Why programming language matters in the blockchain ?

🐋 ~ Bitcoin ($BTC ) is written in C++, a highly performant language that, despite improvements with smart pointers, struggles with memory management.

🐳 ~ Ethereum ($ETH ) uses Solidity, a scripting language designed to facilitate development on the Ethereum Virtual Machine. However, this comes with performance costs.

🚀 ~ The Solana ($SOL ) ecosystem, on the other hand, is built with Rust. Rust offers the speed of C while providing superior memory safety. Additionally, Rust is the second most energy-efficient language*, making it highly relevant in a world prioritizing sustainability.

🌕~ In conclusion, Rust's combination of high performance, memory safety, and energy efficiency makes it an ideal choice for modern blockchain development, particularly in an era where environmental impact is increasingly significant.

*Source: [The New Stack](https://thenewstack.io/which-programming-languages-use-the-least-electricity/)

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