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As the $BTC and $ETH markets demonstrate signs of recovery, #BGB has achieved a remarkable milestone, reaching a new all-time high of $8.49, Rising from $6.86 to $8.3 within just 24 hours and similar to coin like $BNB . The merger of #BWB into #BGB will unlock new benefits for holders and further expand on-chain and off-chain use cases. Could #BGB become the next $BNB?
As the $BTC and $ETH markets demonstrate signs of recovery, #BGB has achieved a remarkable milestone, reaching a new all-time high of $8.49, Rising from $6.86 to $8.3 within just 24 hours and similar to coin like $BNB . The merger of #BWB into #BGB will unlock new benefits for holders and further expand on-chain and off-chain use cases. Could #BGB become the next $BNB ?
特别想让你们按头买点#bwb ,但是我又不喜欢强制这样哈哈哈哈,但是你们一定要去关注一下这个币,牛市最低往1上面看,真的很有潜力,我也会逐渐补仓,一定要重视一下 (大家可以点点关注,以后给大家更好的输出不错的项目)
特别想让你们按头买点#bwb ,但是我又不喜欢强制这样哈哈哈哈,但是你们一定要去关注一下这个币,牛市最低往1上面看,真的很有潜力,我也会逐渐补仓,一定要重视一下
这个可以自己去关注一下,因为是其他平台的没有推流所以我转发一下#bwb ,大概率十倍

$BTC Bitcoin has corrected to $92,000, as predicted. meanwhile, The Christmas season🎄🎄is here and the crypto world is buzzing with joy as traders are thrilled by the bullish trends in their favorite coins while spreading love to their families and friends. Make this holiday season unforgettable by joining the Bitget Lucky Draw Christmas and New Year events for a chance to win amazing prizes like the Apple Vision Pro, iPhone 16 Pro, $BTC , $SOL , #BGB , #BWB , and more. Could this be your moment to make Christmas truly exceptional?
$BTC Bitcoin has corrected to $92,000, as predicted. meanwhile, The Christmas season🎄🎄is here and the crypto world is buzzing with joy as traders are thrilled by the bullish trends in their favorite coins while spreading love to their families and friends. Make this holiday season unforgettable by joining the Bitget Lucky Draw Christmas and New Year events for a chance to win amazing prizes like the Apple Vision Pro, iPhone 16 Pro, $BTC , $SOL , #BGB , #BWB , and more. Could this be your moment to make Christmas truly exceptional?
While $BTC , $ETH and $SOL blockchain face slide decline in the crypto space, #BGB recently achieved a new all-time high (ATH) of $7.37 showing it's strength in the crypto market. Bitget has announced a merger between #BGB and #BWB which will further accelerate growth and expand the token utility. Could we #BWB hitting 1$ before the year runs out?
While $BTC , $ETH and $SOL blockchain face slide decline in the crypto space, #BGB recently achieved a new all-time high (ATH) of $7.37 showing it's strength in the crypto market. Bitget has announced a merger between #BGB and #BWB which will further accelerate growth and expand the token utility. Could we #BWB hitting 1$ before the year runs out?
With #BWB strengthening traders confidence and altcoins like $STG , $RAD , and $ME gaining traction. #BIO is available for pre-market trading on Bitget, and its current price could be an excellent opportunity for traders ahead of the official launch. Whats is your price prediction on BIO protocol token?
With #BWB strengthening traders confidence and altcoins like $STG , $RAD , and $ME gaining traction. #BIO is available for pre-market trading on Bitget, and its current price could be an excellent opportunity for traders ahead of the official launch. Whats is your price prediction on BIO protocol token?
After $BTC hitting $99,800 in the last 24 hours, it retraced back to $95,000. Altcoins like #BGB , $MOVE , #BWB , and #ME are gaining momentum. Meanwhile, altcoins like $BGB, $MOVE, $BWB, and $ME are showing strong momentum. On the other hand, Vertus #VERT is in its premarket phase on Bitget, presenting an opportunity to pre-trade before its spot listing to potentially maximize your profits. What’s your take on #VERT future price? $ETH
After $BTC hitting $99,800 in the last 24 hours, it retraced back to $95,000. Altcoins like #BGB , $MOVE , #BWB , and #ME are gaining momentum. Meanwhile, altcoins like $BGB, $MOVE , $BWB, and $ME are showing strong momentum. On the other hand, Vertus #VERT is in its premarket phase on Bitget, presenting an opportunity to pre-trade before its spot listing to potentially maximize your profits. What’s your take on #VERT future price?
今天全盘大跌,其实也是暴赚抄底的日子今天10:30,币圈直接618促销,全盘打折,没囤币子和没玩合约的躲过了一劫,这个时间段所有的币子全有根针直插大盘,导致不少人爆仓,至于为什么大跌现在谁也不敢惘下定论,但是大跌以后必然回调,是各位抄底的好日子。我就推荐几个我比较看好的币子,供各位参考,有不对的地方评论区指点一下。 第一个就是core,这个币子真的是最近波动很大,这次大跌跌到了1.3u左右,4月份的时候跌到1.2u我买了几千枚,第二天就直接回调到了2.6u最高,我是2.4u全抛了,让我大赚了一笔,core共识度极高,而且也是公链,目前还没有上市币安,只上市欧易,bg交易所和火币这些平台,正常来说core稳定在2.2u左右没问题的,平常跌的情况下也是1.7-1.8u,这次跌到1.3u是个很好的机遇。而且后续如果上币安交易所,又是能暴涨的机会。 第二个fil币,$FIL 当年也是暴涨的币子之一,最开始买入的基本上都是暴赚,追高的自然就倒霉了,这个币子也是毁誉参半,当年对标以太坊的币子也跌落神坛,但是依旧不影响他能一个币子5-6u左右的均价,现在跌到了4.4u,真是一个暴赚的机会,后期回调到6u左右没有问题,等到过几年通缩自然又是可以涨价,这个价格持长线还是短线都是有一笔可观的收入。 第三个就是bwb,这个币子是bg交易所的钱包代币,刚刚上线一个月不到,最高价0.8u,现在只有0.38u,而且bwb是金铲子,类似于bnb,可以用bwb质押挖矿,有一笔不错的可观的收入,jungle开盘之前可以用bwb挖矿,当时bwb的成本价是1块钱一个,拥有10w枚bwb,平均一天可以挖价值280块钱左右的jungle,是一笔不错的收入,而且他是平台代币,不断的赋能还会持续走高,涨价也只是时间问题。 这就是我比较看好的几个代币,哪里不对欢迎各位大佬指导,麻烦点个关注和爱心,谢谢各位 $FIL #CORE #bwb


第二个fil币,$FIL 当年也是暴涨的币子之一,最开始买入的基本上都是暴赚,追高的自然就倒霉了,这个币子也是毁誉参半,当年对标以太坊的币子也跌落神坛,但是依旧不影响他能一个币子5-6u左右的均价,现在跌到了4.4u,真是一个暴赚的机会,后期回调到6u左右没有问题,等到过几年通缩自然又是可以涨价,这个价格持长线还是短线都是有一笔可观的收入。
$FIL #CORE #bwb
BNB、OKB和BGB,谁最值得屯吗? (1)BNB Binance 面临着很强的监管压力和高增长压力,BNBChain 近期表现也不尽如人意。但 BNB 的基本面并没有发生根本性的反转,Binance 仍然拥有龙头地位、拥有资产层面的优势,拥有最强的盈利能力,还有 opBNB、Greenfield 带来的想象空间。 (2)OKB OKX 是熊市阶段表现最好的交易所之一,尤其是其防守战略取得了显著成功,而且这种防守战略在牛市来临的时候同样可以切换为进攻性战略,防守并不意味着永远的防守。 (3)BGB BGB 是为数不多在熊市中仍然坚持进攻战略的交易所之一。另外 BGB 也有原 Bitkeep 钱包、ForesightNews、Forsights Ventures 的横向生态优势。(说句题外话,Foresight Ventures 也是我认为当前最好的亚洲 Crypto VC 之一)。 BWB :作为新币种,BWB具有潜在的增长空间,特别是在其社区和用户基础不断扩大后. 综合来看, $BGB 目前拥有更大的优势,主要体现在其已经建立的市场地位和多样化的功能上。 $BWB 则作为新兴币种,🐍+:pggone1521有一定的潜力,但还需要时间来验证其长期表现。#第55期新币挖矿IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #bnb历史新高 #bwb $BNB

Binance 面临着很强的监管压力和高增长压力,BNBChain 近期表现也不尽如人意。但 BNB 的基本面并没有发生根本性的反转,Binance 仍然拥有龙头地位、拥有资产层面的优势,拥有最强的盈利能力,还有 opBNB、Greenfield 带来的想象空间。
OKX 是熊市阶段表现最好的交易所之一,尤其是其防守战略取得了显著成功,而且这种防守战略在牛市来临的时候同样可以切换为进攻性战略,防守并不意味着永远的防守。
BGB 是为数不多在熊市中仍然坚持进攻战略的交易所之一。另外 BGB 也有原 Bitkeep 钱包、ForesightNews、Forsights Ventures 的横向生态优势。(说句题外话,Foresight Ventures 也是我认为当前最好的亚洲 Crypto VC 之一)。

BWB :作为新币种,BWB具有潜在的增长空间,特别是在其社区和用户基础不断扩大后. 综合来看, $BGB 目前拥有更大的优势,主要体现在其已经建立的市场地位和多样化的功能上。 $BWB 则作为新兴币种,🐍+:pggone1521有一定的潜力,但还需要时间来验证其长期表现。#第55期新币挖矿IO #非农就业人数高于预期 #bnb历史新高 #bwb $BNB
The #BGB token has skyrocketed 37x since January 2023 and 10x in 2024, surging from $5.53 to $7.79 in just 24 hours. With Bitget merging #BGB and #BWB , will #BWB follow a similar growth trajectory?
The #BGB token has skyrocketed 37x since January 2023 and 10x in 2024, surging from $5.53 to $7.79 in just 24 hours. With Bitget merging #BGB and #BWB , will #BWB follow a similar growth trajectory?
Given BGB's recent impressive price surge, exceeding 7.34 and demonstrating strong performance even during $BTC downturns, and considering the upcoming merger with BWB, is it likely that #BWB will experience similar explosive growth? What are your price predictions for BWB. #BinanceAlphaAlert
Given BGB's recent impressive price surge, exceeding 7.34 and demonstrating strong performance even during $BTC downturns, and considering the upcoming merger with BWB, is it likely that #BWB will experience similar explosive growth? What are your price predictions for BWB.
Bitget announces merger of Bitget Wallet Token $BWB and Bitget Token $BGB #Bitget has announced the merger of its Bitget Wallet Token #BWB and Bitget Token #BGB following strong community feedback. The integration aims to streamline both on-chain and off-chain use cases, positioning BGB as the unified ecosystem token for both Bitget and #BitgetWallet .
Bitget announces merger of Bitget Wallet Token $BWB and Bitget Token $BGB

#Bitget has announced the merger of its Bitget Wallet Token #BWB and Bitget Token #BGB following strong community feedback. The integration aims to streamline both on-chain and off-chain use cases, positioning BGB as the unified ecosystem token for both Bitget and #BitgetWallet .
OpenEX 正式开启空投! 在App内发放5亿个 OEX 空投,每 8 小时可免费获得 OEX 空投。 总计5亿个 OEX 将在360天内线性分配 ! 。🌍 OEX(正式版蓝色的版本) v0.1.5 版本下载地址: 🔗 ⚠️ 注意—OEX 获取活动,目前参与人数较多,)可能签到拥堵可能不显示! 撸简单的不交互毛,轻松!就当收菜游戏 #空投领取 #CORE #WIF #bwb #bnb金铲子


在App内发放5亿个 OEX 空投,每 8 小时可免费获得 OEX 空投。

总计5亿个 OEX 将在360天内线性分配 !

。🌍 OEX(正式版蓝色的版本) v0.1.5 版本下载地址:


⚠️ 注意—OEX 获取活动,目前参与人数较多,)可能签到拥堵可能不显示!


#空投领取 #CORE #WIF #bwb #bnb金铲子
前两天发表了一篇推荐代币购买的文章,除了买fil的现在还是保本,很多人应该已经暴赚了。#bwb #core #FILUSDT 我推荐买core,fil和bwb,bwb今天暴涨,从0.38u暴涨到最高价0.66u,接近一倍涨幅,core我推荐购买的时候是1.2u左右,现在1.4u,我0.4u单价购买了1800枚bwb,468u的利润,还是比较丰富的,毕竟本金也才720u而已,core持仓了500枚,现在利润是100u,core我预测下个月之前2.8u很容易,还是要继续持长线的,至于fil虽然没跌,确实也没涨价,毕竟才刚刚几天,没有明显涨幅很正常,bwb是这个月新出的代币,bg交易所的钱包平台币,也算是个金铲子,所以0.38u无脑入是稳赚的,至于core就是被大盘所影响,所以赚钱也是必然的,我推荐币子就是因为他好,core和bwb没上币安,我是不赚返佣的,我只是因为他俩有赚头分享而已,希望各位不要误解,我是为了赚返佣而让各位买卖fil,core和bwb,纯粹是因为他们能盈利,我只希望各位能为我的文章点赞加关注我即可,关注我,了解最新空投教程以及现货最新资讯,让各位安安稳稳赚钱 Salute 大家也预测一下fil币最近30天最高价如何
前两天发表了一篇推荐代币购买的文章,除了买fil的现在还是保本,很多人应该已经暴赚了。#bwb #core #FILUSDT
我推荐买core,fil和bwb,bwb今天暴涨,从0.38u暴涨到最高价0.66u,接近一倍涨幅,core我推荐购买的时候是1.2u左右,现在1.4u,我0.4u单价购买了1800枚bwb,468u的利润,还是比较丰富的,毕竟本金也才720u而已,core持仓了500枚,现在利润是100u,core我预测下个月之前2.8u很容易,还是要继续持长线的,至于fil虽然没跌,确实也没涨价,毕竟才刚刚几天,没有明显涨幅很正常,bwb是这个月新出的代币,bg交易所的钱包平台币,也算是个金铲子,所以0.38u无脑入是稳赚的,至于core就是被大盘所影响,所以赚钱也是必然的,我推荐币子就是因为他好,core和bwb没上币安,我是不赚返佣的,我只是因为他俩有赚头分享而已,希望各位不要误解,我是为了赚返佣而让各位买卖fil,core和bwb,纯粹是因为他们能盈利,我只希望各位能为我的文章点赞加关注我即可,关注我,了解最新空投教程以及现货最新资讯,让各位安安稳稳赚钱 Salute 大家也预测一下fil币最近30天最高价如何
71 صوت • تمّ إغلاق التصويت
#bwb #bgb 昨天0.5买了2万uBWB 收益4600U 半仓0.55卖了 半仓0.68卖的 最高到了0.8 这两天如果跌下来横盘的话 我会在进仓一下 1.2亿的流通 如果0.5的话市值只有6000万刀 bgb目前流通市值16亿 bwb可以理解为bg的第2个平台币 app内有bwb的专区 bwb奖池目前质押了5600万个币 bg交易所想吸引人眼球的话 后面肯定是要拉盘bwb的 目前风寻工作室有免费提供币安欧易的抢开盘工具 这周计划把bg交易所的开发下 其他交易所后续也会陆续开发 并且会免费提供每个新币的抢开盘点位 如果有需要的话可以联系我 要求就是走我邀请链接注册币安或者其他交易所 当然你也可以获得20%的手续费减免 算下来也很多 币安注册链接: 不翻墙网址: 或通过APP自行注册,填写邀请码即可:113203639 代币效应 BWB 在 Bitget Wallet 生态系统中有多种用例: 1、社区治理; 2、Staking; 3、AA 钱包推出后多链 Gas 费的支付使用; 4、Bitget Wallet Launchpad & Bitget 平台活动的参与资格; 5、Fair Launchpool 、GetDrop 等空投活动的参与资格; 6、Bitget Onchain Layer 生态项目空投资格。
#bwb #bgb
昨天0.5买了2万uBWB 收益4600U
半仓0.55卖了 半仓0.68卖的 最高到了0.8

这两天如果跌下来横盘的话 我会在进仓一下

1.2亿的流通 如果0.5的话市值只有6000万刀
bg交易所想吸引人眼球的话 后面肯定是要拉盘bwb的

这周计划把bg交易所的开发下 其他交易所后续也会陆续开发

当然你也可以获得20%的手续费减免 算下来也很多


BWB 在 Bitget Wallet 生态系统中有多种用例:
3、AA 钱包推出后多链 Gas 费的支付使用;
4、Bitget Wallet Launchpad & Bitget 平台活动的参与资格;
5、Fair Launchpool 、GetDrop 等空投活动的参与资格;
6、Bitget Onchain Layer 生态项目空投资格。
#Bitget announces plans to burn 40% of its $BGB token supply (~800M tokens worth $6.8B). Starting 2025, quarterly burns will allocate 20% of profits for buybacks. Also, #BWB will merge into #BGB with a 11.68:1 exchange rate. $BGB is now the #16 largest crypto by market cap.
#Bitget announces plans to burn 40% of its $BGB token supply (~800M tokens worth $6.8B).
Starting 2025, quarterly burns will allocate 20% of profits for buybacks.
Also, #BWB will merge into #BGB with a 11.68:1 exchange rate.
$BGB is now the #16 largest crypto by market cap.
#BGB has grown 37x since January 2023 and 10x in 2024, with a recent 27.9% single-day surge. A merger with #BWB raises questions about #BWB potential to achieve similar success.
#BGB has grown 37x since January 2023 and 10x in 2024, with a recent 27.9% single-day surge. A merger with #BWB raises questions about #BWB potential to achieve similar success.
BTC.D BTC Dominance (BTC.D) is showing signs of weakness. A bearish divergence has appeared on the 4-hour chart. This presents an opportunity to buy altcoins at low prices. #BWB #ONDO:
BTC Dominance (BTC.D) is showing signs of weakness. A bearish divergence has appeared on the 4-hour chart. This presents an opportunity to buy altcoins at low prices.
#arb #bwb b#bwBiswap, a notable decentralized exchange (DEX) operating on the Binance Chain, is set to undergo a significant expansion as it integrates with the Base and Arbitrum networks. This strategic move holds immense promise as it enhances Biswap's adaptability and accessibility, attracting a broader spectrum of users and developers to its platform. The integration not only bolsters Biswap's security and scalability but also amplifies the utility and utilization of its native token, BSW. By embracing a multi-chain approach, Biswap anticipates marked improvements in key performance metrics, particularly in liquidity and trading volume. The influx of users from the ARB and BASE communities is poised to stimulate heightened transactional activity, consequently elevating the overall trading volume within the ecosystem. The community's anticipation for Biswap's resurgence is palpable, with many speculating a reversal of its previous dormancy. This optimism is fueled by the team's demonstrable commitment to transparency and their articulated roadmap for development. Should the team uphold their commitments, there is a widespread belief that BSW's valuation could experience a notable upturn, potentially reaching the $0.5 mark in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, rumors circulating within the community hint at an impending disruptive feature, purportedly spearheaded by CEO EK. EK's assertion that this feature will be the first of its kind integrated into a DEX has piqued considerable interest and excitement among stakeholders. As the community eagerly awaits further updates on this front, the prospect of Biswap delivering on its promises appears increasingly promising. In conclusion, the integration with Base and Arbitrum networks signifies a pivotal juncture for Biswap, heralding its potential renaissance within the decentralized finance landscape. While optimism abounds, vigilance and careful monitoring of developments remain imperative in assessing the platform's trajectory and its ability to deliver on its commitments.
#arb #bwb
b#bwBiswap, a notable decentralized exchange (DEX) operating on the Binance Chain, is set to undergo a significant expansion as it integrates with the Base and Arbitrum networks. This strategic move holds immense promise as it enhances Biswap's adaptability and accessibility, attracting a broader spectrum of users and developers to its platform. The integration not only bolsters Biswap's security and scalability but also amplifies the utility and utilization of its native token, BSW.

By embracing a multi-chain approach, Biswap anticipates marked improvements in key performance metrics, particularly in liquidity and trading volume. The influx of users from the ARB and BASE communities is poised to stimulate heightened transactional activity, consequently elevating the overall trading volume within the ecosystem.

The community's anticipation for Biswap's resurgence is palpable, with many speculating a reversal of its previous dormancy. This optimism is fueled by the team's demonstrable commitment to transparency and their articulated roadmap for development. Should the team uphold their commitments, there is a widespread belief that BSW's valuation could experience a notable upturn, potentially reaching the $0.5 mark in the foreseeable future.

Furthermore, rumors circulating within the community hint at an impending disruptive feature, purportedly spearheaded by CEO EK. EK's assertion that this feature will be the first of its kind integrated into a DEX has piqued considerable interest and excitement among stakeholders. As the community eagerly awaits further updates on this front, the prospect of Biswap delivering on its promises appears increasingly promising.

In conclusion, the integration with Base and Arbitrum networks signifies a pivotal juncture for Biswap, heralding its potential renaissance within the decentralized finance landscape. While optimism abounds, vigilance and careful monitoring of developments remain imperative in assessing the platform's trajectory and its ability to deliver on its commitments.
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