Aevo Airdrops #1 - $ZERO is LIVE 🪂 We’re excited to share the launch of our first Aevo Airdrops project, @zerolendxyz We are distributing 400,000,000 $ZERO to users who are eligible for Zerolend’s Aevo Airdrops. Here’s the link to claim your $ZERO: Claim link will go live at 24 May, 8am UTC. Who is eligible for this? ✍️ ~2000 wallets are eligible for this. Snapshot was taken on 15 May, 8am UTC. - Aevo stakers who staked >1000 $AEVO at time of snapshot. - $ZERO pre-launch traders, distributed linearly based on volume traded. This is the first of many Aevo Airdrops that will be coming up in the next few months, exclusively for Aevo Stakers and Aevo Pre-launch traders.