According to Odaily, DeFi asset management protocol Enzyme has announced a partnership with Nektar Network to launch a Modular Liquid Restaking As-a-Service. This service is specifically designed for restaking projects. The first batch includes the stUSD restaking vault from the Angle protocol, the dlcBTC staking pool from DLC.Link, and the Nektar ETH vault from Re7 Labs.

Enzyme stated that this feature aims to attract users and liquidity to early restaking projects in a permissionless and modular manner, enhancing the pre-launch effect of Total Value Locked (TVL). The collaboration with Nektar Network is a strategic move to expand the reach and impact of the restaking service, providing a more efficient and streamlined process for projects and users alike.

This development is a significant step forward for DeFi asset management, offering a new level of flexibility and efficiency for restaking projects. The introduction of the Modular Liquid Restaking As-a-Service is expected to boost the growth and adoption of restaking projects, contributing to the overall development of the DeFi sector.