




MEME coin ARE the key TO get rich easy

DONT let the market fool you

WHY did the market went downward ?

THERE are lots of rules the big investors follows

ANY big event THEY pull out , WHY ? because they are afraid you might pull out so they pull out first

SO that they won't get stock in that position , they put the money back when it all red 🍒

Why ? MILLIONAIRE are made in bear market

THATS when you need to buy

THERE is a big event

coming up

THE Federal target rate at upcoming FOMC meetings, according to interest rate traders? Analyze the probabilities of changes to the Fed rate and U.S. monetary policy, as implied by 30-Day Fed Funds futures pricing data.

ITS 3 days FROM now

ANOTHER thought Hong Kong was on holiday

THE ETF hasn't kick off

SO it was smart move to bail

and wait till it's all red and enter again

Not any big event the market fluctuate 🪀 🍏

ITS not a financial advice

DO your own research

GOD bless you 😇🙏
