Binance Square
63,335 مشاهدات
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Niela James
Holiday Crypto Picks: Top Altcoins Under $1 to Watch This Season JasmyCoin ($JASMY ) JasmyCoin (JASMHoliday Crypto Picks: Top Altcoins Under $1 to Watch This Season JasmyCoin ($JASMY ) JasmyCoin (JASMY) is a promising cryptocurrency developed by Jasmy Corporation, a Tokyo-based company specializing in the Internet of Things (IoT). The project focuses on combining IoT technology with blockchain to provide a secure platform for users to manage and protect their personal data. Empowering Users with Data Control At the core of JasmyCoin is the idea of giving individuals full control over their personal data. By leveraging blockchain technology, JasmyCoin ensures that users can safely store, exchange, and manage their information, all while maintaining ownership and privacy. This makes JasmyCoin an attractive solution in a world where data privacy is increasingly important. Addressing the Growing Demand for Data Privacy In today’s digital landscape, concerns about data security and privacy are more prevalent than ever. JasmyCoin stands out by focusing on the protection of individual data rights. Unlike other cryptocurrencies that prioritize scalability or transaction speed, JASMY places data ownership at the forefront. This unique approach caters to the growing demand for more control over personal information, especially as data breaches and privacy violations continue to rise. The Potential of JasmyCoin in a Changing Market With the increasing focus on data privacy and the trend toward decentralization, JasmyCoin’s innovative approach to data democratization could capture the attention of both users and investors. While the cryptocurrency market is volatile, JasmyCoin’s focus on empowering individuals with data ownership positions it as a unique and intriguing player to watch in the coming months. Thank you for reading. #JASMY /USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ #BinanceLaunchpoolBIO #BinanceAlphaAlert #BinanceLabsBacksUsual #MicroStrategyInNasdaq100 # #ChristmasMarketAnalysis#ChristmasMarketAnalysis

Holiday Crypto Picks: Top Altcoins Under $1 to Watch This Season JasmyCoin ($JASMY ) JasmyCoin (JASM

Holiday Crypto Picks: Top Altcoins Under $1 to Watch This Season
JasmyCoin ($JASMY )
JasmyCoin (JASMY) is a promising cryptocurrency developed by Jasmy Corporation, a Tokyo-based company specializing in the Internet of Things (IoT). The project focuses on combining IoT technology with blockchain to provide a secure platform for users to manage and protect their personal data.
Empowering Users with Data Control
At the core of JasmyCoin is the idea of giving individuals full control over their personal data. By leveraging blockchain technology, JasmyCoin ensures that users can safely store, exchange, and manage their information, all while maintaining ownership and privacy. This makes JasmyCoin an attractive solution in a world where data privacy is increasingly important.
Addressing the Growing Demand for Data Privacy
In today’s digital landscape, concerns about data security and privacy are more prevalent than ever. JasmyCoin stands out by focusing on the protection of individual data rights. Unlike other cryptocurrencies that prioritize scalability or transaction speed, JASMY places data ownership at the forefront. This unique approach caters to the growing demand for more control over personal information, especially as data breaches and privacy violations continue to rise.
The Potential of JasmyCoin in a Changing Market
With the increasing focus on data privacy and the trend toward decentralization, JasmyCoin’s innovative approach to data democratization could capture the attention of both users and investors. While the cryptocurrency market is volatile, JasmyCoin’s focus on empowering individuals with data ownership positions it as a unique and intriguing player to watch in the coming months.
Thank you for reading.
#JASMY /USDT #Jasmyusdt⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ #BinanceLaunchpoolBIO #BinanceAlphaAlert #BinanceLabsBacksUsual #MicroStrategyInNasdaq100 # #ChristmasMarketAnalysis#ChristmasMarketAnalysis
#jasmy siamo diretti al rialzo, prossima resistenza a 0.041
#jasmy siamo diretti al rialzo, prossima resistenza a 0.041
1 يوم (أيام) مُتبقية
I continue to say 0.037 to 0.032 is a great region for accumulation. The token also touched where the best entry would be at 0.029 $JASMY {future}(JASMYUSDT) #JASMY
I continue to say 0.037 to 0.032 is a great region for accumulation.

The token also touched where the best entry would be at 0.029
Rix Alves
Região de 0,037 a 0,032 é uma regiao para acumulação pra quem pensa em entra no Token ou aumenta o preço médio.
Eu colocaria mais 2 entrada em pontos estratégico, 0,029 na media de 80 e 0,025 na media de 200 no d1,caso BTC venha fazer mais correção agressiva.

Lembrando de jasmy bateu totalmente sobrevendido no diário indicando exaustão na venda pelo rsi estocástico

大牛市历史走势: 新菲菜必看!!!大家好,我是老猫,好些天没有分享文章和个人心得,没有空出时间更新,多多包涵。 行情波诡云谲,各路消息满天飞,符合牛市格局,还是那句话熬住出众,熬不住出局。 大盘进入历史关键时刻,,大盘盘整和调整进入了尾声阶段,大牛市很短暂,结构调整很快,快到你做不出选择时候已经到高潮,你进入就会被套,当你还在幻想着大牛时候其实已经进入了熊阶段。 老猫亲自经历也是被套两轮的菲菜,现在已经成为菲菜大军一员。记得2017年大牛市那会,1~2月份是满地都是钱,随便买都赚。走入熊是从3月份开始,当时是XRP高光时刻,市场很疯狂,在大家以为长牛时候,慢慢进入了阴跌模式,等你缓过来时候已经来不及,进退为难,开启了漫长3年阴跌模式。 说实话,前面几年买卖或者板块概念没有现在来的多,更新也没这么快,那会很简单,币也没那么多,拉盘相对简单一些,买了币持币待涨就可以,没现在这么复杂,还要各种数据研究。时间节点来到了2020年3月份,圈内出名的3.12事件引崩大盘,比特币单日跌幅超过将近40个点,其它山寨币跌幅50~100区间,大部分归零状态,其实回望过去,也是从这一天底部开始计算,就是历史底部进入牛市阶段起始。 时间节点来到6月份,DEFI发展和玩法已经带来了赚钱效应,为首的AAVE、SNX、COMP等DEFI头部龙头,流动性质押挖矿太火爆,一直持续到10月份左右引爆了整个市场行情,结束了过去3年熊市行情。行情全面爆发持续到12月份,也是差不多到今天这个时间节点进入了盘整调整阶段,震荡洗盘上涨,来到了2021年1月份中旬,其实这个时候已经到了巅峰顶部,在2月份虽然行情还是高涨状态,但是很明显已经有点乏力,持续到3月份初之后,遇到开会和3.15影响这时候已经进入了慢熊模式。 2021年这一次大牛,也是3月份~5月份进入了熊模式,开启阴跌模式,2年多阴跌震荡下跌,到了2023年9月份结束,10月份开启了短暂小牛,期间不断震荡洗盘和上涨来到了2024年3月份,也是大盘高光时刻,如果这时候你清仓了,那你就挣钱,3月份之后就是漫长阴跌洗盘模式,再加上今年美联储加息或者降息等风声,期间震荡下跌和洗盘把人折磨到什么状态,老猫这大半年观察了各大社群和电报,哀鸿遍野,惨不忍睹,群里也没人说话,也没人讨论行情,听的最多的是问大牛还还在不在,已经怀疑人生,信仰摇摆。 节点来到了8月份底部,出现了转折点,就是普哥参与竞选总统,公开支持加密货币,如果当选我会支持比特币等等...行情出现了短暂回调和盘整,慢慢上涨期间也没有出现什么大波动跌幅,到了11月份后竞争白热化,这时候已经感觉到大盘有点风雨飘摇状态,大部分人也关注看到普哥可能会输,所以1~4日进入了暴跌模式,大部分人也出货,虽然大多数人长期看涨状态,但是也经不起时间煎熬,倒在黎明前肯定很多。直到11.5早上公布了数据后,行情开始明朗,大盘拉爆,进入了短暂疯牛模式持续到12月15号,其实老猫些时候已经想出货避风险,按照以往经历,圣诞节前后都会有一轮暴跌,果不出其然,美联储主席公开表态不支持比特币,引崩大盘,3天把半年涨幅跌没,也是没谁。这时候开启了洗盘模式,持续洗盘和涨跌无力状态,让你进退为难。 其实分享到了这里时候,你不妨回头细细品来,是不是发现历史走势惊人的相似和时间节点基本上把握的很好,虽然期间事件不一样,但是时间节点可以借鉴,高度的相似,按照以往经验,大牛在1~2月份,3月份结束进入慢熊,老猫肯定希望长牛,也有人认为明年下半年才是大牛市,不管前面还是后面,落袋为安,最保险就是涨起来先出本金,利润飞。 好了今天到这里结束,创作不易和分享,你的关注和点赞是老猫最大动力,最后预祝大家在牛市最后阶段赚的盘满钵满,满载而归,老猫还是那句话,卖飞永赚,一路涨一路出,卖飞比被套更加有价值,感谢。 #JASMY

大牛市历史走势: 新菲菜必看!!!










Coin Signal: $JASMY /USDT Position: Long Entry Range: $0.03250 - $0.03350 Take Profit (TP):TP1: $0.03500 TP2: $0.03700TP3: $0.04000 Stop Loss (SL): $0.03100 Reasoning: JASMY shows bullish momentum due to increased trading volume and strong market sentiment. #buy_long #writetoearn #btchit100k #jasmy
Coin Signal: $JASMY /USDT

Position: Long

Entry Range: $0.03250 - $0.03350

Take Profit (TP):TP1: $0.03500

TP2: $0.03700TP3: $0.04000

Stop Loss (SL): $0.03100

Reasoning: JASMY shows bullish momentum due to increased trading volume and strong market sentiment.

#buy_long #writetoearn #btchit100k

Всем привет , история повторяется ! Скоро памп держитесь ... #jasmy $BTC {spot}(JASMYUSDT)
Всем привет , история повторяется !

Скоро памп держитесь ...


Shera Morrical HGyi:
Of it will be pump, when should I sell? What price do you expect for jasmy?
*"Все бегут — я бегу. Но куда: в прибыль или в убыток? 🤔 Почему толпа часто ошибается, и стоит ли сейчас заходить в шорт? 📉 Разбираемся, как не попасть в ловушку массовой паники! 🚨💡 Следование за трендом может работать, если действовать быстро ⏱️, но: 1️⃣ Рынок часто разворачивается резко, и последние остаются в убытке. 😓 2️⃣ Толпа движется эмоциями, а не логикой. 😵 Сейчас рынок падает 📉, но прежде чем открывать шорт на фьючерсы ⚡, задайте себе вопросы: Это коррекция или начало сильного тренда? 📊 Какой у вас план по управлению рисками? 🛡️ Фьючерсы дают возможность заработать 💸, но и риск огромный 🔥. Используйте стоп-лоссы, чтобы не слить депозит! 🚀"* #MarketTrends #CryptoExchange #MarketAnalysis #shorts $BONK $JASMY $BNSOL #jasmy
*"Все бегут — я бегу. Но куда: в прибыль или в убыток? 🤔 Почему толпа часто ошибается, и стоит ли сейчас заходить в шорт? 📉 Разбираемся, как не попасть в ловушку массовой паники! 🚨💡

Следование за трендом может работать, если действовать быстро ⏱️, но:
1️⃣ Рынок часто разворачивается резко, и последние остаются в убытке. 😓
2️⃣ Толпа движется эмоциями, а не логикой. 😵

Сейчас рынок падает 📉, но прежде чем открывать шорт на фьючерсы ⚡, задайте себе вопросы:

Это коррекция или начало сильного тренда? 📊

Какой у вас план по управлению рисками? 🛡️

Фьючерсы дают возможность заработать 💸, но и риск огромный 🔥. Используйте стоп-лоссы, чтобы не слить депозит! 🚀"*

#MarketTrends #CryptoExchange #MarketAnalysis #shorts $BONK $JASMY $BNSOL #jasmy
مُشاركة صفقة الحيازة خاصّتي
📝Jasmy/Usdt Update🚨$JASMY {spot}(JASMYUSDT) Wave C is expanding from 2. The trend is to pull back to the long-term descending trade line. After the completion of Wave 2, I am waiting for the powerful Wave 3 in the yellow box #jasmy #jasmyusdt #write2earn!

📝Jasmy/Usdt Update🚨


Wave C is expanding from 2. The trend is to pull back to the long-term descending trade line. After the completion of Wave 2, I am waiting for the powerful Wave 3 in the yellow box
#jasmy #jasmyusdt #write2earn!

The market structure of JASMY has shown to be on its markup phase. Whenever the market enters this phase, we will expect more higher highs to higher lows will be formed. These higher lows will then be considered as the levels where it would most likely create bases for major rallies in the upcoming years.

These posts are for educational purposes. To guide the people who might still be struggling within the crypto market, those who are new to the environment and volatility and everyone else who needs it.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.

#Jasmy is testing a critical level, attempting to flip June's resistance into weekly support A successful retest here could set the stage for the next major rally. Watching closely 👀 $JASMY {spot}(JASMYUSDT)
#Jasmy is testing a critical level, attempting to flip June's resistance into weekly support

A successful retest here could set the stage for the next major rally. Watching closely 👀
نظرًا لانخفاض الحجم في هذا الخريف والتشابه في الحركة مع العديد من العملات البديلة، يبدو الأمر وكأنه نذير انفجار
### Hari Ini di Binance: 5 Koin yang Menunjukkan Sinyal Beli **Diterbitkan: 18 Desember 2024** Berikut adalah lima cryptocurrency yang saat ini menunjukkan sinyal beli yang menjanjikan: 1. **DYDX (DYDX)**: - Sebuah DEX yang fokus pada trading margin dan derivatif di platform terdesentralisasi, memanfaatkan blockchain Ethereum. 2. **JasmyCoin (JASMY)**: - Dirancang untuk mengamankan data IoT, menawarkan solusi untuk pengguna yang mengutamakan privasi. 3. **Y2K (Y2K)**: - Menghubungkan sistem keuangan tradisional dengan blockchain, memfasilitasi transaksi yang aman dan nyaman. 4. **CATX (CATX)**: - Memfokuskan diri pada sektor NFT dan game, berfungsi sebagai mata uang dalam game terkait NFT. 5. **Wegie (WEGI)**: - Menawarkan privasi dan keamanan bagi pengguna, dengan teknologi enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi data. Pasar cryptocurrency terus aktif dengan proyek dan token baru, jadi pastikan untuk melakukan riset sebelum berinvestasi! {future}(JASMYUSDT) {future}(DYDXUSDT) #CryptoExplorerFiesta #JASMY #dydx
### Hari Ini di Binance: 5 Koin yang Menunjukkan Sinyal Beli

**Diterbitkan: 18 Desember 2024**

Berikut adalah lima cryptocurrency yang saat ini menunjukkan sinyal beli yang menjanjikan:

1. **DYDX (DYDX)**:
- Sebuah DEX yang fokus pada trading margin dan derivatif di platform terdesentralisasi, memanfaatkan blockchain Ethereum.

2. **JasmyCoin (JASMY)**:
- Dirancang untuk mengamankan data IoT, menawarkan solusi untuk pengguna yang mengutamakan privasi.

3. **Y2K (Y2K)**:
- Menghubungkan sistem keuangan tradisional dengan blockchain, memfasilitasi transaksi yang aman dan nyaman.

4. **CATX (CATX)**:
- Memfokuskan diri pada sektor NFT dan game, berfungsi sebagai mata uang dalam game terkait NFT.

5. **Wegie (WEGI)**:
- Menawarkan privasi dan keamanan bagi pengguna, dengan teknologi enkripsi canggih untuk melindungi data.

Pasar cryptocurrency terus aktif dengan proyek dan token baru, jadi pastikan untuk melakukan riset sebelum berinvestasi!

#CryptoExplorerFiesta #JASMY #dydx
🚨$JASMY JASMY/USDT – Market Update 🚨 {spot}(JASMYUSDT) 📉 JASMY Price: $0.04065 (-6.25%) 24H High: $0.04356 24H Low: $0.04005 JASMY has been in a consistent downtrend, testing its 24H low at $0.04005 and finding slight stabilization around $0.04065. 🔑 Key Levels to Watch: Immediate Support: $0.04005 – Holding this level is crucial to avoid further downside. Resistance Zone: $0.04242 Breakout Target: $0.04356 💡 Trading Insights: Look for potential rebound signals around the $0.04005 support. A break above $0.04242 could hint at short-term recovery. Manage risk carefully with stop-losses below the support level. Monitor for volume shifts and trade cautiously in this bearish trend! #JASMY #Binance #TradingSignals #Altcoins #MarketWatch
🚨$JASMY JASMY/USDT – Market Update 🚨

📉 JASMY Price: $0.04065 (-6.25%)

24H High: $0.04356

24H Low: $0.04005

JASMY has been in a consistent downtrend, testing its 24H low at $0.04005 and finding slight stabilization around $0.04065.

🔑 Key Levels to Watch:

Immediate Support: $0.04005 – Holding this level is crucial to avoid further downside.

Resistance Zone: $0.04242

Breakout Target: $0.04356

💡 Trading Insights:

Look for potential rebound signals around the $0.04005 support.

A break above $0.04242 could hint at short-term recovery.

Manage risk carefully with stop-losses below the support level.

Monitor for volume shifts and trade cautiously in this bearish trend!

#JASMY #Binance #TradingSignals #Altcoins #MarketWatch
I'm losing a lot with Jasmy, should I still hold? #Jasmy
I'm losing a lot with Jasmy, should I still hold? #Jasmy
$SLP yi #jasmy Benzetiyorum tüm hareketleri benzer jasmy dipten yaklaşık 10 ayda 10 x yapmış sabırla beklenirse $SLP neden olmasın ? ytd
$SLP yi #jasmy Benzetiyorum tüm hareketleri benzer jasmy dipten yaklaşık 10 ayda 10 x yapmış sabırla beklenirse $SLP neden olmasın ? ytd
### Cardano Melihat Aktivitas Whale Rekor, Apakah Harga ADA Akan Mencapai $2? **Diterbitkan oleh, 18 Desember 2024** Aktivitas whale di jaringan Cardano (ADA) meningkat pesat, menunjukkan potensi harga ADA untuk mencapai $2. Menurut analisis dari Santiment, minat investor besar terhadap ADA meningkat, yang merupakan sinyal positif untuk pasar cryptocurrency. #### Peningkatan Transaksi Whale Menunjukkan Kepercayaan yang Meningkat Dalam 24 jam terakhir, jaringan Cardano memproses 687 transaksi senilai lebih dari $1 juta. Peningkatan ini didorong oleh investasi institusional dan whale yang kembali mengakumulasi token ADA. Dalam dua hari terakhir, whale dilaporkan membeli lebih dari 80 juta ADA, senilai sekitar $85,6 juta. Ini menunjukkan kepercayaan yang semakin meningkat terhadap prospek jangka panjang harga Cardano. #### Analisis Teknikal: Level Kunci dan Target Harga ADA Saat ini, harga ADA berada dalam pola konsolidasi, berkisar antara $1,07 dan $1,14. Jika harga berhasil menembus level $1,14, kemungkinan akan ada kenaikan menuju $1,63, yang merupakan kenaikan 43%. Namun, jika harga jatuh di bawah $1,00, ini dapat menegaskan kembali pandangan bearish dan membawa ADA turun ke $0,78. Indikator RSI berada di 49, menunjukkan potensi kenaikan. #### Sentimen Pasar dan Visi Charles Hoskinson Pendiri Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, menjelaskan rencana pengembangan platform untuk tiga tahun ke depan, termasuk ratifikasi konstitusi komunitas dan struktur tata kelola. Dia menyatakan bahwa Cardano berada di titik kritis menuju desentralisasi yang lebih besar. #### Prospek Harga ADA: Dapatkah Cardano Mencapai $2? Analisis menunjukkan bahwa jika tren bullish berlanjut, ADA bisa mencapai level harga $1,46, $1,76, dan bahkan $2,04. Beberapa analis bahkan memperkirakan harga ADA bisa mencapai $3 hingga $7 dalam siklus bullish mendatang, tergantung pada adopsi dan tren pasar saat ini. {future}(ADAUSDT) #ADA #CryptoExplorerFiesta
### Cardano Melihat Aktivitas Whale Rekor, Apakah Harga ADA Akan Mencapai $2?

**Diterbitkan oleh, 18 Desember 2024**

Aktivitas whale di jaringan Cardano (ADA) meningkat pesat, menunjukkan potensi harga ADA untuk mencapai $2. Menurut analisis dari Santiment, minat investor besar terhadap ADA meningkat, yang merupakan sinyal positif untuk pasar cryptocurrency.

#### Peningkatan Transaksi Whale Menunjukkan Kepercayaan yang Meningkat
Dalam 24 jam terakhir, jaringan Cardano memproses 687 transaksi senilai lebih dari $1 juta. Peningkatan ini didorong oleh investasi institusional dan whale yang kembali mengakumulasi token ADA. Dalam dua hari terakhir, whale dilaporkan membeli lebih dari 80 juta ADA, senilai sekitar $85,6 juta. Ini menunjukkan kepercayaan yang semakin meningkat terhadap prospek jangka panjang harga Cardano.

#### Analisis Teknikal: Level Kunci dan Target Harga ADA
Saat ini, harga ADA berada dalam pola konsolidasi, berkisar antara $1,07 dan $1,14. Jika harga berhasil menembus level $1,14, kemungkinan akan ada kenaikan menuju $1,63, yang merupakan kenaikan 43%. Namun, jika harga jatuh di bawah $1,00, ini dapat menegaskan kembali pandangan bearish dan membawa ADA turun ke $0,78. Indikator RSI berada di 49, menunjukkan potensi kenaikan.

#### Sentimen Pasar dan Visi Charles Hoskinson
Pendiri Cardano, Charles Hoskinson, menjelaskan rencana pengembangan platform untuk tiga tahun ke depan, termasuk ratifikasi konstitusi komunitas dan struktur tata kelola. Dia menyatakan bahwa Cardano berada di titik kritis menuju desentralisasi yang lebih besar.

#### Prospek Harga ADA: Dapatkah Cardano Mencapai $2?
Analisis menunjukkan bahwa jika tren bullish berlanjut, ADA bisa mencapai level harga $1,46, $1,76, dan bahkan $2,04. Beberapa analis bahkan memperkirakan harga ADA bisa mencapai $3 hingga $7 dalam siklus bullish mendatang, tergantung pada adopsi dan tren pasar saat ini.

#Jasmy Launches "J-Blue Credit" Trading on NCCX Platform. The following is an excerpt from Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun " Jasmy will begin handling “Blue Carbon” on the carbon credit exchange it operates early in 2025. Using blockchain, JASMY will ensure reliability and transparency of transactions for blue carbon certified and issued by the Japan Blue Economy Technology Research Association. In Japan, “J-Credit” managed by the government is the mainstream, but Jasmy will help expand the market for voluntary credits by the private sector. Jasmy has established NCCX, an exchange that mainly handles carbon credits created by NCCC, in which SoftBank and other companies participate. JBE certifies blue carbon created through the restoration of seaweed beds and other activities as “J Blue Credits. Jasmy can expand its trading volume by also handling J Blue Credits on NCCX, and JBE can manage the history of issuance, sales, and usage in a tamper-proof manner through the blockchain. NCCC member aiESG will also provide a service to evaluate the environmental and social impact of Blue Carbon creation based on objective data. Those who wish to do so can trade in a form that certifies that the credits were created in a way that protects the community and workers, as well as the carbon sequestration results." #JANCTION #JASMY #Carbon #credit
#Jasmy Launches "J-Blue Credit" Trading on NCCX Platform.

The following is an excerpt from Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

" Jasmy will begin handling “Blue Carbon” on the carbon credit exchange it operates early in 2025. Using blockchain, JASMY will ensure reliability and transparency of transactions for blue carbon certified and issued by the Japan Blue Economy Technology Research Association. In Japan, “J-Credit” managed by the government is the mainstream, but Jasmy will help expand the market for voluntary credits by the private sector.

Jasmy has established NCCX, an exchange that mainly handles carbon credits created by NCCC, in which SoftBank and other companies participate.
JBE certifies blue carbon created through the restoration of seaweed beds and other activities as “J Blue Credits.
Jasmy can expand its trading volume by also handling J Blue Credits on NCCX, and JBE can manage the history of issuance, sales, and usage in a tamper-proof manner through the blockchain.
NCCC member aiESG will also provide a service to evaluate the environmental and social impact of Blue Carbon creation based on objective data.
Those who wish to do so can trade in a form that certifies that the credits were created in a way that protects the community and workers, as well as the carbon sequestration results."

#JANCTION #JASMY #Carbon #credit
#Jasmy io sono del parere che questo é un buon momento per entrare perché se tocca il supporto dei 0.04 non rivedrai più questi prezzi.
#Jasmy io sono del parere che questo é un buon momento per entrare perché se tocca il supporto dei 0.04 non rivedrai più questi prezzi.
#Hbar#JASMY no aguardo dessas gatona volta ao topo historico 😍🚀🚀...e ai ta boa minha carteira ??
#Hbar#JASMY no aguardo dessas gatona volta ao topo historico 😍🚀🚀...e ai ta boa minha carteira ??
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