brother.💸💸💸
. ❤️Follow❤️ + 👍Like 👍 so we can distribute gifts to the public. Thank you
#USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market $BTC
How to Withdraw Funds from Binance Directly to Your Bank Account in the Shortest Time Possible AcrBinance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, offering a wide range of services for buying and selling various digital assets. If you've been trading on Binance and want to cash out your profits, you may be wondering how to withdraw money directly to your bank account. This guide will walk you through the process step by step. Step 1: Complete Your KYC Verification Before you can withdraw funds from Binance, you'll need to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process. This step is crucial to comply with regulations and to ensure the security of your account. Log into your Binance account. Go to the "Profile" icon located at the top right corner. Select "Identification" from the dropdown menu. Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the required documents (such as an ID and proof of residence). Wait for your documents to be reviewed and verified. This may take a few minutes to a few days, depending on the volume of requests. Step 2: Convert Your Crypto to Fiat (If Necessary) If you have cryptocurrencies in your Binance wallet that you’d like to withdraw as cash, you’ll first need to convert them to fiat currency (e.g., USD, EUR, etc.). From the Binance dashboard, go to the "Trade" menu. Select "Classic" or "Advanced" trading options based on your preference. Choose the trading pair that corresponds to your crypto (e.g., BTC/USD). Once on the trading interface, you can choose the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell and execute the trade. After the trade is completed, the fiat currency will be credited to your fiat wallet on Binance. Step 3: Withdraw Funds to Your Bank Account Once you have the fiat currency in your Binance fiat wallet, you can proceed to withdraw it to your bank account. Click on the "Wallet" option in the top menu, then select "Fiat and Spot." Locate the fiat currency you wish to withdraw and click on "Withdraw." Select the "Bank Transfer" option. Fill in your bank account details, including your bank name, account number, and any other required information. Make sure to double-check these details to avoid errors. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and review any transaction fees. Confirm the withdrawal. You may be asked to complete a two-factor authentication (2FA) process for security purposes. Wait for the confirmation. Withdrawal times will vary based on your bank and region, but it typically takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for the funds to appear in your account. Step 4: Check Your Bank Account After completing the withdrawal process, the last step is to check your bank account to ensure that the funds have arrived. If the expected amount hasn’t arrived after a reasonable timeframe, you can check the withdrawal status on Binance by going back to the "Wallet" section and looking at your withdrawal history. Tips for Successful Withdrawals Check Fees: Binance may charge fees for withdrawals to bank accounts, depending on your location and the method you choose. Make sure to check these fees prior to initiating the withdrawal. Use Valid Account Information: Always ensure that the bank account information you provide is valid. Rejected transactions can lead to delays and complications in getting your funds back. Keep Your Account Secure: Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Binance account to add an extra layer of security. Conclusion Withdrawing money from Binance directly to your bank account is a straightforward process once you've completed KYC verification and converted your cryptocurrencies to fiat. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily access your funds as cash in your bank account. Always stay informed about the latest features and guidelines from Binance to ensure a smooth trading and withdrawal experience. #BinanceSquareFamily #Binance240MUsers #ennsylvaniaBitcoinReserve #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market #BTC☀ $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $XRP {spot}(XRPUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT)

How to Withdraw Funds from Binance Directly to Your Bank Account in the Shortest Time Possible Acr

Binance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, offering a wide range of services for buying and selling various digital assets. If you've been trading on Binance and want to cash out your profits, you may be wondering how to withdraw money directly to your bank account. This guide will walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Complete Your KYC Verification
Before you can withdraw funds from Binance, you'll need to complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) verification process. This step is crucial to comply with regulations and to ensure the security of your account.
Log into your Binance account.
Go to the "Profile" icon located at the top right corner.
Select "Identification" from the dropdown menu.
Follow the on-screen instructions to upload the required documents (such as an ID and proof of residence).
Wait for your documents to be reviewed and verified. This may take a few minutes to a few days, depending on the volume of requests.
Step 2: Convert Your Crypto to Fiat (If Necessary)
If you have cryptocurrencies in your Binance wallet that you’d like to withdraw as cash, you’ll first need to convert them to fiat currency (e.g., USD, EUR, etc.).

From the Binance dashboard, go to the "Trade" menu.
Select "Classic" or "Advanced" trading options based on your preference.
Choose the trading pair that corresponds to your crypto (e.g., BTC/USD).
Once on the trading interface, you can choose the amount of cryptocurrency you want to sell and execute the trade.
After the trade is completed, the fiat currency will be credited to your fiat wallet on Binance.
Step 3: Withdraw Funds to Your Bank Account
Once you have the fiat currency in your Binance fiat wallet, you can proceed to withdraw it to your bank account.
Click on the "Wallet" option in the top menu, then select "Fiat and Spot."
Locate the fiat currency you wish to withdraw and click on "Withdraw."
Select the "Bank Transfer" option.
Fill in your bank account details, including your bank name, account number, and any other required information. Make sure to double-check these details to avoid errors.
Enter the amount you wish to withdraw and review any transaction fees.
Confirm the withdrawal. You may be asked to complete a two-factor authentication (2FA) process for security purposes.
Wait for the confirmation. Withdrawal times will vary based on your bank and region, but it typically takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few days for the funds to appear in your account.
Step 4: Check Your Bank Account
After completing the withdrawal process, the last step is to check your bank account to ensure that the funds have arrived. If the expected amount hasn’t arrived after a reasonable timeframe, you can check the withdrawal status on Binance by going back to the "Wallet" section and looking at your withdrawal history.
Tips for Successful Withdrawals
Check Fees: Binance may charge fees for withdrawals to bank accounts, depending on your location and the method you choose. Make sure to check these fees prior to initiating the withdrawal.
Use Valid Account Information: Always ensure that the bank account information you provide is valid. Rejected transactions can lead to delays and complications in getting your funds back.
Keep Your Account Secure: Activate two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Binance account to add an extra layer of security.
Withdrawing money from Binance directly to your bank account is a straightforward process once you've completed KYC verification and converted your cryptocurrencies to fiat. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily access your funds as cash in your bank account. Always stay informed about the latest features and guidelines from Binance to ensure a smooth trading and withdrawal experience.
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Crypto Wave: Over 250 Pro-Crypto Candidates Heading to Congress$BTC $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) The world of American politics is witnessing a new development that could have a profound impact on the future of cryptocurrencies. In the recent elections, more than 250 crypto-friendly candidates entered Congress, indicating a major shift in political perspectives towards this emerging field. This new wave of crypto-friendly candidates could usher in a new golden age that reshapes the regulatory environment for financial innovation. The impact of the elections on the crypto market The inclusion of such a large number of crypto supporters in Congress indicates the potential for more supportive policies for the industry, which could contribute to increasing confidence and investment in this sector. As political acceptance increases, we may see a more open approach to regulations that hinder the growth of cryptocurrencies and related financial technology. Why this shift now? This wave comes at a time when cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity among individual investors and large corporations alike. With the increasing institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, politicians are realizing the importance of supporting this burgeoning sector, especially in light of the global competition for innovation in the field of financial technology. Impact on Legislation and Policy With more crypto-friendly candidates entering politics, regulations are expected to improve in favor of businesses and investors in this space. We may see the strict restrictions on cryptocurrency trading eased, and a clear regulatory framework is provided that supports innovation without stifling the market. This could lead to: Increased transparency: Enacting legislation that supports financial disclosure in the cryptocurrency market to protect investors. Protecting user rights: Enhancing laws that protect consumers from fraud and increase the security of using cryptocurrencies. Supporting innovation: Providing a flexible regulatory environment that encourages startups to invest in blockchain technologies. Impact on the future of cryptocurrencies The growing political acceptance of cryptocurrencies could drive their wider adoption in the traditional financial system. With supporters in Congress, we could see greater encouragement for blockchain applications in sectors such as finance, real estate, and even government. This is not only a positive development for the industry, but it could also boost the digital economy as a whole. Challenges Remain Despite this positive news, there are still challenges facing the cryptocurrency industry, including: Government regulation: Even with congressional backers, it may take time to change current regulations. Cybersecurity: The rise of cyberattacks on exchanges and digital wallets could impact user confidence. Market volatility: Cryptocurrencies continue to experience significant price volatility, making them risky for investors. Bottom line The entry of more than 250 crypto-friendly candidates into Congress represents a significant step toward a brighter future for the cryptocurrency industry. This political shift could pave the way for a new era of innovation and regulatory acceptance, which will benefit investors and companies in this vital sector. The questions that remain now are: How will the government deal with this new wave? And will we really see a radical change in financial policies? Only time will tell, but the future is clearly looking brighter for the cryptocurrency world. In the recent 2024 elections, the United States witnessed an unprecedented wave of pro-crypto candidates, with more than 250 pro-crypto candidates elected to Congress. Of these, 226 pro-crypto members won seats in the House of Representatives, in addition to 16 senators, indicating a strong trend towards adopting more pro-crypto policies. Some of the most notable names that won in the recent elections: 1. Bernie Moreno - won a seat in the Senate from Ohio after his pro-crypto campaign against Sherrod Brown, who is known for his anti-crypto positions. 2. Dave McCormick - won a seat in the Senate from Pennsylvania, stressing the importance of adopting blockchain technology to enhance national security and create new jobs. 3. Rich Torres and Dan Goldman - re-elected to the House of Representatives from New York, both of whom are pro-crypto policies. 4. Ted Cruz - The Texas senator known for his support for Bitcoin, managed to keep his seat with the support of the crypto community. These victories are considered a major shift in the US political landscape in favor of cryptocurrencies, as economic circles expect this shift to accelerate the development of a clearer regulatory framework for the digital asset market in the United States. For more details, you can read the full articles on sources such as The Daily Hodl and Brave New Coin. What do you think? 🤔 Do you expect cryptocurrencies to see a major shift in the coming years? Share your thoughts in the comments! #NextMarketMoves #WorldLibertyXChainlink #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market

Crypto Wave: Over 250 Pro-Crypto Candidates Heading to Congress

The world of American politics is witnessing a new development that could have a profound impact on the future of cryptocurrencies. In the recent elections, more than 250 crypto-friendly candidates entered Congress, indicating a major shift in political perspectives towards this emerging field.

This new wave of crypto-friendly candidates could usher in a new golden age that reshapes the regulatory environment for financial innovation.

The impact of the elections on the crypto market

The inclusion of such a large number of crypto supporters in Congress indicates the potential for more supportive policies for the industry, which could contribute to increasing confidence and investment in this sector. As political acceptance increases, we may see a more open approach to regulations that hinder the growth of cryptocurrencies and related financial technology.

Why this shift now?

This wave comes at a time when cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity among individual investors and large corporations alike. With the increasing institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, politicians are realizing the importance of supporting this burgeoning sector, especially in light of the global competition for innovation in the field of financial technology.

Impact on Legislation and Policy

With more crypto-friendly candidates entering politics, regulations are expected to improve in favor of businesses and investors in this space. We may see the strict restrictions on cryptocurrency trading eased, and a clear regulatory framework is provided that supports innovation without stifling the market. This could lead to:

Increased transparency: Enacting legislation that supports financial disclosure in the cryptocurrency market to protect investors.

Protecting user rights: Enhancing laws that protect consumers from fraud and increase the security of using cryptocurrencies.

Supporting innovation: Providing a flexible regulatory environment that encourages startups to invest in blockchain technologies.

Impact on the future of cryptocurrencies

The growing political acceptance of cryptocurrencies could drive their wider adoption in the traditional financial system.

With supporters in Congress, we could see greater encouragement for blockchain applications in sectors such as finance, real estate, and even government.

This is not only a positive development for the industry, but it could also boost the digital economy as a whole.
Challenges Remain
Despite this positive news, there are still challenges facing the cryptocurrency industry, including:

Government regulation: Even with congressional backers, it may take time to change current regulations.

Cybersecurity: The rise of cyberattacks on exchanges and digital wallets could impact user confidence.

Market volatility: Cryptocurrencies continue to experience significant price volatility, making them risky for investors.

Bottom line
The entry of more than 250 crypto-friendly candidates into Congress represents a significant step toward a brighter future for the cryptocurrency industry.

This political shift could pave the way for a new era of innovation and regulatory acceptance, which will benefit investors and companies in this vital sector.

The questions that remain now are:
How will the government deal with this new wave? And will we really see a radical change in financial policies?

Only time will tell, but the future is clearly looking brighter for the cryptocurrency world.
In the recent 2024 elections, the United States witnessed an unprecedented wave of pro-crypto candidates, with more than 250 pro-crypto candidates elected to Congress. Of these, 226 pro-crypto members won seats in the House of Representatives, in addition to 16 senators, indicating a strong trend towards adopting more pro-crypto policies.

Some of the most notable names that won in the recent elections:

1. Bernie Moreno - won a seat in the Senate from Ohio after his pro-crypto campaign against Sherrod Brown, who is known for his anti-crypto positions.

2. Dave McCormick - won a seat in the Senate from Pennsylvania, stressing the importance of adopting blockchain technology to enhance national security and create new jobs.

3. Rich Torres and Dan Goldman - re-elected to the House of Representatives from New York, both of whom are pro-crypto policies.

4. Ted Cruz - The Texas senator known for his support for Bitcoin, managed to keep his seat with the support of the crypto community.

These victories are considered a major shift in the US political landscape in favor of cryptocurrencies, as economic circles expect this shift to accelerate the development of a clearer regulatory framework for the digital asset market in the United States.

For more details, you can read the full articles on sources such as
The Daily Hodl and Brave New Coin.

What do you think? 🤔
Do you expect cryptocurrencies to see a major shift in the coming years? Share your thoughts in the comments!
#NextMarketMoves #WorldLibertyXChainlink #USUALonLaunchpool&Pre-Market
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