Based on the latest market analysis and predictions, here's an overview of Bitcoin's potential performance for the upcoming week:

- **CoinCodex** predicts that Bitcoin's price could range between **$75,997** and **$80,407**, with a potential increase of **5.80%** reaching up to **$80,407** by June 3, 2024.

- **CoinLore** suggests that Bitcoin could hit **$74,522** in the next 10 days, indicating a bullish short-term outlook based on technical analysis.

- **FXStreet** notes that if Bitcoin clears the **$70,000** mark, the chances of resuming the uptrend would significantly increase.

- **Binance** forecasts a **5%** increase in Bitcoin's value, potentially reaching **$67,499.87** in the next 30 days.

It's important to note that cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and predictions can change rapidly due to various factors such as market sentiment, global economic conditions, and regulatory news. Therefore, while these predictions provide a general outlook, they should be taken with caution and not as financial advice. Always conduct your own research or consult with a financial advisor before making investment decisions.