Trading Career Approach :

Many of you would have a basic Question which is: should we take trading as a career?

Yes, You should!

It outperforms career from any career you know - ups and downs but it's the well-known & complex career of life to be a part of it.

Trading has been part of human beings historically, even E & D Commerce is based on Trading.

This career needs one requirement: you have to be super smart.

I'm not just talking about crypto: it's a big industry that you don't know yet, it's everything in the world: it's everything!

From paper money to the product

Company to consumer

business to Customer.

All based on Trading.

if you go to the highest level of trading which is Monetary Finance & Global Finance & Economy.

A Country Needs Power & Power Comes War

To do the war - you need Tanks, Ammunition, Technology

and these vehicles tanks - jets need what? Energy

and Energy comes from Oil (Crude Oil ) Which is used in the production of Jet fuels, vehicle fuels, Factories, Gasoline, etc.

And All money goes into two sectors ( Oil & Tech )

That's why I said a few months ago ( Tech is the new war )

You being a Trader Will know How money goes in and out. Most of the money is used in & out for Oil or Tech just both.

All Trading & Transaction ( 150+countries Exchanges )

Do you still think Trading is just a game?