To avoid scams in Binance P2P, follow these safety tips:

1. *Verify the user*: Check the user's verification level and reputation score. Higher levels and good reputation reduce the risk.

2. *Use Binance's escrow service*: Binance's escrow service holds funds until the transaction is complete, protecting you from fraud.

3. *Be cautious of unusually low prices*: If a deal seems too good to be true, it likely is.

4. *Don't share personal info*: Never share personal information, such as passwords or credit card details.

5. *Use secure payment methods*: Stick to payment methods supported by Binance, like credit cards or bank transfers.

6. *Communicate through Binance's chat*: Avoid moving conversations to external platforms or sharing personal contact info.

7. *Double-check transaction details*: Ensure the amount, asset, and recipient's info are correct before confirming.

8. *Report suspicious users*: If you suspect a scammer, report them to Binance's support immediately.

Remember, always prioritize caution and follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of falling victim to scams in Binance P2P transactions.


credits: Fatma_Queen