The NFT sales have gone through a significant upsurge in this week. The latest statistics point out CryptoPunks to be the top NFT in terms of sales with DMarket, Bored Ape Yacht Club, and Pudgy Penguins following it. A huge rise has reportedly taken place in its sales as well as transactions involving it. In line with the data, CryptoPunks has seen remarkable sales of up to $5,365,824 worth in the recent seven days.

CryptoPunks Dominates the NFT Market in Sales

In this respect, the sales of the non-fungible token went through a jump of nearly 160.23% during the respective week. In addition to this, the token’s transactions reached 54 during that time. As per the new statistics, another NFT going by DMarket secured the 2nd spot. It saw $4,253,046 worth of sales during the past seven days. Nonetheless, the NFT did not record a spike in sales percentage.

The data shows that it rather plunged by 8.32% in sales. However, the transactions involving DMarket rose by 0.96%. Bore Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) obtained the 3rd spot with transactions surging by 70.90% this week. Additionally, the NFT witnessed sales of almost $3,945,966. The 4th position was occupied by Pudgy Penguins with a 217.14% sale upsurge. The NFT recorded sales of approximately $3,691,932.

DMarket, Bitcoin Puppets, and NodeMonkes See Sale Dips Despite Getting Top Positions

DogeZuki Collection got 5th place among the prominent NFT projects with sales of up to $2,431,492. This figure represents an elevation of 12.34% over the week. Bitcoin Puppets came at the 6th position within the list by recording sales of $2,033,664. Nevertheless, this indicates a slump of 28.45%. Following that, NodeMonkes NFT stood at the 7th rank with sales of $1,976,820 worth.

However, it also experienced a plunge of 28.45% with transactions declining to 280 (showing a 12.50% slump). Gods Unchained NFT remained effective in making a place among the top-performing projects with a 7.47% rise in sales.

In this respect, the NFT beheld $1,901,505 in sales. After that, Milady Maker heightened by 9.68% in the case of sales, touching $1,880,358. Nonetheless, the number of transfers involving the NFT dipped by 3.00%. DraftKings efficiently attain the 10th spot with a 213.51% increase in sales, securing $1,867,085 worth of transfers.