Binance Square
826,837 مشاهدات
118 يقومون بالنقاش
Stay Safe from Bank Disputes in P2P Transactions Key Points: • Always match the sender’s bank account name with their Binance profile. • Never release crypto before confirming the payment in your account. • Avoid accepting payments from third-party accounts. • Save all transaction proof for future reference. • Report suspicious transactions to Binance support immediately. • Communicate only through Binance chat for transparency. • Use a bank account with a strong dispute resolution process. #P2PTradingTips #DisputeResolved
Stay Safe from Bank Disputes in P2P Transactions

Key Points:
• Always match the sender’s bank
account name with their Binance profile.

• Never release crypto before confirming the payment in your account.

• Avoid accepting payments from third-party accounts.

• Save all transaction proof for future reference.

• Report suspicious transactions to Binance support immediately.

• Communicate only through Binance chat for transparency.

• Use a bank account with a strong dispute resolution process.

#P2PTradingTips #DisputeResolved
How Much Can You Earn from P2P Trading in Pakistan?” P2P trading is a profitable opportunity in Pakistan: *Profit Per Dollar: 1.5 PKR on average. *Daily Example: Trade $10,000 USDT daily to earn 15,000 PKR. *Monthly Example: Consistent trading can bring 450,000 PKR monthly. *Top Merchants: Some earn up to 3 crore PKR per month. What You Need: • Binance merchant account. • Verified bank account. • Trading capital. Your profit depends on how much you trade. The sky’s the limit! #P2PTradingTips #CryptoEarnings #Pakistan
How Much Can You Earn from P2P Trading in Pakistan?”

P2P trading is a profitable opportunity in Pakistan:

*Profit Per Dollar: 1.5 PKR on average.

*Daily Example: Trade $10,000 USDT daily to earn 15,000 PKR.

*Monthly Example: Consistent trading can bring 450,000 PKR monthly.

*Top Merchants: Some earn up to 3 crore PKR per month.

What You Need:
• Binance merchant account.
• Verified bank account.
• Trading capital.

Your profit depends on how much you trade. The sky’s the limit!

#P2PTradingTips #CryptoEarnings #Pakistan
BINANCE P2P BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES THE EASIEST AND BEST WAY TO BUY & SELL CRYPTO JUST READ THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND PROFESSIONAL APROACH TO CRYPTO WORLD Why Use Binance P2P? Binance P2P (Peer-to-Peer) is the easiest way to trade crypto directly with others. Here’s why it’s awesome: 1️⃣ Zero Fees: No trading fees, more savings! 🚫💸 2️⃣ Flexible Payment Methods: UPI, bank transfer, wallets—you name it! 💳📲 3️⃣ Set Your Own Rates: Buy or sell crypto at your preferred price. 💹 4️⃣ Secure Trades: Escrow ensures your funds are safe. 🔐🤝 5️⃣ Merchant Program: Become a P2P merchant and boost your earnings! 💼💵 What do you love most about Binance P2P? Let us know your favorite! 👇 -Low fees -Multiple Payment Methods -Secure Escrow System -Merchant Earning Opportunities #BinanceSquareFamily #P2PTradingTips #P2P #BTC☀️



Why Use Binance P2P?

Binance P2P (Peer-to-Peer) is the easiest way to trade crypto directly with others. Here’s why it’s awesome:

1️⃣ Zero Fees: No trading fees, more savings! 🚫💸

2️⃣ Flexible Payment Methods: UPI, bank transfer, wallets—you name it! 💳📲

3️⃣ Set Your Own Rates: Buy or sell crypto at your preferred
price. 💹

4️⃣ Secure Trades: Escrow ensures your funds are safe. 🔐🤝

5️⃣ Merchant Program: Become a P2P merchant and boost your
earnings! 💼💵

What do you love most about Binance P2P?

Let us know your favorite! 👇

-Low fees

-Multiple Payment Methods

-Secure Escrow System

-Merchant Earning Opportunities

#BinanceSquareFamily #P2PTradingTips #P2P #BTC☀️
Looking to buy or sell crypto on Binance P2P? I’m a verified P2P merchant, here to provide 100% secure and smooth transactions. Feel free to contact me anytime! #P2PTrading #P2PTradingTips
Looking to buy or sell crypto on Binance P2P? I’m a verified P2P merchant, here to provide 100% secure and smooth transactions. Feel free to contact me anytime!

#P2PTrading #P2PTradingTips
في هذا المقال، سنتناول أفضل خمس منصات لتداول العملات الرقمية بنظام P2P في لعام 2025. #P2PTradingTips
في هذا المقال، سنتناول أفضل خمس منصات لتداول العملات الرقمية بنظام P2P في لعام 2025.

أفضل 5 منصات لتداول العملات الرقمية بنظام P2P في 2025
تُعد منصات التداول من نظير إلى نظير #P2P وسيلة فعالة وآمنة لتداول العملات الرقمية مباشرة بين المستخدمين دون الحاجة إلى وسطاء تقليديين. تتسم هذه المنصات بالمرونة العالية، حيث توفر خيارات متعددة للدفع وتتيح للمستخدمين تحديد الأسعار التي تناسبهم.

في هذا المقال، سنتناول أفضل خمس منصات لتداول العملات الرقمية بنظام P2P في لعام 2025.
ما هي منصات التداول من نظير إلى نظير (P2P)؟
تعتمد منصات P2P على تمكين المستخدمين من التداول المباشر للعملات الرقمية فيما بينهم من خلال إنشاء إعلانات بيع أو شراء. تتميز هذه الطريقة بالتكلفة المنخفضة والمرونة في اختيار وسائل الدفع، مما يجعلها خيارًا مثاليًا للمبتدئين والمحترفين على حد سواء.
كيفية اختيار منصة تداول P2P 
عند اختيار منصة تداول P2P للعملات المشفرة، يجب مراعاة المعايير الرئيسية التالية لضمان تجربة تداول آمنة وفعالة: 
1.    إجراءات الأمان: الأمان هو العنصر الأساسي في التداول P2P. ابحث عن منصات تستخدم خدمات الضمان لحجز الأموال حتى يستوفي الطرفان شروط الصفقة. تساعد هذه الميزة في منع الاحتيال من خلال ضمان أن البائع لن يحرر العملات المشفرة إلا بعد تأكيد الدفع. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعزز المنصات التي تطبق بروتوكولات "اعرف عميلك" (KYC) الأمان عن طريق التحقق من هويات المستخدمين.
2.    مجموعة العملات المشفرة المدعومة: يجب أن تدعم المنصة الجيدة مجموعة واسعة من العملات المشفرة، مما يتيح لك تداول أصول متنوعة بسهولة. 
3.    واجهة المستخدم وتجربة الاستخدام: تعد واجهة المستخدم (UI) وتجربة المستخدم (UX) عوامل حاسمة لضمان تداول سلس. تجعل الواجهة المصممة بشكل جيد من السهل التنقل داخل المنصة والعثور على العروض المناسبة وإتمام المعاملات بكفاءة. ابحث عن منصات توفر تصاميم بديهية، تعليمات واضحة، وميزات مفيدة مثل فلاتر البحث وأنظمة المطابقة الآلية.
4.    رسوم التداول وطرق الدفع: يمكن أن تؤثر رسوم التداول بشكل كبير على أرباحك، لذا من المهم اختيار منصة تقدم معدلات تنافسية. بعض المنصات تقدم رسوم تداول صفرية للمشترين، مما يزيد من فرص الربح. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعد تنوع طرق الدفع عاملًا أساسيًا. المنصات التي تدعم خيارات دفع متعددة، مثل التحويلات البنكية، المحافظ الرقمية، والمدفوعات النقدية المباشرة، توفر مرونة وراحة أكبر. 
5.    دعم العملاء وحل النزاعات: يعتبر دعم العملاء وآليات حل النزاعات أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لحل المشكلات التي قد تنشأ أثناء المعاملات. المنصات التي تضم فرق دعم مخصصة يمكنها المساعدة في مشاكل مثل تأخير الدفع أو النزاعات حول شروط الصفقة. ابحث عن منصات توفر قنوات واضحة لتقديم الطعون والوصول إلى خدمات الدعم.
أفضل 5 منصات P2P لتداول العملات الرقمية في  لعام 2025:
أولا: بينانس P2P
منصة #بينانس Binance P2P تتميز بعدد من المزايا التي تجعلها الخيار الأمثل للمستخدمين الذين يفضلون التداول من نظير إلى نظير. إليك أهم مميزاتها: 
1.    عدد كبير من العملات الرقمية: تدعم Binance P2P أكثر من 100 عملة رقمية، مما يتيح للمستخدمين خيارات متعددة للتداول. 
2.    تنوع طرق الدفع: توفر المنصة أكثر من 800 طريقة دفع، بما في ذلك التحويلات البنكية، والمحافظ الإلكترونية، وخدمات الدفع المحلية والدولية، مما يسهل التداول لمختلف المستخدمين حول العالم. 
3.    رسوم تداول منخفضة: تعتبر رسوم التداول على Binance P2P من الأقل في السوق، وغالبًا ما تصل إلى صفر في بعض الحالات، مما يجعلها خيارًا اقتصاديًا. 
4.    أمان عالي: توفر Binance نظام ضمان (Escrow) لحماية الأموال أثناء المعاملات، حيث يتم تجميد العملات حتى يتم تأكيد عملية الدفع. 
5.    واجهة سهلة الاستخدام: تقدم المنصة واجهة مستخدم مرنة وسهلة، مما يجعلها مناسبة للمبتدئين والمحترفين على حد سواء. 
6.    دعم لغات متعددة: تدعم Binance P2P العديد من اللغات، مما يسهل على المستخدمين من مختلف الدول التعامل على المنصة بسهولة. 
7.    إعلانات مخصصة: تتيح للمستخدمين إنشاء إعلانات بيع وشراء مخصصة لتلبية احتياجاتهم الخاصة بأسعار وشروط محددة. 
8.    خدمة عملاء ممتازة: تقدم Binance دعمًا على مدار الساعة لحل أي مشكلات قد تواجه المستخدمين أثناء التداول.
9.    مجتمع واسع: تضم منصة Binance قاعدة مستخدمين كبيرة، مما يزيد من السيولة ويسهل إيجاد شركاء تداول بسرعة. 
هذه الميزات تجعل Binance P2P الخيار الأفضل للمستخدمين الباحثين عن تجربة تداول آمنة ومرنة بتكاليف منخفضة. يمكنك البدء مباشرة من خلال زيارة الرابط الأتي:
ثانيا منصة كوكوين P2P
   تتميز KuCoin بدعمها لعدد كبير من العملات الرقمية وخيارات دفع متنوعة، مع تركيز خاص على تحسين تجربة المستخدم وسهولة الاستخدام.
ثالثا: أوكي إكس
   تتيح منصة OKX P2P خيارات دفع متعددة ورسوم تداول منخفضة، مما يجعلها وجهة مفضلة في {region}.
رابعا: بايبت P2P
   تقدم Bybit P2P مزايا مثل سرعة تنفيذ المعاملات ودعم لعملات رقمية شائعة، بالإضافة إلى نظام دعم عملاء متكامل.
خامسا: هيوبي P2P
   تشتهر Huobi P2P بالمرونة الكبيرة في تحديد الأسعار وخيارات الدفع، إلى جانب أمان عالي في التعاملات.
إذا كنت تبحث عن منصة آمنة ومرنة لتداول العملات الرقمية بنظام P2P، فإن Binance P2P تُعد الخيار الأمثل بفضل مزاياها المتعددة التي تلبي احتياجات جميع المستخدمين. ومع وجود منصات أخرى يظل الاختيار يعتمد على تفضيلاتك الشخصية ومتطلباتك
Binance P2P lanza una actualización del programa para comerciantes Compañeros Binancianos, Nos complace anunciar una actualización importante del Programa de Comercio P2P de Binance. Estas actualizaciones están diseñadas para mejorar la experiencia de comercio de nuestros usuarios al reconocer a nuestros comerciantes más dedicados y confiables. El programa de comerciantes P2P de Binance ahora incluye tres niveles: Bronce, Plata y Oro. Todos los comerciantes recién verificados comenzarán con el nivel Bronce y avanzarán a niveles superiores según su desempeño en el mes anterior. Bronce: Comerciantes verificados con un sólido historial de comercio P2P. Plata: Comerciantes avanzados con registros P2P positivos y un volumen comercial constante. Oro: Comerciantes de élite con amplia experiencia y registros excepcionales. Bronce Plata Oro Volumen de transacciones P2P en el mes anterior Todos los comerciantes verificados Más de 6 BTC o equivalente a 200 000 USDT Más de 60 BTC o equivalente a 2.000.000 USDT Tasa de finalización de transacciones P2P en el mes anterior N / A 98% o más 98% o más Beneficios de cada nivel de comerciante verificado Los comerciantes de diferentes niveles disfrutarán de diferentes beneficios y acceso a las funciones del producto: Bronce Plata Oro Insignia de comerciante exclusiva Insignia de bronce Insignia de plata Insignia de oro Rebaja/descuento de tarifa* 20% 30% 50% Inventario de anuncios compartidos Sí Sí Sí Liberación rápida/cancelación Sí Sí Sí Tiempo de respuesta inicial de la asistencia a la apelación Menos de 1 hora Menos de 1 hora Menos de 1 hora Acceso a CS Servicios 24/7 Servicios 24/7 Servicios 24/7 Para obtener más detalles, consulte ¿Qué es el Programa de Comerciantes P2P de Binance ? #BecomeCreator #P2P #P2PTradingTips #tradingStrategy #Criptomonedas $BTC @BinanceSearch @Binance_Academy @Binancelatam @Binance_Espana @Binance_Labs @Binance_Customer_Support @Binance_Announcement @Binance_News
Binance P2P lanza una actualización del programa para comerciantes

Compañeros Binancianos,

Nos complace anunciar una actualización importante del Programa de Comercio P2P de Binance. Estas actualizaciones están diseñadas para mejorar la experiencia de comercio de nuestros usuarios al reconocer a nuestros comerciantes más dedicados y confiables.

El programa de comerciantes P2P de Binance ahora incluye tres niveles: Bronce, Plata y Oro. Todos los comerciantes recién verificados comenzarán con el nivel Bronce y avanzarán a niveles superiores según su desempeño en el mes anterior.

Bronce: Comerciantes verificados con un sólido historial de comercio P2P.

Plata: Comerciantes avanzados con registros P2P positivos y un volumen comercial constante.

Oro: Comerciantes de élite con amplia experiencia y registros excepcionales.




Volumen de transacciones P2P en el mes anterior

Todos los comerciantes verificados

Más de 6 BTC o equivalente a 200 000 USDT

Más de 60 BTC o equivalente a 2.000.000 USDT

Tasa de finalización de transacciones P2P en el mes anterior

N / A

98% o más

98% o más

Beneficios de cada nivel de comerciante verificado
Los comerciantes de diferentes niveles disfrutarán de diferentes beneficios y acceso a las funciones del producto:




Insignia de comerciante exclusiva

Insignia de bronce

Insignia de plata

Insignia de oro

Rebaja/descuento de tarifa*




Inventario de anuncios compartidos

Liberación rápida/cancelación

Tiempo de respuesta inicial de la asistencia a la apelación

Menos de 1 hora

Menos de 1 hora

Menos de 1 hora

Acceso a CS

Servicios 24/7

Servicios 24/7

Servicios 24/7

Para obtener más detalles, consulte ¿Qué es el Programa de Comerciantes P2P de Binance ?

#BecomeCreator #P2P #P2PTradingTips #tradingStrategy #Criptomonedas $BTC @Binance Search @Binance Academy @Binance LATAM Official @Binance España @Binance Labs @Binance Customer Support @Binance Announcement @Binance News
⚠️⚠️⚠️ What to Do If You Get Scammed on Binance P2P: ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Act Fast: Report the scam to Binance support right away. Gather Evidence: Share all transaction details, chat logs, and screenshots with Binance. Alert Your Bank: Contact your bank or payment provider to try reversing the transaction. Secure Your Account: Change your Binance password and enable 2FA. Report to Authorities: File a complaint with local law enforcement or cybercrime units. Keep Records: Save all communication with Binance and authorities. Stay Calm: Stay focused and follow the recovery process. Binance Support Will: Freeze the scammer's account. Investigate the incident. Try to reverse the transaction. Additional Tips: File a Dispute: If possible, dispute the charge with your payment provider. Get Legal Help: Consult a lawyer for advice on your situation. Remember: Quick action and clear communication are key. #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #P2PScamPrevention #P2PScams #P2PTradingTips
⚠️⚠️⚠️ What to Do If You Get Scammed on Binance P2P: ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Act Fast: Report the scam to Binance support right away.
Gather Evidence: Share all transaction details, chat logs, and screenshots with Binance.
Alert Your Bank: Contact your bank or payment provider to try reversing the transaction.
Secure Your Account: Change your Binance password and enable 2FA.
Report to Authorities: File a complaint with local law enforcement or cybercrime units.
Keep Records: Save all communication with Binance and authorities.
Stay Calm: Stay focused and follow the recovery process.
Binance Support Will:

Freeze the scammer's account.
Investigate the incident.
Try to reverse the transaction.
Additional Tips:

File a Dispute: If possible, dispute the charge with your payment provider.
Get Legal Help: Consult a lawyer for advice on your situation.
Remember: Quick action and clear communication are key.

#P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamWarning #P2PScamPrevention #P2PScams #P2PTradingTips
Warning: Binance P2P Scams – How to Avoid Losing Your Crypto!In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading platforms have emerged as a revolutionary way to buy and sell digital assets without relying on intermediaries like banks. Binance, one of the world's largest and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges, offers a P2P service that allows users to trade directly with each other. While Binance P2P offers great convenience and flexibility, it is also a hotbed for scammers looking to exploit unsuspecting traders. If you’re diving into Binance’s P2P trading, it's essential to know the risks involved and the best practices to keep your crypto safe. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to avoid falling victim to P2P scams on Binance. What is Binance P2P Trading? Binance’s P2P platform allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and stablecoins directly from and to each other. This method bypasses traditional centralized exchanges, providing greater flexibility in payment options, including bank transfers, PayPal, and even gift cards. For many, this makes crypto trading more accessible, especially in regions where traditional exchanges may have limitations. However, while Binance’s P2P platform is a great tool for convenient trading, its decentralized nature can make it easier for scammers to target both novice and experienced traders. Without proper knowledge and precautions, it’s easy to lose your crypto to unscrupulous actors. Common Binance P2P Scams to Watch Out For 1. Fake Payment Proof Scams One of the most common P2P scams occurs when the scammer convinces you that they have made a payment for your crypto. They might send fake payment confirmation screenshots or altered bank receipts. Once you release the cryptocurrency, they disappear without completing the payment. How to Avoid It: Always check your payment status through your bank or payment provider. Do not rely on screenshots. It’s crucial to verify the payment yourself before releasing any crypto. Binance also has an escrow system that locks the crypto until the transaction is confirmed. 2. Chargeback Scams In this scam, the buyer claims that they never received the crypto and files a chargeback with their payment provider (e.g., PayPal or a bank). They get their money back while you lose your crypto. This is common in fiat-to-crypto transactions where the payment method is reversible. How to Avoid It: Use non-reversible payment methods when trading on Binance P2P, such as cash deposits or cryptocurrency payments. Also, be aware of users who have a history of chargebacks or negative reviews. 3. Impersonation Scams Scammers may pretend to be Binance support staff or trusted users to trick you into sending crypto. They may create fake profiles that look convincing and provide fraudulent links or instructions. How to Avoid It: Binance will never ask for your private keys or passwords. If someone claims to be from Binance support, contact the official Binance customer service directly to verify the identity. Always use official communication channels. 4. Fake Ads and Phishing Links Scammers often post enticing ads offering above-market rates for your crypto or promising great discounts on purchases. These ads may lead to phishing websites designed to steal your personal information, including login credentials or private keys. How to Avoid It: Never click on suspicious links or deals that seem too good to be true. Always double-check the legitimacy of the ad and the profile of the person posting it. Binance provides an option to report suspicious ads, so take advantage of that to help protect the community. 5. Social Engineering and Pressure Tactics In this scam, the scammer uses high-pressure tactics to get you to release crypto before you’ve had time to properly verify the transaction. They may act urgent or offer a sense of trustworthiness, making you feel obligated to complete the trade quickly. How to Avoid It: Take your time during each transaction. If something feels off, don’t hesitate to pause and do additional checks. Always follow the Binance guidelines and security practices, and never rush into a trade. Tips for Staying Safe on Binance P2P Now that you know some of the common scams, let’s look at practical tips for safeguarding your assets: 1. Use Binance’s Escrow System Binance’s P2P platform holds the crypto in escrow until both parties confirm the transaction is complete. Never release your crypto unless the payment has been fully verified. The escrow system is one of the key features that make Binance P2P safe and secure. 2. Check User Reputation and Feedback Binance P2P allows users to rate and leave feedback on each transaction. Always check the reputation of the other party before trading. Avoid dealing with new accounts or users with a negative feedback history. 3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Protect your Binance account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to access your account, even if they have your login credentials. 4. Verify Payment Before Releasing Crypto As mentioned earlier, always verify the payment before releasing your crypto. Don’t rely on screenshots or confirmation messages. If you’re using bank transfers, verify with your bank that the payment has been processed. If possible, ask for payment receipts or transaction IDs. 5. Educate Yourself Stay informed about the latest P2P scams and tactics. Binance offers educational resources and guides to help users navigate the world of P2P trading safely. Being knowledgeable is one of the best defenses against scammers. 6. Use Secure Payment Methods Some payment methods are riskier than others. If you can, stick to methods that are irreversible, like bank transfers or cryptocurrencies, rather than those that can be disputed, such as PayPal or credit card payments. 7. Report Suspicious Activity If you encounter any suspicious behavior, immediately report it to Binance’s support team. Reporting fraudulent activity helps protect the broader Binance community. Conclusion Binance P2P is an excellent platform for crypto trading, offering flexibility and a wide variety of payment methods. However, it’s essential to stay vigilant and follow best practices to protect yourself from scams. By using Binance’s security features, verifying payments, and staying informed about the latest threats, you can confidently trade on Binance P2P without falling victim to fraud. Remember, your crypto security is ultimately in your hands – so take the necessary steps to protect your assets today! #P2PScamAwareness #P2PScamPrevention #P2PTradingTips #cryptoupdates2024 #CryptoHistoricMoment

Warning: Binance P2P Scams – How to Avoid Losing Your Crypto!

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) trading platforms have emerged as a revolutionary way to buy and sell digital assets without relying on intermediaries like banks. Binance, one of the world's largest and most trusted cryptocurrency exchanges, offers a P2P service that allows users to trade directly with each other. While Binance P2P offers great convenience and flexibility, it is also a hotbed for scammers looking to exploit unsuspecting traders. If you’re diving into Binance’s P2P trading, it's essential to know the risks involved and the best practices to keep your crypto safe. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to avoid falling victim to P2P scams on Binance.

What is Binance P2P Trading?

Binance’s P2P platform allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and stablecoins directly from and to each other. This method bypasses traditional centralized exchanges, providing greater flexibility in payment options, including bank transfers, PayPal, and even gift cards. For many, this makes crypto trading more accessible, especially in regions where traditional exchanges may have limitations.

However, while Binance’s P2P platform is a great tool for convenient trading, its decentralized nature can make it easier for scammers to target both novice and experienced traders. Without proper knowledge and precautions, it’s easy to lose your crypto to unscrupulous actors.

Common Binance P2P Scams to Watch Out For

1. Fake Payment Proof Scams
One of the most common P2P scams occurs when the scammer convinces you that they have made a payment for your crypto. They might send fake payment confirmation screenshots or altered bank receipts. Once you release the cryptocurrency, they disappear without completing the payment.

How to Avoid It:
Always check your payment status through your bank or payment provider. Do not rely on screenshots. It’s crucial to verify the payment yourself before releasing any crypto. Binance also has an escrow system that locks the crypto until the transaction is confirmed.

2. Chargeback Scams
In this scam, the buyer claims that they never received the crypto and files a chargeback with their payment provider (e.g., PayPal or a bank). They get their money back while you lose your crypto. This is common in fiat-to-crypto transactions where the payment method is reversible.

How to Avoid It:
Use non-reversible payment methods when trading on Binance P2P, such as cash deposits or cryptocurrency payments. Also, be aware of users who have a history of chargebacks or negative reviews.

3. Impersonation Scams
Scammers may pretend to be Binance support staff or trusted users to trick you into sending crypto. They may create fake profiles that look convincing and provide fraudulent links or instructions.

How to Avoid It:
Binance will never ask for your private keys or passwords. If someone claims to be from Binance support, contact the official Binance customer service directly to verify the identity. Always use official communication channels.

4. Fake Ads and Phishing Links
Scammers often post enticing ads offering above-market rates for your crypto or promising great discounts on purchases. These ads may lead to phishing websites designed to steal your personal information, including login credentials or private keys.

How to Avoid It:
Never click on suspicious links or deals that seem too good to be true. Always double-check the legitimacy of the ad and the profile of the person posting it. Binance provides an option to report suspicious ads, so take advantage of that to help protect the community.

5. Social Engineering and Pressure Tactics
In this scam, the scammer uses high-pressure tactics to get you to release crypto before you’ve had time to properly verify the transaction. They may act urgent or offer a sense of trustworthiness, making you feel obligated to complete the trade quickly.

How to Avoid It:
Take your time during each transaction. If something feels off, don’t hesitate to pause and do additional checks. Always follow the Binance guidelines and security practices, and never rush into a trade.

Tips for Staying Safe on Binance P2P

Now that you know some of the common scams, let’s look at practical tips for safeguarding your assets:

1. Use Binance’s Escrow System
Binance’s P2P platform holds the crypto in escrow until both parties confirm the transaction is complete. Never release your crypto unless the payment has been fully verified. The escrow system is one of the key features that make Binance P2P safe and secure.

2. Check User Reputation and Feedback
Binance P2P allows users to rate and leave feedback on each transaction. Always check the reputation of the other party before trading. Avoid dealing with new accounts or users with a negative feedback history.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Protect your Binance account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). This adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to access your account, even if they have your login credentials.

4. Verify Payment Before Releasing Crypto
As mentioned earlier, always verify the payment before releasing your crypto. Don’t rely on screenshots or confirmation messages. If you’re using bank transfers, verify with your bank that the payment has been processed. If possible, ask for payment receipts or transaction IDs.

5. Educate Yourself
Stay informed about the latest P2P scams and tactics. Binance offers educational resources and guides to help users navigate the world of P2P trading safely. Being knowledgeable is one of the best defenses against scammers.

6. Use Secure Payment Methods
Some payment methods are riskier than others. If you can, stick to methods that are irreversible, like bank transfers or cryptocurrencies, rather than those that can be disputed, such as PayPal or credit card payments.

7. Report Suspicious Activity
If you encounter any suspicious behavior, immediately report it to Binance’s support team. Reporting fraudulent activity helps protect the broader Binance community.


Binance P2P is an excellent platform for crypto trading, offering flexibility and a wide variety of payment methods. However, it’s essential to stay vigilant and follow best practices to protect yourself from scams. By using Binance’s security features, verifying payments, and staying informed about the latest threats, you can confidently trade on Binance P2P without falling victim to fraud. Remember, your crypto security is ultimately in your hands – so take the necessary steps to protect your assets today!

p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️& Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯 Information Part :- 1I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem.Guys, first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked.If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time at-least 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question "Why my bank account on freeze" Don't be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on(on Date - Which was a fraudulent transaction).Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail.If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department.This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case.Don't waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also tollow the same step and process.If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze.There is One more thing happened with you if you are 100% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this Problem.I'll Explain in Part 2 🔜 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2.#P2PScam #cybersecurity #P2PTradingTips #p2p

p2p Scam Alert 🚨‼️& Solution (Bank Account Unfreeze - Solution) 💯

Information Part :- 1I know many people are facing this problem regarding account freeze by the cyber crime department complaint and debit blocked by the bank.So, I'll share some tips and useful information with what exactly to do if you are in the same problem.Guys, first you need to visit your bank and ask them about why your bank account freeze or debit blocked.If the bank said you got a cyber complaint thats why your account was debit blocked or freeze.Tell them please provide me the complete information from which cyber department ordered you to freeze or debit blocked my account and if you can't visit the bank any reason you also asked for the information by email but make sure your email register with your bank account.The bank provides you information and in that information you got cyber department Email Address and Phone Number.This Process take time at-least 1 week or 10 days minimum.Now, you have to contact cyber crime department and by email or phone call or WhatsApp and ask the same question "Why my bank account on freeze" Don't be shy or scared just asked them your are not do anything wrong.The cyber crime officer tell you, You received a payment on(on Date - Which was a fraudulent transaction).Match that transaction with your p2p Trade and provide them receipt and other proof why these transactions you received and what exactly you do explain in detail.If you receive clear funds not done any 3rd party payment just provide all screenshots and conversation between you and buy all the legal information and screenshots or buy ID send to the department.This process take maybe 10-20 days to solve your case.Don't waste your time and money on the online service provider who said they help they also tollow the same step and process.If Cyber department was satisfied with your proof and evidence they released your bank account and your bank account was unfreeze.There is One more thing happened with you if you are 100% innocent or all documents are correct but cyber department not unfreeze your account. Then what happened with you and what to do if you are in this Problem.I'll Explain in Part 2 🔜 Like, share and comment for this information so i know you also need part 2.#P2PScam #cybersecurity #P2PTradingTips #p2p
Estar pendientes estafadores utilizan el método del comprobante de pago falso con captures que no se ven, la fecha o la hora no coincide cuenta nueva con cero órdenes o muy pocas #estafas #P2PTradingTips #P2PTrading
Estar pendientes estafadores utilizan el método del comprobante de pago falso con captures que no se ven, la fecha o la hora no coincide
cuenta nueva con cero órdenes o muy pocas #estafas #P2PTradingTips #P2PTrading
استكشف أحدث أخبار العملات الرقمية
⚡️ كُن جزءًا من أحدث النقاشات في مجال العملات الرقمية
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