Binance Square
70,696 مشاهدات
9 يقومون بالنقاش
Telegram's Increased Data Disclosure to Authorities: A New Era of TransparencyTelegram has seen a notable shift in its approach to cooperating with law enforcement agencies worldwide. Following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, the company has begun sharing more user data with authorities. A recent transparency report reveals that in 2024, Telegram provided U.S. law enforcement with the IP addresses and phone numbers of 2,253 users, responding to 900 requests. This marks a stark increase from just 14 similar requests processed between January and September 2024. The shift in Telegram's stance on data sharing comes after Durov's arrest in France, where he faced accusations of hindering child abuse investigations. After this event, Durov publicly acknowledged the company’s new policy of complying with government requests for user data, a significant change from their previous position of resisting such demands. While Durov's legal situation remains unresolved, it has led to a broader discussion about privacy and data security on the platform. Telegram users worldwide have begun to share their country-specific data from the transparency reports. For example, the U.K. saw 142 requests affecting 293 users, while Germany had 945 requests leading to data disclosure for 2,237 users. In contrast, Russia made no requests, highlighting the differences in international law enforcement practices. While Telegram has long been praised for its strong stance on user privacy, this shift reflects growing pressure from governments for more transparency and accountability. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact Telegram’s reputation, but the transparency reports offer a glimpse into a more responsive and cooperative era for the app. #Telegram #Privacy #LawEnforcement #Transparency #DataSecurity

Telegram's Increased Data Disclosure to Authorities: A New Era of Transparency

Telegram has seen a notable shift in its approach to cooperating with law enforcement agencies worldwide. Following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, the company has begun sharing more user data with authorities. A recent transparency report reveals that in 2024, Telegram provided U.S. law enforcement with the IP addresses and phone numbers of 2,253 users, responding to 900 requests. This marks a stark increase from just 14 similar requests processed between January and September 2024.
The shift in Telegram's stance on data sharing comes after Durov's arrest in France, where he faced accusations of hindering child abuse investigations. After this event, Durov publicly acknowledged the company’s new policy of complying with government requests for user data, a significant change from their previous position of resisting such demands. While Durov's legal situation remains unresolved, it has led to a broader discussion about privacy and data security on the platform.
Telegram users worldwide have begun to share their country-specific data from the transparency reports. For example, the U.K. saw 142 requests affecting 293 users, while Germany had 945 requests leading to data disclosure for 2,237 users. In contrast, Russia made no requests, highlighting the differences in international law enforcement practices.
While Telegram has long been praised for its strong stance on user privacy, this shift reflects growing pressure from governments for more transparency and accountability. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact Telegram’s reputation,
but the transparency reports offer a glimpse into a more responsive and
cooperative era for the app.
#Telegram #Privacy #LawEnforcement #Transparency #DataSecurity
Криптоскандал в Южной Корее: чиновник отправлен за решетку! 🇰🇷🔒 В Южной Корее разгорелся очередной скандал с криптовалютами! Один из чиновников был приговорен к 6 месяцам тюрьмы за сокрытие криптоактивов на сумму 9,9 млрд вон ($6,8 млн) и 990 млн вон ($680 тыс.). 😱💰 Что случилось? Этот госслужащий нарушил закон, обязавший декларировать все имущество. Вместо честного отчета он решил "спрятать" цифровое золото от государства. 🤫🪙 Почему это важно? 1️⃣ Прозрачность – ключевая цель в управлении криптоактивами. 🔍 2️⃣ Подобные случаи подрывают доверие к криптовалютам и их использованию. 💡 3️⃣ Южная Корея демонстрирует, что с законом не шутят – даже в мире блокчейна. ⚖️ Вывод: Криптовалюта – это свобода, но ответственность никто не отменял. А как вы думаете, должны ли чиновники строже отчитываться о своих активах? 💬👇 #CryptoScandal #Transparency #BlockchainRegulations #CryptoNews $BTC $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
Криптоскандал в Южной Корее: чиновник отправлен за решетку! 🇰🇷🔒

В Южной Корее разгорелся очередной скандал с криптовалютами! Один из чиновников был приговорен к 6 месяцам тюрьмы за сокрытие криптоактивов на сумму 9,9 млрд вон ($6,8 млн) и 990 млн вон ($680 тыс.). 😱💰

Что случилось?
Этот госслужащий нарушил закон, обязавший декларировать все имущество. Вместо честного отчета он решил "спрятать" цифровое золото от государства. 🤫🪙

Почему это важно?
1️⃣ Прозрачность – ключевая цель в управлении криптоактивами. 🔍
2️⃣ Подобные случаи подрывают доверие к криптовалютам и их использованию. 💡
3️⃣ Южная Корея демонстрирует, что с законом не шутят – даже в мире блокчейна. ⚖️

Криптовалюта – это свобода, но ответственность никто не отменял. А как вы думаете, должны ли чиновники строже отчитываться о своих активах? 💬👇

learning crypto part 4🖊️ Anonymity and Transparency: While cryptocurrency transactions are pseudonymous, meaning they are not directly tied to real-world identities, the transaction history is publicly recorded on the blockchain. This provides transparency while still preserving the privacy of individual users.🫀🤍 #crypto #anonymity #transparency
learning crypto part 4🖊️

Anonymity and Transparency: While cryptocurrency transactions are pseudonymous, meaning they are not directly tied to real-world identities, the transaction history is publicly recorded on the blockchain. This provides transparency while still preserving the privacy of individual users.🫀🤍

#crypto #anonymity #transparency
Finally! We've been waiting for this moment! Conclusive findings from the independent forensic analysis will be shared within 24-48 hours! Thank you, WazirX, for: Transparency Accountability Hard work Stay alert, everyone! More updates coming soon! #Binance #Forensic #transparency #Crypto #UpdateAlert
Finally! We've been waiting for this moment!

Conclusive findings from the independent forensic analysis will be shared within 24-48 hours!

Thank you, WazirX, for:

Hard work

Stay alert, everyone! More updates coming soon!

#Binance #Forensic #transparency #Crypto #UpdateAlert
NULS Rebranding: Get ready for what's coming...NULS is a blockchain platform that leverages microservices architecture to facilitate rapid evolution, #Scalability , and enhanced organizational capabilities. By adopting microservices principles, NULS organizes around autonomous cross-functional teams, akin to a construction site where independent, parallel workstreams converge to achieve unified goals. This approach allows NULS to break down complex systems into smaller, more manageable components, fostering agility, innovation, and efficient development processes. A New Look and Feel: The cornerstone of NULS #rebranding effort is its refreshing design, which aims to reflect the project's commitment to modernity, functionality, and user-friendliness. The redesigned interface promises to provide users with a visually captivating and intuitive experience, making interaction with the platform smoother and more enjoyable. Innovative Features in Development: In addition to its aesthetic overhaul, NULS is actively developing groundbreaking features that will elevate its functionality to new heights. While specifics are yet to be unveiled, the project has hinted at exciting developments that will enhance scalability, interoperability, and security within the ecosystem. These advancements underscore NULS dedication to remaining at the forefront of blockchain innovation. Enhanced Product Experience: NULS understands the importance of continually improving its products to meet the evolving needs of its users. As part of its rebranding efforts, the project is committed to delivering a seamless and enriched product experience. From enhanced performance to streamlined processes, NULS aims to exceed user expectations and set new standards for excellence within the blockchain space. A Revamped Website: Accompanying the rebranding is the launch of a brand new website that will serve as the digital hub for all things NULS. The redesigned website will not only showcase the project's updated branding but also provide comprehensive resources, educational materials, and community engagement opportunities. Users can expect a visually stunning and user-friendly interface that reflects NULS commitment to #transparency and accessibility. What's Next? With the official rebranding now underway, the NULS community is eagerly anticipating the unveiling of these transformative changes. From the unveiling of the new design to the introduction of innovative features, NULS enthusiasts have much to look forward to in the coming weeks and months. As the project continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in blockchain #Technology , the future looks brighter than ever for NULS and its community. Get ready for what's coming – the future of #NULS is set to soar to new heights! 🚀 $NULS $BTC $ETH

NULS Rebranding: Get ready for what's coming...

NULS is a blockchain platform that leverages microservices architecture to facilitate rapid evolution, #Scalability , and enhanced organizational capabilities. By adopting microservices principles, NULS organizes around autonomous cross-functional teams, akin to a construction site where independent, parallel workstreams converge to achieve unified goals. This approach allows NULS to break down complex systems into smaller, more manageable components, fostering agility, innovation, and efficient development processes.

A New Look and Feel:
The cornerstone of NULS #rebranding effort is its refreshing design, which aims to reflect the project's commitment to modernity, functionality, and user-friendliness. The redesigned interface promises to provide users with a visually captivating and intuitive experience, making interaction with the platform smoother and more enjoyable.

Innovative Features in Development:
In addition to its aesthetic overhaul, NULS is actively developing groundbreaking features that will elevate its functionality to new heights. While specifics are yet to be unveiled, the project has hinted at exciting developments that will enhance scalability, interoperability, and security within the ecosystem. These advancements underscore NULS dedication to remaining at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

Enhanced Product Experience:
NULS understands the importance of continually improving its products to meet the evolving needs of its users. As part of its rebranding efforts, the project is committed to delivering a seamless and enriched product experience. From enhanced performance to streamlined processes, NULS aims to exceed user expectations and set new standards for excellence within the blockchain space.

A Revamped Website:
Accompanying the rebranding is the launch of a brand new website that will serve as the digital hub for all things NULS. The redesigned website will not only showcase the project's updated branding but also provide comprehensive resources, educational materials, and community engagement opportunities. Users can expect a visually stunning and user-friendly interface that reflects NULS commitment to #transparency and accessibility.

What's Next?
With the official rebranding now underway, the NULS community is eagerly anticipating the unveiling of these transformative changes. From the unveiling of the new design to the introduction of innovative features, NULS enthusiasts have much to look forward to in the coming weeks and months. As the project continues to push the boundaries of what's possible in blockchain #Technology , the future looks brighter than ever for NULS and its community.

Get ready for what's coming – the future of #NULS is set to soar to new heights! 🚀
+300% past 30 Days! Max Drawdown hit due to BTC not crashing last week. Now it finally did and the bot recovering system & my manual adjustment helped to stay on track. Thank you guys for supporting us! #copytrading #transparency
+300% past 30 Days! Max Drawdown hit due to BTC not crashing last week. Now it finally did and the bot recovering system & my manual adjustment helped to stay on track. Thank you guys for supporting us! #copytrading #transparency
حافظتي الاستثمارية للعقود الآجلة
0 / 200
الحد الأدنى 10 USDT
ما حققه مُتداول النسخ خلال آخر 7 أيام
العائد على الاستثمار خلال 7 أيام
الأصول المُدارة
مُعدّل الفوز
$HMSTR Currency Promotes Transparency with Tokenomics Breakdown $HMSTR currency has taken a significant step toward transparency by unveiling its tokenomics, aimed at building trust among investors and stakeholders. In a recent announcement directed to CEOs, the project detailed the allocation of vested tokens: 1. **Season 1 Rewards**: 6.75% will unlock 10 months post-listing. 2. **Upcoming Season 2**: 15% is reserved for future rewards. 3. **Partnerships and Grants**: 6% will be distributed over 48 months to industry leaders. 4. **Hamster Treasury**: 8% is allocated for development with a 49-month linear vesting schedule. The $HMSTR team has made it clear that they are devoted to rewarding their community and building a sustainable ecosystem. This proactive approach not only enhances transparency but also fosters a sense of trust among investors, which is crucial in an industry often marred by uncertainty. As the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, initiatives like HMSTR's tokenomics transparency showcase the potential for projects to differentiate themselves by prioritizing community engagement and responsible governance. The Hamster Family is clearly on a mission to establish a thriving ecosystem that benefits all participants, and the industry will be watching closely as they implement their plans. In conclusion, the unveiling of these wallet addresses (you can find it social media telgram, twitter..) and the comprehensive breakdown of tokenomics signal HMSTR's commitment to building a reputable and sustainable cryptocurrency. As they move forward, their strategic decisions will undoubtedly shape the future of the Hamster project and its community. its up to you to make the currency lead the world {spot}(HMSTRUSDT) #hmster #transparency #invest #HMSTRStrong #HMSTRGrowth
$HMSTR Currency Promotes Transparency with Tokenomics Breakdown

$HMSTR currency has taken a significant step toward transparency by unveiling its tokenomics, aimed at building trust among investors and stakeholders. In a recent announcement directed to CEOs, the project detailed the allocation of vested tokens:

1. **Season 1 Rewards**: 6.75% will unlock 10 months post-listing.

2. **Upcoming Season 2**: 15% is reserved for future rewards.

3. **Partnerships and Grants**: 6% will be distributed over 48 months to industry leaders.

4. **Hamster Treasury**: 8% is allocated for development with a 49-month linear vesting schedule.

The $HMSTR team has made it clear that they are devoted to rewarding their community and building a sustainable ecosystem. This proactive approach not only enhances transparency but also fosters a sense of trust among investors, which is crucial in an industry often marred by uncertainty.

As the cryptocurrency space continues to evolve, initiatives like HMSTR's tokenomics transparency showcase the potential for projects to differentiate themselves by prioritizing community engagement and responsible governance. The Hamster Family is clearly on a mission to establish a thriving ecosystem that benefits all participants, and the industry will be watching closely as they implement their plans.

In conclusion, the unveiling of these wallet addresses (you can find it social media telgram, twitter..) and the comprehensive breakdown of tokenomics signal HMSTR's commitment to building a reputable and sustainable cryptocurrency. As they move forward, their strategic decisions will undoubtedly shape the future of the Hamster project and its community.

its up to you to make the currency lead the world

#hmster #transparency #invest #HMSTRStrong #HMSTRGrowth
Dubai Regulator Orders 7 Unlicensed Crypto Exchanges to Stop OperationsThe Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) has taken action against seven unlicensed crypto entities for operating without licenses and violating marketing regulations. VARA has issued cease-and-desist orders and imposed fines on these entities. The regulator warned the public of the risks associated with dealing with unlicensed crypto businesses, emphasizing the potential for financial and reputational harm. Protecting Crypto Investors The Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (#VARA ) has issued cease-and-desist orders against seven entities accused of operating without licenses and violating marketing regulations. In a warning issued on Oct. 9, VARA advised the public to avoid dealing with the unnamed and unlicensed virtual asset businesses. VARA argued that dealing with such entities could expose users and institutions to financial and reputational risks, as well as potential legal consequences. The regulator added that it would continue to prioritize protecting consumers and investors. Commenting on VARA’s latest enforcement action against unlicensed operators, the regulator’s Regulatory Affairs and Enforcement team said: Our priority is to ensure that Dubai’s virtual assets ecosystem remains secure for consumers and investors while being a progressive environment for compliant entities. Market enforcement actions send a reinforcing message: VARA will not tolerate any attempts to operate without appropriate licenses, nor will we allow unauthorized marketing of virtual asset activities. VARA added that its marketing #Regulations further emphasize #Dubai. 's commitment to ensuring #transparency and always protecting #stakeholders interests. According to the regulator, the targeted entities have been fined amounts ranging from just over $13,600 to more than $27,000 each. VARA clarified that the severity of the penalties imposed was dependent on the nature and extent of the violations. Meanwhile, the statement also revealed that VARA is conducting further investigations in conjunction with local authorities.

Dubai Regulator Orders 7 Unlicensed Crypto Exchanges to Stop Operations

The Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) has taken action against seven unlicensed crypto entities for operating without licenses and violating marketing regulations. VARA has issued cease-and-desist orders and imposed fines on these entities. The regulator warned the public of the risks associated with dealing with unlicensed crypto businesses, emphasizing the potential for financial and reputational harm.

Protecting Crypto Investors
The Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (#VARA ) has issued cease-and-desist orders against seven entities accused of operating without licenses and violating marketing regulations. In a warning issued on Oct. 9, VARA advised the public to avoid dealing with the unnamed and unlicensed virtual asset businesses.

VARA argued that dealing with such entities could expose users and institutions to financial and reputational risks, as well as potential legal consequences. The regulator added that it would continue to prioritize protecting consumers and investors.

Commenting on VARA’s latest enforcement action against unlicensed operators, the regulator’s Regulatory Affairs and Enforcement team said:

Our priority is to ensure that Dubai’s virtual assets ecosystem remains secure for consumers and investors while being a progressive environment for compliant entities. Market enforcement actions send a reinforcing message: VARA will not tolerate any attempts to operate without appropriate licenses, nor will we allow unauthorized marketing of virtual asset activities.

VARA added that its marketing #Regulations further emphasize #Dubai. 's commitment to ensuring #transparency and always protecting #stakeholders interests.

According to the regulator, the targeted entities have been fined amounts ranging from just over $13,600 to more than $27,000 each. VARA clarified that the severity of the penalties imposed was dependent on the nature and extent of the violations.

Meanwhile, the statement also revealed that VARA is conducting further investigations in conjunction with local authorities.
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
💬 تفاعل مع مُنشِئي المُحتوى المُفضّلين لديك
👍 استمتع بالمحتوى الذي يثير اهتمامك
البريد الإلكتروني / رقم الهاتف