The bullmarket is here to stay as it did not Even hit half the way to the moon ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒ•

$BTC $BNB and $ETH are safe coins and will skyrocket until 2025 , like Frank Sinatra sang :

๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถโ€œFly Me to the Moonโ€๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต


Fellas, Here is the deal: #ethereum just got itโ€™s permission to operate via ETF

#bitcoin is the king coin ! The real deal as it is uncomparable. Bitcoin needs no explanation.

#BNBโฉ is the next one to hit the moon, and Even if it this does not happen in the short run, or if itโ€™s prices Go down, just remmember this: you can always use BNB here at #Binance to earn free coins and tokens via megadrop, launchpools and etceteraโ€ฆ. This is an extra free cash flow that will aid you to boost your wallet.

In sum, you will only make money if you position yourself with no fear, and not worring too much about market prices (spot).

The secret is simple, just keep on buying little by little every week or every month, so that you learn How not to worry too much about market prices.

In conclusion, do not try to hit the jackpot by buying at itโ€™s lowest prices, just maintain a constancy, AND do not sell !