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知道为什么 $SOL 只会涨不会崩吗?因为跌了狱警亏钱 SBF会挨打 。放其他项目方进去试试,个个拉的妈都不认识$SOL #热门话题 #sbf
知道为什么 $SOL 只会涨不会崩吗?因为跌了狱警亏钱 SBF会挨打 。放其他项目方进去试试,个个拉的妈都不认识$SOL #热门话题 #sbf
Forbes Recognizes 14 Crypto Leaders in Prestigious List. 🤴🏻🪙 Forbes, renowned for recognizing top talent, unveils its annual "30 Under 30" list, featuring 14 individuals from the crypto and blockchain space despite recent market trends. Ham Serunjogi, co-founder of Chipper Cash, tops the list at 28, with a $2.2 billion market value and 5 million users, offering money transfers and crypto trading services. Other notable figures include Maxwell Stein, Kevin Sekniqi, Victor Faramond, and Compound co-founders Jordan Gonen and Jacob Schein, contributing to the dynamic crypto landscape. Surprisingly, last year's media darling, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), is on the newly introduced "Shame List" for acknowledged mistakes. Caroline Ellison's inclusion highlights diverse representation in the crypto industry, emphasizing Forbes' commitment to careful curation. Forbes pledges increased scrutiny in future under-30 lists, addressing concerns raised by the placement of SBF. The crypto sector's global influence is evident, with Forbes recognizing the pivotal role young leaders play in shaping its future. The diverse talents showcased affirm the growing impact of crypto and blockchain technology across borders. #Forbes #sbf #CarolineEllison #cryptocurreny
Forbes Recognizes 14 Crypto Leaders in Prestigious List. 🤴🏻🪙

Forbes, renowned for recognizing top talent, unveils its annual "30 Under 30" list, featuring 14 individuals from the crypto and blockchain space despite recent market trends.

Ham Serunjogi, co-founder of Chipper Cash, tops the list at 28, with a $2.2 billion market value and 5 million users, offering money transfers and crypto trading services.

Other notable figures include Maxwell Stein, Kevin Sekniqi, Victor Faramond, and Compound co-founders Jordan Gonen and Jacob Schein, contributing to the dynamic crypto landscape.

Surprisingly, last year's media darling, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), is on the newly introduced "Shame List" for acknowledged mistakes.

Caroline Ellison's inclusion highlights diverse representation in the crypto industry, emphasizing Forbes' commitment to careful curation.

Forbes pledges increased scrutiny in future under-30 lists, addressing concerns raised by the placement of SBF.

The crypto sector's global influence is evident, with Forbes recognizing the pivotal role young leaders play in shaping its future.

The diverse talents showcased affirm the growing impact of crypto and blockchain technology across borders.

#Forbes #sbf #CarolineEllison #cryptocurreny
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Leave a Comment. If you always loss money in your trading. Maybe my strategy will help you.

Don’t Forget to like and Follow for daily accurate trades

Market order
Entry: 2.302
Leverage 50x
Cross margin

Take Profits
1) 2.329
2) 2.375
3) 2.420
4) 2.449
5) 2.495
6) To the moon 🌚

Stop loss

#dydx #gbtc #fomo #etf #sbf
ARKM/USDT good to bouncing up Entry under now and use CMP Lev 10× ✴ target 1 - 0.41$ 2 - 0.44$ 3 - 0.48$ 4 - 0.52$ 5 - 0.57$ 6 - 0.61$ 7 - 0.68$ ✴ spot and future stop - 0.34$ $ARKM #etf #xrp #PYUSD #sbf #JUP

good to bouncing up

Entry under now and use CMP
Lev 10×
✴ target
1 - 0.41$
2 - 0.44$
3 - 0.48$
4 - 0.52$
5 - 0.57$
6 - 0.61$
7 - 0.68$

✴ spot and future
stop - 0.34$


BTC sell now 🏧DISCLAIMER please If you have a problem with making a lot of money then this community isn’t for you! Entry: Now Market order Leverage: 125x Cross margin Take Profits 1) 33698 2) 32996 3) 32336 4) 32016 5) 31703 Stop loss 34833.10 High Risk Market Order Risk 1% on this trade #gbtc #etf $BTC $BNB $ETH #fomo #sbf
BTC sell now


please If you have a problem with making a lot of money then this community isn’t for you!

Entry: Now
Market order
Leverage: 125x
Cross margin

Take Profits
1) 33698
2) 32996
3) 32336
4) 32016
5) 31703

Stop loss

High Risk Market Order
Risk 1% on this trade
#gbtc #etf $BTC $BNB $ETH #fomo #sbf
从百亿身家到申请破产,这个币圈老哥只花了5天 (楠哥福利:再文章的结尾点赞或者评论,将能领到楠哥送的狗狗币)把一个亿万富翁,变成到亿万负翁需要多长时间?22年11月币圈的一场 “ 惊天大战 ” ,让楠哥知道了这个问题的答案。。。那就是很可能只需要 “ 一条推特的时间 ” 。而且这场大战,还血坑了红杉资本、软银、淡马锡、安大略省教师养老基金等等大佬一波。 很多家人们都听过这个人就是咱们的爆炸头哥-----SBF!!! 这个老哥从去年一直在监狱里不怎么说话,交代的事情很少。但爆炸头哥,准备在最新的庭审中,为自己翻盘辩护了。 FTX还能有救??让楠哥带所有的家人们回顾下事件,讲解下FTX暴雷的最主要的原因。#sbf 注意看,图片上这个爆炸头老哥,就是这次大地震中的大冤种主角。他便是知名加密货币交易所 FTX 和对冲基金 Alameda 的创始人, Sam Bankman-Fried 。(记住这个基金的名字,也是FTX会暴雷的罪魁祸首)在圈内,大伙们习惯简称他为 SBF 。 简单地说,这老哥本身就是传统的金融交易员出身,发现BTC大涨后,就创办了加密货币交易平台 FTX 。后来, FTX 一步步拿融资,一步步占领市场,很快就做到了业内的老三、老四的位置。 FTX 当时的估值在 320 亿美元左右,大家可能不知道这是啥概念啊,这么说吧,百度的市值也就 300 亿美元出头。SBF 呢,也凭借着 150 多亿美元的身家,挤进了世界富豪榜前 500 名。 他的外号有很多,因为在 LUNA 币暴跌事件中,撒钱救了不少即将破产的公司,于是便有人称他为 “ 币圈央妈 ” 。 因为是交易员出身,也有人把他比作是 “ 下一个巴菲特 ” 。 反正他标志性的爆炸头,常常出现于各类杂志和报纸的封面。这哥们有钱后开始喜欢出名了,也为后面的事件埋下了伏笔!!这哥们还沉醉在暴富的的享受中,但做梦也没想到,在短短的几天之内,自己一手创办的 “ 币圈巨轮 ” FTX 会直接搁浅。百亿身家就像他的发型一样,也瞬间爆炸蒸发。 一切的一切呢,其实都起源于币圈媒体 CoinDesk 的一份报告。 报告发现, SBF 成立的另一个名叫 Alameda 的公司,主要业务是一些高风险、高杠杆的投资,但它户头上记录的主要资产,竟然有 88% 是自家交易所 FTX 发行的 FTT 代币。 算总量的话,市场上 70% 的 FTT 都在 Alameda 手上。 消息一出,很快,币圈老哥们开始担忧起来。 一个 “ 不一定对 ” 的猜想,蔓延了开来:(暴雷的核心!!!) Alameda 和 FTX 都是 SBF 的公司,所以, SBF 可以同通过左手倒右手,让 Alameda 低价拿到大量 FTX 发行的 FTT 。然后 Alameda 通过屯 FTT 抬高币价,又可以用高价把 FTT 当成抵押物,去找 FTX 借钱。。。 Alameda 再拿着这些借来的钱去搞高风险、高杠杆的投资。 本质上 FTX 交易所,其实只是 Alameda 的输血袋罢了。 其中, Alameda 投资一路赚赚赚,作为抵押物的 FTT 价格趋于稳定的话,这种 “ 左手倒右手 ” 模式其实是能维持下去的。但要是投资巨亏,或者抵押物 FTT 价格暴跌,那么 FTT 是有被大量抛售和清算的可能的。这时候 FTT 的价格又会被压低,又引发更大规模的清算,从而形成 “ 死亡螺旋 ” 。 刚被LUNA整怕的大家,纷纷开始不安了。这个关键的节点,这个圈子最有分量的人站出来说话,大哥赵长鹏发推说要抛售FTT了。担心死亡螺旋!!“ 连世界第一大交易所都怕了,觉得 FTX 和 Alameda 铁定有风险。 ”于是乎,恐慌开始渐渐加剧,大伙们跟着抛售 FTT , FTT 的价格一路下跌。重点:全名挤兑,使FTT的金融模型崩塌,陷入死亡循环。FTX开始了暴雷!!抵押物 FTT 不值钱了,很快人们开始担心 Alameda 从 FTX 上借过去的钱,要还不上了。。。所以,用户又开始疯狂地从 FTX 交易所里提现走人,生怕成跑慢了成了冤大头。毕竟,谁也不会知道 FTX 有没有挪用用户的存款借给 Alameda 。最后事实证明,大伙们的猜想是对的,当时提现慢的,多半已经取不出钱了。、老哥为什么不跑呢?为什么被抓后在狱中庭审了一年,还没判?为什么还能翻盘? 先看看老哥都割了谁,你就知道老哥为什么跑不了。红杉资本,加拿大安大略省教师退休基金,软银、贝莱德、老虎基金等等,可以说 FTX 是凭借一己之力,让数十家明星机构踩了雷。这些国际巨无霸,能让老哥跑的掉???乖乖的坐等安排。那为什么在牢里不说话,不提供很多信息,到现在才开始为自己辩解。 这也是老哥的策略,事件刚出时闹得沸沸扬扬,其中很多人,不光指控SBF诈骗罪。还有帮助俄乌战争与洗钱罪,资产外流,等。 这后两项定下来,老哥这辈子就出不来了。SBF老哥的策略就时拖,等事情热度过去。 最近比特币ETF要获批成功,使的支持SBF的人变多。SBF老哥准备开始翻盘辩解,让所有的家人们跟随楠哥一起关注,SBF爆炸头到底能否成功? 红包领取密码:ethup666


(楠哥福利:再文章的结尾点赞或者评论,将能领到楠哥送的狗狗币)把一个亿万富翁,变成到亿万负翁需要多长时间?22年11月币圈的一场 “ 惊天大战 ” ,让楠哥知道了这个问题的答案。。。那就是很可能只需要 “ 一条推特的时间 ” 。而且这场大战,还血坑了红杉资本、软银、淡马锡、安大略省教师养老基金等等大佬一波。 很多家人们都听过这个人就是咱们的爆炸头哥-----SBF!!! 这个老哥从去年一直在监狱里不怎么说话,交代的事情很少。但爆炸头哥,准备在最新的庭审中,为自己翻盘辩护了。 FTX还能有救??让楠哥带所有的家人们回顾下事件,讲解下FTX暴雷的最主要的原因。#sbf 注意看,图片上这个爆炸头老哥,就是这次大地震中的大冤种主角。他便是知名加密货币交易所 FTX 和对冲基金 Alameda 的创始人, Sam Bankman-Fried 。(记住这个基金的名字,也是FTX会暴雷的罪魁祸首)在圈内,大伙们习惯简称他为 SBF 。 简单地说,这老哥本身就是传统的金融交易员出身,发现BTC大涨后,就创办了加密货币交易平台 FTX 。后来, FTX 一步步拿融资,一步步占领市场,很快就做到了业内的老三、老四的位置。 FTX 当时的估值在 320 亿美元左右,大家可能不知道这是啥概念啊,这么说吧,百度的市值也就 300 亿美元出头。SBF 呢,也凭借着 150 多亿美元的身家,挤进了世界富豪榜前 500 名。 他的外号有很多,因为在 LUNA 币暴跌事件中,撒钱救了不少即将破产的公司,于是便有人称他为 “ 币圈央妈 ” 。 因为是交易员出身,也有人把他比作是 “ 下一个巴菲特 ” 。 反正他标志性的爆炸头,常常出现于各类杂志和报纸的封面。这哥们有钱后开始喜欢出名了,也为后面的事件埋下了伏笔!!这哥们还沉醉在暴富的的享受中,但做梦也没想到,在短短的几天之内,自己一手创办的 “ 币圈巨轮 ” FTX 会直接搁浅。百亿身家就像他的发型一样,也瞬间爆炸蒸发。 一切的一切呢,其实都起源于币圈媒体 CoinDesk 的一份报告。 报告发现, SBF 成立的另一个名叫 Alameda 的公司,主要业务是一些高风险、高杠杆的投资,但它户头上记录的主要资产,竟然有 88% 是自家交易所 FTX 发行的 FTT 代币。 算总量的话,市场上 70% 的 FTT 都在 Alameda 手上。 消息一出,很快,币圈老哥们开始担忧起来。 一个 “ 不一定对 ” 的猜想,蔓延了开来:(暴雷的核心!!!) Alameda 和 FTX 都是 SBF 的公司,所以, SBF 可以同通过左手倒右手,让 Alameda 低价拿到大量 FTX 发行的 FTT 。然后 Alameda 通过屯 FTT 抬高币价,又可以用高价把 FTT 当成抵押物,去找 FTX 借钱。。。 Alameda 再拿着这些借来的钱去搞高风险、高杠杆的投资。 本质上 FTX 交易所,其实只是 Alameda 的输血袋罢了。 其中, Alameda 投资一路赚赚赚,作为抵押物的 FTT 价格趋于稳定的话,这种 “ 左手倒右手 ” 模式其实是能维持下去的。但要是投资巨亏,或者抵押物 FTT 价格暴跌,那么 FTT 是有被大量抛售和清算的可能的。这时候 FTT 的价格又会被压低,又引发更大规模的清算,从而形成 “ 死亡螺旋 ” 。 刚被LUNA整怕的大家,纷纷开始不安了。这个关键的节点,这个圈子最有分量的人站出来说话,大哥赵长鹏发推说要抛售FTT了。担心死亡螺旋!!“ 连世界第一大交易所都怕了,觉得 FTX 和 Alameda 铁定有风险。 ”于是乎,恐慌开始渐渐加剧,大伙们跟着抛售 FTT , FTT 的价格一路下跌。重点:全名挤兑,使FTT的金融模型崩塌,陷入死亡循环。FTX开始了暴雷!!抵押物 FTT 不值钱了,很快人们开始担心 Alameda 从 FTX 上借过去的钱,要还不上了。。。所以,用户又开始疯狂地从 FTX 交易所里提现走人,生怕成跑慢了成了冤大头。毕竟,谁也不会知道 FTX 有没有挪用用户的存款借给 Alameda 。最后事实证明,大伙们的猜想是对的,当时提现慢的,多半已经取不出钱了。、老哥为什么不跑呢?为什么被抓后在狱中庭审了一年,还没判?为什么还能翻盘? 先看看老哥都割了谁,你就知道老哥为什么跑不了。红杉资本,加拿大安大略省教师退休基金,软银、贝莱德、老虎基金等等,可以说 FTX 是凭借一己之力,让数十家明星机构踩了雷。这些国际巨无霸,能让老哥跑的掉???乖乖的坐等安排。那为什么在牢里不说话,不提供很多信息,到现在才开始为自己辩解。 这也是老哥的策略,事件刚出时闹得沸沸扬扬,其中很多人,不光指控SBF诈骗罪。还有帮助俄乌战争与洗钱罪,资产外流,等。 这后两项定下来,老哥这辈子就出不来了。SBF老哥的策略就时拖,等事情热度过去。 最近比特币ETF要获批成功,使的支持SBF的人变多。SBF老哥准备开始翻盘辩解,让所有的家人们跟随楠哥一起关注,SBF爆炸头到底能否成功? 红包领取密码:ethup666
The way Sam Bankman-Fried planned to repay TrumpWilliam Cohan, one of the founders of the news site Puck, recently talked to Michael Lewis, who wrote the book "Going Infinite," which is about the guilty Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). Lewis told some interesting things about SBF's life and shared more thoughts on it during the talk. How Sam Bankman-Fried planned to repay Trump Cohan wrote about his conversation with Lewis in a piece that said Sam Bankman-Fried had told Lewis about the "absurd" idea of paying off Donald Trump in one of their interviews. It was said that the former founder of FTX was thinking if $5 billion would be enough to get the former President to go away and not run for president again. Cohan said that when Bankman-Fried brought up the idea, Lewis didn't seem too sure about it. One thing that was on his mind was whether or not what SBF was saying was the law. The author of "Going Infinite" also asked Sam Bankman-Fried if he thought Trump would keep their deal even if he agreed to take the $5 billion bribe. Lewis told SBF that Trump could just take the money and run. He asked Bankman-Fried what he could do if that happened. And as Cohan wrote in his book, Lewis seemed sure that such a deal could not work out. Lewis just thought it was funny and couldn't believe that the president of FTX and Trump could talk about something like that. SBF wanted to get in trouble. The book "Going Inifite" by Michael Lewis came out on October 3, the same day that Bankman-Fried's hearing started. That wasn't the end of Lewis's search for information about the FTX founder, though; he was at his hearing. He told Cohan that SBF's testimony made him look like he "wanted to be punished." Lewis believed it because Sam Bankman-Fried kept avoiding answering questions from the lawyers, which made sense since it would mean he wasn't telling the truth. The author seems to think that the killer did it on purpose to show that he was guilty. Lewis thinks that Bankman-Fried's decision to speak in the first place shows that he wanted to be punished. At the same time, the author told Cohan that it was "very clear" that Bankman-Fried would be found guilty right from the start of the hearing. He said that the proof the prosecution presented at the hearing was a big part of why he came to this decision. This also includes the fact that people in SBF's "inner circle" pleaded guilty and gave evidence against him. When they testified, he said, they were feeling things that "made it all sound much more damning than it was." Caroline Ellison, who used to be CEO of Alameda Research, Gary Wang, who co-founded FTX, and Nishad Singh, who used to be Director of Engineering at FTX, were all part of the "inner circle" that testified against Bankman-Fried. #sbf #Trump #ftx

The way Sam Bankman-Fried planned to repay Trump

William Cohan, one of the founders of the news site Puck, recently talked to Michael Lewis, who wrote the book "Going Infinite," which is about the guilty Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF). Lewis told some interesting things about SBF's life and shared more thoughts on it during the talk.
How Sam Bankman-Fried planned to repay Trump
Cohan wrote about his conversation with Lewis in a piece that said Sam Bankman-Fried had told Lewis about the "absurd" idea of paying off Donald Trump in one of their interviews. It was said that the former founder of FTX was thinking if $5 billion would be enough to get the former President to go away and not run for president again.
Cohan said that when Bankman-Fried brought up the idea, Lewis didn't seem too sure about it. One thing that was on his mind was whether or not what SBF was saying was the law. The author of "Going Infinite" also asked Sam Bankman-Fried if he thought Trump would keep their deal even if he agreed to take the $5 billion bribe.
Lewis told SBF that Trump could just take the money and run. He asked Bankman-Fried what he could do if that happened. And as Cohan wrote in his book, Lewis seemed sure that such a deal could not work out. Lewis just thought it was funny and couldn't believe that the president of FTX and Trump could talk about something like that.
SBF wanted to get in trouble.
The book "Going Inifite" by Michael Lewis came out on October 3, the same day that Bankman-Fried's hearing started. That wasn't the end of Lewis's search for information about the FTX founder, though; he was at his hearing. He told Cohan that SBF's testimony made him look like he "wanted to be punished."
Lewis believed it because Sam Bankman-Fried kept avoiding answering questions from the lawyers, which made sense since it would mean he wasn't telling the truth. The author seems to think that the killer did it on purpose to show that he was guilty. Lewis thinks that Bankman-Fried's decision to speak in the first place shows that he wanted to be punished.
At the same time, the author told Cohan that it was "very clear" that Bankman-Fried would be found guilty right from the start of the hearing. He said that the proof the prosecution presented at the hearing was a big part of why he came to this decision. This also includes the fact that people in SBF's "inner circle" pleaded guilty and gave evidence against him.
When they testified, he said, they were feeling things that "made it all sound much more damning than it was." Caroline Ellison, who used to be CEO of Alameda Research, Gary Wang, who co-founded FTX, and Nishad Singh, who used to be Director of Engineering at FTX, were all part of the "inner circle" that testified against Bankman-Fried.
#sbf #Trump #ftx
🔻🔻$SOL ________🔥 for SOL updates ⏫️⏫️⏫️ US Prosecutors Urge Judge to Sentence SBF to 40-50 Years in Prison for Fraud SOL - SELL Reason: Given SOL's affiliation with SBF, the indictment might directly taint its reputation, leading to a potential decrease in value. Signal strength: HIGH Signal time: 2024-03-16 01:07:28 GMT #SOL #sbf #Fraud #solusdt #SignalAlert Always DYOR. It’s not a financial advice, but our POV on the most likely asset move amid the event. What’s yours?
🔻🔻$SOL ________🔥 for SOL updates ⏫️⏫️⏫️

US Prosecutors Urge Judge to Sentence SBF to 40-50 Years in Prison for Fraud


Reason: Given SOL's affiliation with SBF, the indictment might directly taint its reputation, leading to a potential decrease in value.

Signal strength: HIGH

Signal time: 2024-03-16 01:07:28 GMT

#SOL #sbf #Fraud #solusdt #SignalAlert

Always DYOR. It’s not a financial advice, but our POV on the most likely asset move amid the event. What’s yours?
🔒⚖️ SBF SENTENCED TO 25 YEARS IN PRISON! ⚖️🔒 The verdict is in: Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-renowned figure in the crypto world, is facing a quarter-century behind bars. While it won't be in a high-security facility, the sentence marks a significant turn in his story. After being convicted on a slew of fraud charges linked to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's fate was sealed with a 25-year sentence. Though shorter than the prosecution's recommendation of 40-50 years, it's far from the 5-6.5 years his defense hoped for. Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting claims that no one was hurt in the collapse and dismissing character testimonials portraying Bankman-Fried as a gentle soul. Perjury during the trial further tarnished his image, with Kaplan emphasizing the seriousness of the offenses. Despite arguments for leniency due to Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and his family's pleas, Kaplan emphasized the need for deterrence, given the risk of repeat offenses. The prospect of Bankman-Fried using his marketing prowess to reshape public opinion looms large, driving home the gravity of the sentence. While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, the sentencing concludes this chapter in the courtroom saga. Yet, civil cases from the SEC and CFTC linger, ensuring continued scrutiny of his actions. As Bankman-Fried contemplates his future, the crypto community reflects on the repercussions of his downfall. With this trial now behind us, the industry braces for the next chapter, uncertain of what lies ahead. #SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried

The verdict is in: Sam Bankman-Fried, the once-renowned figure in the crypto world, is facing a quarter-century behind bars. While it won't be in a high-security facility, the sentence marks a significant turn in his story.

After being convicted on a slew of fraud charges linked to the collapse of FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried's fate was sealed with a 25-year sentence. Though shorter than the prosecution's recommendation of 40-50 years, it's far from the 5-6.5 years his defense hoped for.

Judge Lewis Kaplan delivered a scathing assessment, rejecting claims that no one was hurt in the collapse and dismissing character testimonials portraying Bankman-Fried as a gentle soul. Perjury during the trial further tarnished his image, with Kaplan emphasizing the seriousness of the offenses.

Despite arguments for leniency due to Bankman-Fried's autism diagnosis and his family's pleas, Kaplan emphasized the need for deterrence, given the risk of repeat offenses. The prospect of Bankman-Fried using his marketing prowess to reshape public opinion looms large, driving home the gravity of the sentence.

While Bankman-Fried's legal team plans an appeal within 14 days, the sentencing concludes this chapter in the courtroom saga. Yet, civil cases from the SEC and CFTC linger, ensuring continued scrutiny of his actions.

As Bankman-Fried contemplates his future, the crypto community reflects on the repercussions of his downfall. With this trial now behind us, the industry braces for the next chapter, uncertain of what lies ahead.

#SBFSentencing #CryptoTrial #ftx #sbf #sambankmanfried
#Ripple Gonna Burst 🕯 Soon. Now don't tell me i haven't warned you 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Open the Internet and you will see XRP everywhere☄️. American Congressmen officials accepting crypto, Banks in America, Xrp is recognized in Dubai, Many banks are going to accept it and use its tech. And what not 🟢 After the Micro caps - Large caps are gonna go boom 💸 #etf #xrp #PYUSD #sbf #BTC
#Ripple Gonna Burst 🕯 Soon. Now don't tell me i haven't warned you 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Open the Internet and you will see XRP everywhere☄️. American Congressmen officials accepting crypto, Banks in America, Xrp is recognized in Dubai, Many banks are going to accept it and use its tech. And what not 🟢

After the Micro caps - Large caps are gonna go boom 💸

#etf #xrp #PYUSD #sbf #BTC
FTX's Unconventional Path to Debt Repayment Raises Concerns. 😶‍🌫️🫢🧐 FTX, the once-thriving crypto exchange, faces challenges repaying billions post-2022 collapse. Adopting unconventional methods like asset sales and high-risk Bitcoin derivatives trading, FTX raised $4.4 billion, but experts express concerns. December 2023's $1.8 billion asset sale injected vitality, yet heavy shorting of Bitcoin futures raises alarms. FTX openly acknowledges repayment risks, leaving users vulnerable. Sustainability doubts persist, keeping investors in a watchful wait-and-see mode. The fallout affects the broader crypto industry, denting investor confidence. #sbf #ftx #ftt #SamBankman-Fried
FTX's Unconventional Path to Debt Repayment Raises Concerns. 😶‍🌫️🫢🧐

FTX, the once-thriving crypto exchange, faces challenges repaying billions post-2022 collapse. Adopting unconventional methods like asset sales and high-risk Bitcoin derivatives trading, FTX raised $4.4 billion, but experts express concerns.

December 2023's $1.8 billion asset sale injected vitality, yet heavy shorting of Bitcoin futures raises alarms. FTX openly acknowledges repayment risks, leaving users vulnerable. Sustainability doubts persist, keeping investors in a watchful wait-and-see mode. The fallout affects the broader crypto industry, denting investor confidence.

#sbf #ftx #ftt #SamBankman-Fried
🏧Polygon and BNB Making Changes Leave a comment and like. I will gift 🎁 you my trading strategy and risk management plan. Polygon, heavyweights in the crypto industry, are making waves with their latest developments. Polygon's Layer 2 scaling solutions have been gaining immense traction, providing a lifeline for decentralized applications struggling with high gas fees on the Ethereum network. This surge in adoption underscores the growing need for efficient blockchain infrastructure.#pol #sbf #linea #etf #BTC $BNB $MATIC $BTC 🌎Leave a comments, if you are losing money.

🏧Polygon and BNB Making Changes

Leave a comment and like. I will gift 🎁 you my trading strategy and risk management plan. Polygon, heavyweights in the crypto industry, are making waves with their latest developments. Polygon's Layer 2 scaling solutions have been gaining immense traction, providing a lifeline for decentralized applications struggling with high gas fees on the Ethereum network. This surge in adoption underscores the growing need for efficient blockchain infrastructure.#pol #sbf #linea #etf #BTC $BNB $MATIC $BTC 🌎Leave a comments, if you are losing money.
❤️几天之前推荐的现货爆款全部翻倍暴涨 ❤️,其他的品种暴涨品种,明天后天在选择几个品种 ❤️爆款密码介绍推荐 ❤️私信看的少, ❤️有时候回复不及时 ❤️可以点击头像在主页里面在简介里看一下❤️联系我 #gbtc #fomo #sbf #Meme #公链生态
#gbtc #fomo #sbf #Meme #公链生态
Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud, marking his downfall. 👀👨🏻‍🏭 The recent saga of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX, has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world. Bankman-Fried's downfall, marked by a 25-year prison sentence for fraud and conspiracy, sheds light on the dangers of unchecked ambition and moral ambiguity in the pursuit of wealth. As the dust settles on his trial, important lessons emerge for both industry insiders and investors alike. Bankman-Fried's conviction on seven counts of fraud and conspiracy and the subsequent harsh sentencing of 25 years in prison underscore the severity of his crimes and their impact on victims. The courtroom drama revealed contrasting portrayals of Bankman-Fried's character and motivations, with the defense emphasizing his good intentions and logical thinking, while the prosecution painted him as a calculating opportunist. However, the judge ultimately found his testimony lacking in sincerity. While Bankman-Fried expressed concern for customers awaiting refunds, his evasiveness drew criticism from the judge. Additionally, victims voiced dissatisfaction with the proposed payments from the bankruptcy estate, further highlighting the fallout from FTX's collapse. Bankman-Fried's journey from mogul to convict serves as a stark reminder of the risks of financial misconduct. The cryptocurrency community must prioritize integrity and responsibility to prevent similar outcomes in the future. Transparency, ethics, and regulatory oversight are crucial for maintaining trust and stability in digital finance. Bankman-Fried's downfall serves as a cautionary tale for the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing the need for diligence and adherence to the law. Transparency, integrity, and ethical leadership are essential for fostering trust in digital finance. Regulatory oversight and accountability play pivotal roles in safeguarding investors and ensuring the stability of the ecosystem. #sbf  #ftx  #ftt  #sec
Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud, marking his downfall. 👀👨🏻‍🏭

The recent saga of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX, has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world. Bankman-Fried's downfall, marked by a 25-year prison sentence for fraud and conspiracy, sheds light on the dangers of unchecked ambition and moral ambiguity in the pursuit of wealth. As the dust settles on his trial, important lessons emerge for both industry insiders and investors alike.

Bankman-Fried's conviction on seven counts of fraud and conspiracy and the subsequent harsh sentencing of 25 years in prison underscore the severity of his crimes and their impact on victims.

The courtroom drama revealed contrasting portrayals of Bankman-Fried's character and motivations, with the defense emphasizing his good intentions and logical thinking, while the prosecution painted him as a calculating opportunist. However, the judge ultimately found his testimony lacking in sincerity.

While Bankman-Fried expressed concern for customers awaiting refunds, his evasiveness drew criticism from the judge. Additionally, victims voiced dissatisfaction with the proposed payments from the bankruptcy estate, further highlighting the fallout from FTX's collapse.

Bankman-Fried's journey from mogul to convict serves as a stark reminder of the risks of financial misconduct. The cryptocurrency community must prioritize integrity and responsibility to prevent similar outcomes in the future. Transparency, ethics, and regulatory oversight are crucial for maintaining trust and stability in digital finance.

Bankman-Fried's downfall serves as a cautionary tale for the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing the need for diligence and adherence to the law.

Transparency, integrity, and ethical leadership are essential for fostering trust in digital finance. Regulatory oversight and accountability play pivotal roles in safeguarding investors and ensuring the stability of the ecosystem.

#sbf  #ftx  #ftt  #sec
Faiza Khan
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If this pump is due to a suspected ETF #bitcoin approval, what would happen if they were to all get rejected? Basically a plan for the market makers to squeeze in more liquidity for their own benefit. Makes you think right. Do you think it's a greatest sign of Market manipulation? Just "Trade the Trend." #pol #sbf #linea #etf $BTC
If this pump is due to a suspected ETF #bitcoin approval, what would happen if they were to all get rejected?

Basically a plan for the market makers to squeeze in more liquidity for their own benefit. Makes you think right.

Do you think it's a greatest sign of Market manipulation?

Just "Trade the Trend."

#pol #sbf #linea #etf

Latest update — Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried trial [Day 13]New York, October 26, 2023 – The trial of former FTX CEO Sam "SBF" Bankman-Fried is gripping the cryptocurrency community with its shocking revelations. Lawyers sparred, witnesses broke down, and Judge Kaplan's frustration was palpable.Highlights:October 26: Tension soared as FBI Agent Mark Troiano exposed secretive Signal groups linked to Bankman-Fried. Lack of transparency left a bitter taste.October 19: Former FTX counsel Can Sun revealed internal strife, unveiling betrayal and broken trust within FTX. Fabricated balance sheets painted a picture of shattered integrity.October 18: District Judge Kaplan's impassioned plea for honesty struck a chord, reflecting the public's sentiment. Emotional turmoil peaked as BlockFi's financial losses highlighted the human cost behind crypto decisions.The trial continues, laying bare the highs and lows of the crypto world. Stay tuned for more #sbf #BTC #etf

Latest update — Former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried trial [Day 13]

New York, October 26, 2023 – The trial of former FTX CEO Sam "SBF" Bankman-Fried is gripping the cryptocurrency community with its shocking revelations. Lawyers sparred, witnesses broke down, and Judge Kaplan's frustration was palpable.Highlights:October 26: Tension soared as FBI Agent Mark Troiano exposed secretive Signal groups linked to Bankman-Fried. Lack of transparency left a bitter taste.October 19: Former FTX counsel Can Sun revealed internal strife, unveiling betrayal and broken trust within FTX. Fabricated balance sheets painted a picture of shattered integrity.October 18: District Judge Kaplan's impassioned plea for honesty struck a chord, reflecting the public's sentiment. Emotional turmoil peaked as BlockFi's financial losses highlighted the human cost behind crypto decisions.The trial continues, laying bare the highs and lows of the crypto world. Stay tuned for more #sbf #BTC #etf
#币安合约锦标赛 SOL 时隔 596 天重回 90 美元上方,24 小时涨幅 12.86%,Arthur Hayes称已卖掉 #SOL 并购入 #ETH ,ETH或将达到5000美元,也不知道他说的是真还是骗人下车。他说是冥想时,神仙让他这么做的!操 12 月 22 日,BitMEX 创始人 Arthur Hayes 称在冥想时收到神的启示,指示他抛售 #sbf 支持的代币 SOL,并表达了对以太坊创始人 Vitalik 的喜爱。 因此,他表示已经卖掉 SOL,并购买更多的 ETH。他认为 ETH 或将达到 5000 美元。

SOL 时隔 596 天重回 90 美元上方,24 小时涨幅 12.86%,Arthur Hayes称已卖掉 #SOL 并购入 #ETH ,ETH或将达到5000美元,也不知道他说的是真还是骗人下车。他说是冥想时,神仙让他这么做的!操

12 月 22 日,BitMEX 创始人 Arthur Hayes 称在冥想时收到神的启示,指示他抛售 #sbf 支持的代币 SOL,并表达了对以太坊创始人 Vitalik 的喜爱。
因此,他表示已经卖掉 SOL,并购买更多的 ETH。他认为 ETH 或将达到 5000 美元。
⚖️ Today's the day
#FTX founder SBF faces sentencing, with prosecutors pushing for up to 50 years over multibillion-dollar fraud.
His team seeks a max of 6.5 years, citing mental health concerns.

#SBF #CryptoNews🚀🔥 #TrendingTopic #HotTrends
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