Sushi has partnered with GoPlus Security to enhance its user security through the integration of the Token Security API. This collaboration is aimed at protecting Sushi users from the risks of honeypots and scam tokens, significantly boosting the safety features of the platform.

By incorporating the GoPlus Security’s API, Sushi can now proactively screen and evaluate the risk associated with new tokens. This early detection system helps in identifying malicious tokens, such as honeypots and scams, thereby enhancing the safety of transactions on the platform.

GoPlus Security, known for its in-depth security analyses of ERC20 tokens across multiple networks, provides the Token Security API which performs extensive risk assessments and transaction security evaluations. This ensures that any potential threats are quickly identified and addressed.

Each token listed on Sushi undergoes a rigorous security check that includes a detailed analysis, transaction verification, and risk evaluation to ensure that only secure tokens are traded. If a token is found to be risky, Sushi promptly alerts its users through immediate popup warnings, aiding them in making safer investment decisions and steering clear of potential scams like rug pulls.

This partnership underscores Sushi’s commitment to prioritizing user safety. By leveraging GoPlus Security’s advanced technologies, Sushi actively protects its users against the growing threats in the cryptocurrency landscape.

Sushi continues to evolve its security measures, and this partnership with GoPlus Security represents one of the many initiatives taken to maintain a secure trading environment. Users can look forward to ongoing improvements and updates aimed at enhancing their safety and security on the platform.

Eskil Tsu, Co-Founder of GoPlus, highlighted the importance of the partnership, stating, “Sushi is setting a groundbreaking example for the industry by integrating our Token Security API. There’ll be 100x more malicious actors in the future. By proactively identifying and mitigating crypto scams together, we are not only safeguarding users’ investments but also reinforcing trust and security within the crypto community.”

Jared Grey, Head Chef of Sushi, emphasized the value of this collaboration, saying, “At Sushi, we’re all about giving you the best DEXperience, and keeping our users safe is a big part of that. By teaming up with GoPlus Security to flag honeypot and scam tokens, we’re addressing one of the biggest concerns for newcomers—security. This partnership not only enhances our product offerings but also shows how DeFi protocols can work together to make the space safer and more awesome for everyone—another great DeFi Lego best practice in action.”