New World Order by Economic Multilateralism, Autonomy and State Independent transactions.

Its handly indistinguishable to render Cryptocurrency without the Bitcoin logo attached to it, for most user on the platform both on binance and others are mostly Gen Z to newbie Gen A. We have come a long way from the clay tablets of ancient Mesapotamia to now well encrypted Digital currencies we use as securities and mediums of exchange for now pretty much everything. About two decades ago it would be crazy for merchants to think of accepting Bitcoin, Solana, Ethereum just to mention a few from the vast coins out there. The idea we can easily overlook is the sense of liquidity, diversity as well as uniques and fashion we have come to incorporate to this coins, which would contemporary be seen by nation currency define status or dominion over another. However, you take bitcoin and there is this universal element, diverse and unity we get. No nation can really claim or attribute to bitcoin and therefore it hold a posture of ubiquity to all crypto as a reference and I think that's good.

#Bitcoin miners now hold a very lucrative position not just economically but on even policy a gap that requires to be filled going forth as legislation become a norm to be enacted on digital assets, transaction and operations, its duly important to understand the crucial aspect to this niche. Because if you produce something yet you lack the oversight, control and voice to determine your produce then the reason to produce become the act of enslavement a flaw that develops if miners don't wake up to channel out their voice on their investment per capital to how their produce needs to capitalised by regulatory bodies. No one has contradiction to regulatory policies, the issues lies with drawing the line what is and what's not, and Policies and Policy maker hardly know how to draw boundaries, the history of colonial independence can be a reference point to this statement.

Bitcoin since 2009 after being conceived by Satoshi Nakumoto has philosophical conceptualized to be independent of the unilateralism financial system backed on the US Dollar ($) and to the nature of dominance this system is flawed with character of conflict endless conflict due to interest and prejudices we commonly know and endemic as well as pervasive across the globe.

An stock image of men trying to clinge to bitcoin as rescue once overboard in the sea, a metaphor of crisis.

War is politics by other means, and currently we already have one on Ukraine, and it exemplifies the important role of Cryptocurrency in chaotic situations, the core value that was aired by Alan Feuer perhaps he was crazy for thinking that, but we see now the role of monetary value superseded state role to stabilize a Nation on heat of violence and disorder.

The Monopoly of value has become freed, do sanctions as a diplomatic slap mean anything going forth or does this turn IR on its head when it come to pre-empts in heighten relations among states. Wars are fought on security and resource grounds, things we also do as traders both on this platforms to. $BTC is it possible for it to go agitate a war against $ETH or the reverse, is it. However now the Yen possess a threat to the Dollar and not adding the newly formed economic alliances known as BRICS.As the shenanigans of greed plays out to control what, Crypto are untouched at least those not backed by intentional control policy.

Daily regular Commodities as pictured on the image such as : Food

Everyday groceries are now being purchased on the transaction of crypto, and now other sectors and state see the wisdom in adopting crypto currencies one of the successful once is the Dominican Republic crypto trading cap harvest coin, is good and future approach objective decision and adoption.

As we move forward its my urge that more people adopt crypto has we go forth, I know there are risk to such a Hacking and Quantum computing, however their conditions to happen depend on dedication to the course to a new dawn.