According to Odaily, Zeta Markets, a derivatives protocol on Solana, has released a simplified whitepaper for its DeFi Layer2 network, Zeta X. The main network is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2025. The announcement marks a significant step forward for Zeta Markets, as it continues to expand its offerings within the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. The launch of Zeta X will further solidify its position in the market, providing users with enhanced capabilities and services. More details about the network and its functionalities will be available in the whitepaper. The launch date, set for the first quarter of 2025, indicates the company's commitment to delivering on its promises and meeting the growing demand for advanced DeFi solutions. As the DeFi sector continues to grow, the introduction of Zeta X will undoubtedly contribute to the evolution of the market.