📣Uniswap Foundation is sitting on a cool $41.41M in fiat and stablecoins, with 730,000 UNI tokens in the kitty. They've been busy bees, committing $4.34M in new grants and disbursing $2.79M in old ones. The fiat and stables are for grant-making and operations, while the UNI tokens are for employee awards.

The Foundation is also gearing up for a vote on a new fee mechanism by May 31. If approved, it's a big step towards autonomous fee collection and distribution in Uniswap v3 pools.

Despite the SEC's Wells notice, Uniswap is pushing ahead with the fee switch. They argue the SEC can't regulate their decentralized protocol. This comes as the U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote on a bill that could change crypto regulation.

The new proposal will share protocol fees among UNI tokenholders, incentivizing active engagement in the Uniswap ecosystem. So, UNI tokenholders, get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into governance decisions!