Horrendously & absurdly terrible advice from someone who is out of their depth, of knowledge. As an owner of 30 Bitcoin, Mr. Kiyosaki has no authority to dispense crypto advice and should stick to his real estate and gold mines that he loves so much!

Guys, Stop ✋ paying attention to people who don’t deserve it. Be vigilant about where you source your information!

1) When the market dumps we don't sell, instead we must buy the effin' dip 🥑

2) If you are not an American citizen then consider yourself a very lucky person.


Because whenever you do anything in crypto you need to pay taxes, for example; you convert $LISTA to $NOT then you need to pay taxes, you convert back to LISTA then you need to pay taxes again! And the taxes can go up to 40%

- In crypto, if you're an American, almost every action on your crypto app creates a taxable event.

- In the U.S., the Coinbase app doesn't offer futures, leverage trades, or margin on spot trades; these are only available on DeFi platforms.

- Not all coins are listed in America, but Binance offers the widest selection, highest liquidity, and most features.


Binance International doesn't have these issues! Americans cannot use Binance International, so;

If you're not an American, consider yourself very lucky!


#CryptoTradingGuide #write2earn #tradentell #MtGoxJulyRepayments