🎉🎉Big news for all you BTC enthusiasts out there! On June 24, Tether, the issuer of the popular stablecoin USDT, announced it's putting a halt to minting USDT on the Algorand and EOS blockchain networks. 🛑🛑

Why, you ask? Well, Tether wants to focus on blockchains with expanding communities. But don't worry, token redemptions on Algorand and EOS will continue for at least the next 12 months. 📆📆

Tether's decision is all about prioritizing community-driven blockchain support. After a series of assessments, they've decided to stop the issuance of USDT tokens on Algorand and EOS. Their goal is to allocate resources in blockchains with efficiency, security, and innovation. 🚀🚀

Tether is committed to a smooth transition and promises minimal disruption. They're all about delivering a seamless user experience and facilitating a hassle-free transition. 🔄🔄

Remember, this isn't the first time Tether has halted the issuance of its token on blockchains. Last year, they discontinued service issuance to USDT on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Kusama. But fear not, Tether remains available in about 11 chains, including Ethereum, Tron, Avalanche, Kava, Liquid Network, Near, Celo, Polkadot, Solana, Ton, and Tezos. 🌐🌐

So, let's keep our eyes on the prize and continue supporting BTC! 🎯🎯