A. Yes

B. No

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✈️Being a global currency is a challenging goal for any cryptocurrency project, including #PiNetwork. This is possible if


meets the following criteria:

• Creating a safe and secure system: Ensuring the security of transactions and wallets, allowing users to trust and use the project without fear of risk.

• Scalability and performance: Allows for the processing of millions, if not billions, of transactions per day while maintaining transaction efficiency and speed.

• Global distribution: Ensure that many users throughout the world can join and use Pi coin.

• Community acceptance and everyday use: A truly supportive market and business environment is essential for everything from shopping to paying for services.

• Legal and compliant with international financial regulations

• Application and Ecosystem Development: In order to increase acceptance and day-to-day usage, Pi Network must build a strong ecosystem of apps and services that provide genuine value to consumers. #PiNetwork #PiCoreTeam #PiKYC #Pioneers #Picoins #Picommunity #Pimining