📢 Normie Meme Coin's Epic Fail: When Marketing Goes Wrong

😿 Normie, the meme coin on Ethereum’s Base #Network , issued a groveling apology after an ill-advised promotional video depicting.

📹 The deleted video (but screenshot available) featured Normie hanging itself, a graveyard scene, and a divine encounter where a God-like figure tells Normie to refund the community and relaunch. Normie springs back to life with the tagline, “Death is not a problem.” 💀 😁

💥 Crypto #Twitter went nuclear, accusing Normie of trivializing . Comments ranged from “Normie encourages ” to calls to “send this atrocity to zero.”

🔄 Normie’s team deleted the video, claiming the intention was to show there’s always a way out, not to trivialize a sensitive topic. They also announced that the “intern” responsible was fired—a classic crypto meme in itself! 🤣

😄 Moral of the Story:

When trying to pump your #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 , maybe steer clear of grave topics—literally! 🌐💀