Binance Square


44.7M مشاهدات
18,122 يقومون بالنقاش
11 ساعة/ساعات
#PI اليوم كالعادة، هناك الكثير من منشورات الكراهية، ولكن إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا سيء للغاية، فأنت مخطئ. تحقق من صفحة Pi على فيسبوك، على سبيل المثال، من المفترض أن يكون مكانًا لدردشة المجتمع، ولكن كل ما تراه هو منشورات الناس الذين يبكون أو المحتالون. أرى الكثير من الناس يواصلون مهاجمة Pi Core لعدم فعل أي شيء وكل شيء هو خطأهم، ولكن هذا ليس صحيحًا، أو يمكنك القول: 1. لماذا يجب أن يهتموا حقًا؟ 2. كثير من الناس يشتكون من الرموز، حسنًا، يمكنهم فتح كل شيء، ولكن ماذا بعد ذلك؟ 3. بمجرد فتح كل شيء، سيبيع الناس كل ما لديهم، ليس هكذا يفترض أن يعمل المشروع. 4. فريق Pi يعرف ويسمع كل شيء، لكنه يعمل بوتيرته الخاصة، لذا يمكنك الاستمرار في البكاء والكراهية إلى الأبد، ولكن هذا لن يغير شيئًا. لا ألوم فريق Pi على أي شيء، لأن معظم المجتمع جشع والمحتالون لا يستحقون أي شيء، إنه أي شيء سوى المجتمع.
#PI اليوم كالعادة، هناك الكثير من منشورات الكراهية، ولكن إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذا سيء للغاية، فأنت مخطئ. تحقق من صفحة Pi على فيسبوك، على سبيل المثال، من المفترض أن يكون مكانًا لدردشة المجتمع، ولكن كل ما تراه هو منشورات الناس الذين يبكون أو المحتالون.
أرى الكثير من الناس يواصلون مهاجمة Pi Core لعدم فعل أي شيء وكل شيء هو خطأهم، ولكن هذا ليس صحيحًا، أو يمكنك القول:
1. لماذا يجب أن يهتموا حقًا؟
2. كثير من الناس يشتكون من الرموز، حسنًا، يمكنهم فتح كل شيء، ولكن ماذا بعد ذلك؟
3. بمجرد فتح كل شيء، سيبيع الناس كل ما لديهم، ليس هكذا يفترض أن يعمل المشروع.
4. فريق Pi يعرف ويسمع كل شيء، لكنه يعمل بوتيرته الخاصة، لذا يمكنك الاستمرار في البكاء والكراهية إلى الأبد، ولكن هذا لن يغير شيئًا.
لا ألوم فريق Pi على أي شيء، لأن معظم المجتمع جشع والمحتالون لا يستحقون أي شيء، إنه أي شيء سوى المجتمع.
23 ساعة/ساعات
#PI network 2025年3月26日 PI/U 行情分析(不构成投资建议) 这一张图看着就一个词:“下跌后的挣扎”。PI币在15分钟周期走出一段连续阴跌,目前在低位尝试筑底。 【结构解读】 • PI币当前在 0.8666 U,刚从连续下跌中缓一口气; • 图中蓝色支撑带构成小底部形态,短线有止跌迹象; • EMA20(黄线)还压在上方,趋势依旧偏空,但下行动能减弱了。 【图中文字点睛】 “有可能蓄力上升,空间不大”——点得非常准 这波反弹顶多就是修复性质,预计在 0.8750 - 0.8800 U 就容易遇压。 【MACD与量能】 • MACD底背离信号明显,但力度偏弱; • 成交量缩量,说明市场观望气氛浓厚,主力还未正式回场。 【操作建议】 • 若持有,可观察反弹力度,不追高,靠近0.8800减仓止盈; • 想抄底的,只能轻仓尝试,止损设在蓝色支撑下沿(约0.8580); • 若后续能强势站回EMA20上方,才可能有持续反弹空间。 总结一句话: PI币短线或有修复,但仍属弱势反抽,操作上宁可少动,别贪反弹。
#PI network
2025年3月26日 PI/U 行情分析(不构成投资建议)


• PI币当前在 0.8666 U,刚从连续下跌中缓一口气;
• 图中蓝色支撑带构成小底部形态,短线有止跌迹象;
• EMA20(黄线)还压在上方,趋势依旧偏空,但下行动能减弱了。


这波反弹顶多就是修复性质,预计在 0.8750 - 0.8800 U 就容易遇压。

• MACD底背离信号明显,但力度偏弱;
• 成交量缩量,说明市场观望气氛浓厚,主力还未正式回场。

• 若持有,可观察反弹力度,不追高,靠近0.8800减仓止盈;
• 想抄底的,只能轻仓尝试,止损设在蓝色支撑下沿(约0.8580);
• 若后续能强势站回EMA20上方,才可能有持续反弹空间。

Jodee Ayuso YyaS:
11 ساعة/ساعات
#PI today as usual there's many hate post but if you think here is very bad you wrong check pi Facebook for example it's supposed place for community to chat but all you can see post people cry or scammer. I see many people keep attack pi core time for do nothing and everything is they fault but that not true or you can say: 1 why should they really care. 2 many people cry about they tokens, well they can open everything but what after that..... 3 the moment everything is open people will sell everything they have, that not how suppose the project work. 4 pi team know and hear everything but works on his pace so you can keep crying and hate forever but that will not change anything. I don't blame pi team for anything because most of the community is greedy and scammer people don't deserve anything, it's anything but community
#PI today as usual there's many hate post but if you think here is very bad you wrong check pi Facebook for example it's supposed place for community to chat but all you can see post people cry or scammer.

I see many people keep attack pi core time for do nothing and everything is they fault but that not true or you can say:

1 why should they really care.

2 many people cry about they tokens, well they can open everything but what after that.....

3 the moment everything is open people will sell everything they have, that not how suppose the project work.

4 pi team know and hear everything but works on his pace so you can keep crying and hate forever but that will not change anything.

I don't blame pi team for anything because most of the community is greedy and scammer people don't deserve anything, it's anything but community
Projeto de Ganância:
Seria ótimo, mais acredito que não
2 ساعة/ساعات
Pi is still dumping and at this point, liquidity is being taken out of PI from different centralized crypto exchanges We are also yet to see one solid utility about PI even after launch, we can’t even point anything reasonable or solid about Pi Pi has a lot of potential but at the end of the day, the dev and Team will play the major role in making Pi a solid project and if they don’t, The community will be disappointed #PI
Pi is still dumping and at this point, liquidity is being taken out of PI from different centralized crypto exchanges

We are also yet to see one solid utility about PI even after launch, we can’t even point anything reasonable or solid about Pi

Pi has a lot of potential but at the end of the day, the dev and Team will play the major role in making Pi a solid project and if they don’t, The community will be disappointed

c'est incroyable on dirait que la core team est incapable. comment passer 6 ans à développer un projet et au lancement on l'impression que rien n'est prêt
2 ساعة/ساعات
#PI NETWORK: LA VERDAD La verdad es que estáis todos con vuestros PI bloqueados durante 3 años viendo cómo baja el precio 🤣🤣🤣 a lo que os los desbloqueen valdrá 0.00001 Os han engañado, esa es la verdad, os han tenido generando hype y ahora el equipo central vende las monedas y vosotros sin nada...

La verdad es que estáis todos con vuestros PI bloqueados durante 3 años viendo cómo baja el precio 🤣🤣🤣 a lo que os los desbloqueen valdrá 0.00001

Os han engañado, esa es la verdad, os han tenido generando hype y ahora el equipo central vende las monedas y vosotros sin nada...
حسنًا، من يدري إن كان سعرها سيكون أفضل في عام 2027؟ أنت لا تعرف حتى إذا كنت ستكون على قيد الحياة في عام 2027. في النهاية، ما الذي يهمك في هذا الأمر؟
22 ساعة/ساعات
🚀 #PI COIN LISTING ON BINANCE SOON? MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY AHEAD! 🔥 Big news is circulating in the crypto space — Binance is reportedly close to listing $PI Coin, and the community is backing it HARD! With Pi Network gaining traction globally, this could be a game-changing moment for early adopters and new investors alike. What to Expect? A Binance listing often sparks explosive price action due to liquidity inflow and massive exposure. If $PI gets officially listed, we could see a major pump right out the gate! 🎯 Price Targets After Listing (Based on Market Hype & Community Size): Initial Surge Zone: $5 – $8 Main Target Zone: $10 – $15 Hype Extension Target: $20+ (If FOMO kicks in) ⚠️ Potential Pullback Support Zones: $3.50 – $4.20 (Post-listing correction buy zone) $2.80 (Last strong support) 🔥 Why This Matters: Huge community already backing the project Binance listing could trigger global exposure Pi has been building momentum quietly — and now it's time for a spotlight moment! 📢 Final Word: If $PI launches with a strong opening and maintains volume, we may witness one of the most anticipated breakouts of 2024. Stay alert, plan your entries, and watch the chart closely on listing day! If you feel the analysis helpful, Like Share and comment the next coin you want to hype up and analyze! #pi #PiMigration #BinanceAlphaAlert #Write2Earn

Big news is circulating in the crypto space — Binance is reportedly close to listing $PI Coin, and the community is backing it HARD! With Pi Network gaining traction globally, this could be a game-changing moment for early adopters and new investors alike.

What to Expect?
A Binance listing often sparks explosive price action due to liquidity inflow and massive exposure. If $PI gets officially listed, we could see a major pump right out the gate!

🎯 Price Targets After Listing (Based on Market Hype & Community Size):

Initial Surge Zone: $5 – $8

Main Target Zone: $10 – $15

Hype Extension Target: $20+ (If FOMO kicks in)

⚠️ Potential Pullback Support Zones:

$3.50 – $4.20 (Post-listing correction buy zone)

$2.80 (Last strong support)

🔥 Why This Matters:

Huge community already backing the project

Binance listing could trigger global exposure

Pi has been building momentum quietly — and now it's time for a spotlight moment!

📢 Final Word:
If $PI launches with a strong opening and maintains volume, we may witness one of the most anticipated breakouts of 2024. Stay alert, plan your entries, and watch the chart closely on listing day!

If you feel the analysis helpful, Like Share and comment the next coin you want to hype up and analyze!
#pi #PiMigration
Pi tidak akan terdaftar disini, karena tim Pi tidak mengizinkan manipulasi harga. Klaim Pi sesuai whitepaper adalah uang digital, bukan sebagai komoditas pasar yang volatil
25 مارس
#PI Estudiando el supply de esta moneda, y estudiando desarrollos de otras monedas, similares en tanto a comunidad, market cap etc, he llegado a la conclusion que un precio realista de #PI lo podríamos encontrar, una vez que el Equipo Central se deshaga de sus monedas y dejé vender las suyas a los pioneros, en 0.07-0.08 $ Con suerte ese sería su suelo, además, vamos a ver una bajada muy rápida hasta probablemente los 0.4 $ en estos días Seguiré estudiando está moneda y trayendo novedades
#PI Estudiando el supply de esta moneda, y estudiando desarrollos de otras monedas, similares en tanto a comunidad, market cap etc, he llegado a la conclusion que un precio realista de #PI lo podríamos encontrar, una vez que el Equipo Central se deshaga de sus monedas y dejé vender las suyas a los pioneros, en 0.07-0.08 $

Con suerte ese sería su suelo, además, vamos a ver una bajada muy rápida hasta probablemente los 0.4 $ en estos días

Seguiré estudiando está moneda y trayendo novedades
la Unica diferencia de pi y xrp 1 pi tiene una comunidad mas grande mientras xrp esta listado en mas Exchange entonces dime de qué manera puede pi bajar a ese precio
52 دقيقة/دقائق
🚀 #PI /USDT Ready to Change the World — Bullish Momentum Building! The PI Network is more than just a cryptocurrency—it's a growing ecosystem aiming to revolutionize digital transactions across industries like e-commerce, transportation, real estate, and everyday services. With increasing utility and global community adoption, PI is setting up for a major breakout on Binance once it's officially listed. Trade Setup (Anticipated Listing on Binance): Entry Price: $0.50 (upon listing) Take Profit (TP): $1.20 Stop Loss (SL): $0.35 Outlook: The chart and network vision suggest strong long-term utility value. As adoption spreads across industries like clothing, music, tech, real estate, and transport (as seen in the ecosystem map), demand for PI is set to rise sharply. Once listed on Binance, we could see explosive interest, making it a prime candidate for a high-reward position. Bottom Line: PI is not just a coin — it’s a movement. Prepare early, position smart, and ride the next crypto revolution. Would you like a version with visuals or a social media post forw next? #pi #PiMigration #BinanceAlphaAlert #Write2Earn
🚀 #PI /USDT Ready to Change the World — Bullish Momentum Building!

The PI Network is more than just a cryptocurrency—it's a growing ecosystem aiming to revolutionize digital transactions across industries like e-commerce, transportation, real estate, and everyday services. With increasing utility and global community adoption, PI is setting up for a major breakout on Binance once it's officially listed.

Trade Setup (Anticipated Listing on Binance):

Entry Price: $0.50 (upon listing)

Take Profit (TP): $1.20

Stop Loss (SL): $0.35

The chart and network vision suggest strong long-term utility value. As adoption spreads across industries like clothing, music, tech, real estate, and transport (as seen in the ecosystem map), demand for PI is set to rise sharply.
Once listed on Binance, we could see explosive interest, making it a prime candidate for a high-reward position.

Bottom Line: PI is not just a coin — it’s a movement. Prepare early, position smart, and ride the next crypto revolution.

Would you like a version with visuals or a social media post forw next?
#pi #PiMigration
9 ساعة/ساعات
🚀 #PI COIN TO LAUNCH ON BINANCE SOON? Big Impact Expected – Massive Volatility Ahead! Current Hype Price: $357.05 (unofficial market rate) Potential Targets After Binance Listing: Bullish Target: $50 Correction Zone: $0.666 Why It Matters: The Pi Network community is growing fast, and rumors of a Binance listing are heating up. Once Pi gets officially listed, we could see a major market shake-up—with traders rushing in and price action going wild! Next Price Target After Listing: WATCH FOR: Key resistance flips near $50 Major support forming around $0.666 Binance Listing = Game Changer? Expect huge trading volumes, potential profit-taking, and a strong FOMO wave from new buyers. #pi #PiMigration #BinanceAlphaAlert #Write2Earn

Big Impact Expected – Massive Volatility Ahead!

Current Hype Price: $357.05 (unofficial market rate)

Potential Targets After Binance Listing:

Bullish Target: $50

Correction Zone: $0.666

Why It Matters: The Pi Network community is growing fast, and rumors of a Binance listing are heating up. Once Pi gets officially listed, we could see a major market shake-up—with traders rushing in and price action going wild!

Next Price Target After Listing: WATCH FOR:

Key resistance flips near $50

Major support forming around $0.666

Binance Listing = Game Changer? Expect huge trading volumes, potential profit-taking, and a strong FOMO wave from new buyers.

#pi #PiMigration
Sufi Gee:
5 ساعة/ساعات
#PI and Criticism i saw a lot of people posting hate against #PI I have 20K+ Coins but its not the thing that i profit from it less or more the thing to understand is, "you all make losses on different coins on a regular basis" Why not make a Loss knowingly, Just Buy $10 worth of #PI and let them rest either its a understood Loss of $10 or a profit that u never imagine in your wild dreams. Wealth is always made with a long-term plan, think of people who hold #Amazon #Microsoft or even #BTC
#PI and Criticism

i saw a lot of people posting hate against #PI

I have 20K+ Coins but its not the thing that i profit from it less or more

the thing to understand is, "you all make losses on different coins on a regular basis"

Why not make a Loss knowingly, Just Buy $10 worth of #PI and let them rest

either its a understood Loss of $10 or a profit that u never imagine in your wild dreams.

Wealth is always made with a long-term plan, think of people who hold #Amazon #Microsoft or even #BTC
20 ساعة/ساعات
Crypto Jack’s Deep Dive: Pi Network’s Second Migration Mystery & Market MayhemPi Network has been generating buzz for years—and yet, as the open mainnet goes live, controversy still swirls. I’m Crypto Jack, and here’s my take on what’s really happening behind the scenes with $PI. The Second Migration Conundrum On February 20, 2025, Pi Network proudly launched its Open Mainnet, opening the doors for millions of Pioneers to finally engage with the ecosystem. But here’s the kicker: while the mainnet is live, the second migration process remains shrouded in mystery. Despite an extension of the KYC and migration deadlines until March 14, 2025, countless users are left wondering when—and if—they’ll gain full access to trade their Pi. This lack of clarity is fueling skepticism and leaving the community hanging. Binance’s Bold Move: No $PI Listing In a shock move that’s rattled the crypto space, Binance—the world’s leading crypto exchange—has decided not to list the $PI token. Why? Several key factors seem to be at play: Locked Balances & Delayed KYC: A large portion of Pi tokens remain inaccessible because many users are stuck in extended KYC loops. With significant amounts of coins locked away, questions about liquidity and true market value have emerged. Controlled Supply & Centralized Actions: Despite the open mainnet, the Pi Core Team continues to hold the reins. By keeping most of the supply off the public market, they’re attempting to artificially boost the token’s price—a strategy that appears to be backfiring. Regulatory and Trust Issues: With allegations of opacity and even whispers of pyramid-scheme tactics, Binance’s cautious stance is a clear signal: a listing without true decentralization and transparency isn’t on the table. Price Manipulation and the Trust Deficit The fallout from these practices is evident in the market. Even though the mainnet is technically operational, most Pioneers can’t freely trade their Pi. The controlled release of tokens and repeated KYC delays have led to an erosion of trust—one that shows in the price charts. Recently, $PI has seen a drop of over 75% from it's ATH, with rampant speculation that ongoing price manipulation is to blame. The strategy of artificially constraining supply has only deepened community frustration, as investors watch their confidence—and their portfolios—decline. Community Outcry & the Call for Transparency The backlash from the community is loud and clear. Longtime miners and new users alike are demanding: • A clear, detailed roadmap for the second migration and further developments. • Immediate unlocking of tokens to let the market determine $PI’s true value. • Concrete plans for real-world utility and adoption that go beyond experimental hype. Without these critical steps, many believe the project is set to lose even more of its early supporters. For some, the message is unmistakable: if Pi Network can’t deliver on its promises, then it risks becoming just another cautionary tale in the crypto space. Final Thoughts In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, trust and transparency are the true currencies. While Pi Network’s ambitious vision once captivated millions, the ongoing delays, controlled token distribution, and regulatory uncertainties are now major stumbling blocks. As Binance steers clear of $PI and the community demands accountability, the future of Pi Network hangs in the balance. This is Crypto Jack signing off for now—keep your eyes peeled and your crypto wallets secure. The revolution may be underway, but remember: in crypto, nothing is ever as it seems. #WhaleMovements #BinanceAlphaAlert #VoteToListOnBinance #PI #PiCoreTeam

Crypto Jack’s Deep Dive: Pi Network’s Second Migration Mystery & Market Mayhem

Pi Network has been generating buzz for years—and yet, as the open mainnet goes live, controversy still swirls. I’m Crypto Jack, and here’s my take on what’s really happening behind the scenes with $PI.

The Second Migration Conundrum
On February 20, 2025, Pi Network proudly launched its Open Mainnet, opening the doors for millions of Pioneers to finally engage with the ecosystem. But here’s the kicker: while the mainnet is live, the second migration process remains shrouded in mystery. Despite an extension of the KYC and migration deadlines until March 14, 2025, countless users are left wondering when—and if—they’ll gain full access to trade their Pi. This lack of clarity is fueling skepticism and leaving the community hanging.

Binance’s Bold Move: No $PI Listing
In a shock move that’s rattled the crypto space, Binance—the world’s leading crypto exchange—has decided not to list the $PI token. Why? Several key factors seem to be at play:

Locked Balances & Delayed KYC: A large portion of Pi tokens remain inaccessible because many users are stuck in extended KYC loops. With significant amounts of coins locked away, questions about liquidity and true market value have emerged.

Controlled Supply & Centralized Actions: Despite the open mainnet, the Pi Core Team continues to hold the reins. By keeping most of the supply off the public market, they’re attempting to artificially boost the token’s price—a strategy that appears to be backfiring.

Regulatory and Trust Issues: With allegations of opacity and even whispers of pyramid-scheme tactics, Binance’s cautious stance is a clear signal: a listing without true decentralization and transparency isn’t on the table.

Price Manipulation and the Trust Deficit

The fallout from these practices is evident in the market. Even though the mainnet is technically operational, most Pioneers can’t freely trade their Pi. The controlled release of tokens and repeated KYC delays have led to an erosion of trust—one that shows in the price charts. Recently, $PI has seen a drop of over 75% from it's ATH, with rampant speculation that ongoing price manipulation is to blame. The strategy of artificially constraining supply has only deepened community frustration, as investors watch their confidence—and their portfolios—decline.

Community Outcry & the Call for Transparency

The backlash from the community is loud and clear. Longtime miners and new users alike are demanding:
• A clear, detailed roadmap for the second migration and further developments.
• Immediate unlocking of tokens to let the market determine $PI’s true value.
• Concrete plans for real-world utility and adoption that go beyond experimental hype.
Without these critical steps, many believe the project is set to lose even more of its early supporters. For some, the message is unmistakable: if Pi Network can’t deliver on its promises, then it risks becoming just another cautionary tale in the crypto space.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, trust and transparency are the true currencies. While Pi Network’s ambitious vision once captivated millions, the ongoing delays, controlled token distribution, and regulatory uncertainties are now major stumbling blocks. As Binance steers clear of $PI and the community demands accountability, the future of Pi Network hangs in the balance.

This is Crypto Jack signing off for now—keep your eyes peeled and your crypto wallets secure. The revolution may be underway, but remember: in crypto, nothing is ever as it seems.
#WhaleMovements #BinanceAlphaAlert #VoteToListOnBinance #PI #PiCoreTeam
6 ساعة/ساعات
#VoteToListOnBinance : #Binance double standards on listing #PI . Binance’s Double Standards & Unjust Voting Practices 👎 Binance’s questionable voting system raises serious doubts. Despite 200,000+ votes from the Pi community demanding fair listing under strict rules their voices were ignored. Instead, meme tokens like $BANANAS31 and WHY mysteriously topped the poll in the final 30 minutes, securing 19.4% and 18.5% of votes. Why such obvious manipulation ? Why dismiss 60 million Pi PIONEERS while favoring joke coins? Binance claims transparency, yet its actions reek of double standards. Was the voting rigged? Did Pi’s overwhelming support threaten existing interests? The crypto community deserves answers. If Binance can arbitrarily ignore genuine demand, how can traders trust its listings? Justice for Pi Network stop sidelining real projects for memes! Every Pioneers have the rights to rise his/her voice against this double standard. Share at in every platform & #BinanceSquare . #Write2Earn $BTC $ETH $XRP
#VoteToListOnBinance : #Binance double standards on listing #PI .

Binance’s Double Standards & Unjust Voting Practices 👎

Binance’s questionable voting system raises serious doubts. Despite 200,000+ votes from the Pi community demanding fair listing under strict rules their voices were ignored. Instead, meme tokens like $BANANAS31 and WHY mysteriously topped the poll in the final 30 minutes, securing 19.4% and 18.5% of votes.

Why such obvious manipulation ? Why dismiss
60 million Pi PIONEERS while favoring joke coins? Binance claims transparency, yet its actions reek of double standards. Was the voting rigged? Did Pi’s overwhelming support threaten existing interests?

The crypto community deserves answers. If Binance can arbitrarily ignore genuine demand, how can traders trust its listings? Justice for Pi Network stop sidelining real projects for memes!

Every Pioneers have the rights to rise his/her voice against this double standard. Share at in every platform & #BinanceSquare .

#Write2Earn $BTC $ETH $XRP
21 مارس
#VoteToListOnBinance If binance made decisions on voteToListOnBinance then they should first made decision on #PI listing. Which results are already shared earlier & users voted on favour of listing.

Community Vote Update: "Should PI be launched on Binance?"
We have received a total of 232,676 eligible votes between 2025-02-17 14:45 (UTC) and 2025-02-27 23:59 (UTC) and are pleased to share the final results of the vote: "Should PI be launched on Binance?":
87.1% voted “Yes”, with 202,547 eligible votes;
12.9% voted “No”, with 30,129 eligible votes

We appreciate the strong participation from our community on Binance Square. As stated at the start of the vote, while we value and consider the vote results they are for reference only and do not determine any decision or action Binance may or may not take.

‼️If these votings are for references only then there is no need for voting.‼️
24 مارس
PI NETWORK COIN POISED FOR A BREAKOUT! 🚀💥 PI Network Coin, currently priced at $0.93, is showing strong bullish signs as it gears up for potential growth. According to market data from, technical indicators suggest that the coin is gaining momentum, with the DMI chart showing a significant uptick in buying pressure. The Ichimoku Cloud also points to a shift toward a bullish trend. If this momentum continues, PI could break through critical resistance at $1.10, opening the door to $1.30 in the near future. However, if the market sees a pullback, we might see support around $0.80 before any further upward movement. Watch out for PI—it could be on the verge of something big! $BNB $ETH #PiNetwork #PI #crypto #BullishSignals #altcoins

PI Network Coin, currently priced at $0.93, is showing strong bullish signs as it gears up for potential growth. According to market data from, technical indicators suggest that the coin is gaining momentum, with the DMI chart showing a significant uptick in buying pressure. The Ichimoku Cloud also points to a shift toward a bullish trend. If this momentum continues, PI could break through critical resistance at $1.10, opening the door to $1.30 in the near future. However, if the market sees a pullback, we might see support around $0.80 before any further upward movement. Watch out for PI—it could be on the verge of something big!
#PiNetwork #PI #crypto #BullishSignals #altcoins
11 ساعة/ساعات
🚨🚨#pi Pi Network Price Prediction 2025, 2026 – 2030: Why Is Pi Coin Dropping? Pi Network Price Prediction 2025 Release of newer updates, listing on Binance, and resolution of migration issues could lead to the Pi coin price achieving a new annual peak of $2.1007. However, growing uncertainty, liquidations, or a pullback by the bears could result in it closing 2025 with a low of $0.5252. Factoring in the present market sentiments, the Pi coin could conclude the year with an average trading value of $1.3130. YearPotential LowPotential AveragePotential High 2025$0.5252$1.3130$2.1007 Pi Coin Price Targets 2026 - 2030 YearPotential Low ($)Potential Average ($)Potential High ($) 2026$0.8403$2.1007$3.3612 2027$1.3445$3.3612$5.3779 2028$2.1512$5.3779$8.6046 2029$3.4418$8.6046$13.7674 2030$5.5070$13.7674$22.0278 Pi Crypto Price Forecast 2026 The Pi crypto prediction for the year 2026 could range between $0.8403 to $3.3612. Considering the buying and selling pressure, the average price could be around $2.1007 for that year. Pi Coin Price Prediction 2027 During 2027, the Pi network value could reach a maximum trading value of $5.3779 with a potential low of $1.3445. Evaluating the market sentiments, the average price of this altcoin could settle at around $3.3612. Pi Token Price Projection 2028 By 2028, the value of a single Pi coin price could reach a maximum of $8.6046 with a potential low of $2.1512. With this, the average price could land at around the $5.3779 mark. Pi Network Price Analysis 2029 Looking forward to 2029, the Pi coin Price may range between $3.4418 and $13.7674, and a potential average value of around $8.6046. Pi Network Price Prediction 2030 As per our Pi Coin Price Prediction 2030, the Pi coin value in 2030 could reach a high of $22.0278. However, the viral altcoin could record a low of $5.5070 and an average price of $13.7674, if the crypto market turns bearish. #FidelityStablecoin #WhaleMovements #GameStopBitcoinReserve #VoteToListOnBinance
🚨🚨#pi Pi Network Price Prediction 2025, 2026 – 2030: Why Is Pi Coin Dropping?

Pi Network Price Prediction 2025

Release of newer updates, listing on Binance, and resolution of migration issues could lead to the Pi coin price achieving a new annual peak of $2.1007. However, growing uncertainty, liquidations, or a pullback by the bears could result in it closing 2025 with a low of $0.5252.

Factoring in the present market sentiments, the Pi coin could conclude the year with an average trading value of $1.3130.

YearPotential LowPotential AveragePotential High


Pi Coin Price Targets 2026 - 2030
YearPotential Low ($)Potential Average ($)Potential High ($)

Pi Crypto Price Forecast 2026

The Pi crypto prediction for the year 2026 could range between $0.8403 to $3.3612. Considering the buying and selling pressure, the average price could be around $2.1007 for that year.

Pi Coin Price Prediction 2027

During 2027, the Pi network value could reach a maximum trading value of $5.3779 with a potential low of $1.3445. Evaluating the market sentiments, the average price of this altcoin could settle at around $3.3612.

Pi Token Price Projection 2028

By 2028, the value of a single Pi coin price could reach a maximum of $8.6046 with a potential low of $2.1512. With this, the average price could land at around the $5.3779 mark.

Pi Network Price Analysis 2029

Looking forward to 2029, the Pi coin Price may range between $3.4418 and $13.7674, and a potential average value of around $8.6046.

Pi Network Price Prediction 2030

As per our Pi Coin Price Prediction 2030, the Pi coin value in 2030 could reach a high of $22.0278. However, the viral altcoin could record a low of $5.5070 and an average price of $13.7674, if the crypto market turns bearish.
#FidelityStablecoin #WhaleMovements #GameStopBitcoinReserve #VoteToListOnBinance
Wilber Janson b6MR:
pi reaches 0.1 soon
2 ساعة/ساعات
#ILOVE$TRUMP #pi #ILOVE$TRUMP 🔶 كم من الوقت يحتاج المتداول لخسارة عقله داخل أسواق المال؟ 📉الإجابة الدقيقة لهذا السؤال ستكون كالاتي : ❇️التداول مش عبارة عن مجرد أسعار ورسوم بيانية فقط لا … فهو يعتبر حرب نفسية تواجه المتداول ...... 🍀لكن هناك أسباب تؤدى لهذه الحالة وهى : 🌟 يوم واحد فقط من التداول بدون خطة عمل واضحة = أول بداية للحرب 🌟 أسبوع تداول لمع السوق = عدم تطبيق معايير النظام داخل السوق 🔶 شهر تداول بدون إدارة المخاطر = طريق مظلم لحساب التداول 🔶 5 أشهر من الإصرار على نفس الأخطاء = خسارة رأس المال وانهيار الحالة النفسية لدى المتداول 🛑 لذلك يجب الانتباه بأن السوق ليس عدوك ولكن أنت من جعلته عدواً لك 🛑فالتداول يحتاج للمرونة والصبر والابتعاد عن العواطف التي يكون لها تأثير مباشر على تداولاتك$BNB
🔶 كم من الوقت يحتاج المتداول لخسارة عقله داخل أسواق المال؟
📉الإجابة الدقيقة لهذا السؤال ستكون كالاتي :
❇️التداول مش عبارة عن مجرد أسعار ورسوم بيانية فقط لا … فهو يعتبر حرب نفسية تواجه المتداول ......

🍀لكن هناك أسباب تؤدى لهذه الحالة وهى :

🌟 يوم واحد فقط من التداول بدون خطة عمل واضحة = أول بداية للحرب

🌟 أسبوع تداول لمع السوق = عدم تطبيق معايير النظام داخل السوق

🔶 شهر تداول بدون إدارة المخاطر = طريق مظلم لحساب التداول

🔶 5 أشهر من الإصرار على نفس الأخطاء = خسارة رأس المال وانهيار الحالة النفسية لدى المتداول
لذلك يجب الانتباه بأن السوق ليس عدوك ولكن أنت من جعلته عدواً لك

🛑فالتداول يحتاج للمرونة والصبر والابتعاد عن العواطف التي يكون لها تأثير مباشر على تداولاتك$BNB
4 ساعة/ساعات
🔥🔥A Reality Check for the Pi Community🔥🔥 As I scrolled through the Pi community posts today, I was met with the usual barrage of hate and negativity. However, I couldn't help but feel that many of these critics are misguided in their anger. The True State of the Pi Community For those who think the Pi community is bad, I suggest checking out the Pi Facebook page. It's supposed to be a platform for community discussion, but all you'll find are posts from people crying about scams or complaining about the project's progress. Unrealistic Expectations and Greed I've noticed that many people are quick to attack the Pi core team for not doing enough, but I have to ask: why should they care? Many community members are only interested in making a quick profit and don't care about the project's long-term success. They cry about their tokens, but what's the point of having tokens if the project isn't sustainable? The Inevitable Outcome The moment everything is open, people will sell their tokens, and that's not how the project is supposed to work. The Pi team knows and hears everything, but they're working at their own pace. No amount of crying and hate will change that. A Community Undeserving of Success Honestly, I don't blame the Pi team for anything. The majority of the community is greedy and comprised of scammers. They don't deserve anything, and it's not a community in the true sense of the word. #pi #PiCoreTeam #picoin
🔥🔥A Reality Check for the Pi Community🔥🔥

As I scrolled through the Pi community posts today, I was met with the usual barrage of hate and negativity. However, I couldn't help but feel that many of these critics are misguided in their anger.

The True State of the Pi Community

For those who think the Pi community is bad, I suggest checking out the Pi Facebook page. It's supposed to be a platform for community discussion, but all you'll find are posts from people crying about scams or complaining about the project's progress.

Unrealistic Expectations and Greed

I've noticed that many people are quick to attack the Pi core team for not doing enough, but I have to ask: why should they care? Many community members are only interested in making a quick profit and don't care about the project's long-term success. They cry about their tokens, but what's the point of having tokens if the project isn't sustainable?

The Inevitable Outcome

The moment everything is open, people will sell their tokens, and that's not how the project is supposed to work. The Pi team knows and hears everything, but they're working at their own pace. No amount of crying and hate will change that.

A Community Undeserving of Success

Honestly, I don't blame the Pi team for anything. The majority of the community is greedy and comprised of scammers. They don't deserve anything, and it's not a community in the true sense of the word.
#pi #PiCoreTeam #picoin
problème beaucoup sont très très pauvres ils pensent qu'ils vont être riches, arrêtez de rêver soyez humbles, faites autres choses et laissez l'écosystème pi agir seul.
10 ساعة/ساعات
Binance rejecting Pi Coin listing: *Reasons for Rejection 🚫* 1. *Closed Mainnet 🚧*: Pi Network's mainnet is not open, raising concerns about liquidity, transparency, and decentralization. 2. *Regulatory Concerns 🚨*: Pi Network's unclear regulatory status and potential non-compliance with financial and security regulations. 3. *Centralization 🤝*: Pi Network's high level of control by its core team raises concerns about decentralization. 4. *Lack of External Liquidity 💸*: Pi Coin's limited trading activity and liquidity outside of its enclosed mainnet. 5. *Community Expectations vs. Reality 🤔*: Pi Network's large community doesn't guarantee a listing without meeting fundamental criteria. *What's Next for Pi Coin? 🤔* 1. *Launch Open Mainnet 🚀*: Allow full decentralization and free trading. 2. *Gain Regulatory Clarity 📜*: Ensure compliance with financial and security regulations. 3. *Ensure Liquidity 💧*: Increase external market participation and trading activity. 4. *Decentralize Governance 🤝*: Transition to a more decentralized governance model. *Final Thoughts 💡* Binance's rejection highlights the importance of proper blockchain development, regulatory compliance, and decentralization in the crypto industry 📈. Pi Network must address key concerns before securing listings on top exchanges 🚀. #pi #PiCoreTeam #picoin #PiNetwork #PiNetworkMainnet
Binance rejecting Pi Coin listing:

*Reasons for Rejection 🚫*
1. *Closed Mainnet 🚧*: Pi Network's mainnet is not open, raising concerns about liquidity, transparency, and decentralization.
2. *Regulatory Concerns 🚨*: Pi Network's unclear regulatory status and potential non-compliance with financial and security regulations.
3. *Centralization 🤝*: Pi Network's high level of control by its core team raises concerns about decentralization.
4. *Lack of External Liquidity 💸*: Pi Coin's limited trading activity and liquidity outside of its enclosed mainnet.
5. *Community Expectations vs. Reality 🤔*: Pi Network's large community doesn't guarantee a listing without meeting fundamental criteria.

*What's Next for Pi Coin? 🤔*
1. *Launch Open Mainnet 🚀*: Allow full decentralization and free trading.
2. *Gain Regulatory Clarity 📜*: Ensure compliance with financial and security regulations.
3. *Ensure Liquidity 💧*: Increase external market participation and trading activity.
4. *Decentralize Governance 🤝*: Transition to a more decentralized governance model.

*Final Thoughts 💡*
Binance's rejection highlights the importance of proper blockchain development, regulatory compliance, and decentralization in the crypto industry 📈. Pi Network must address key concerns before securing listings on top exchanges 🚀.
#pi #PiCoreTeam #picoin #PiNetwork #PiNetworkMainnet
creo que vas a perder bastante dinero. PI va a 0,30 sin freno
1 ساعة/ساعات
سجّل الدخول لاستكشاف المزيد من المُحتوى