💰💰💰BounceBit: Restoring the CeDeFi infrastructure and building Bitcoin

It would seem that "bounceBit" is an initiative pertaining to Bitcoin restaking that intends to provide a certain setting for the execution of Bitcoin smart contracts. This paper presents the concept of the App Store and BounceBox, which enable users to launch their own decentralized apps inside the Bitcoin ecosystem. Staking BounceBit and Bitcoin tokens secures the network, which combines the best features of decentralized and centralized finance by providing access to funding rate arbitrage and on-chain certificates for restaking and mining.

Following Binance's announcement of expanding support for the BB crypto, the project's price soared by more than 90% in a single day, indicating its growing popularity. A total of $259.94 million worth of BounceBit was exchanged as the price surged to $0.5463. The mainnet launch and a slew of significant listing announcements have driven prices and interest soaring, indicating that people are optimistic about the project.

In addition, the BounceBit App Store is a part of the BounceBit ecosystem; it provides a wide variety of DeFi, social, and gaming capabilities that the club owner may use to make the club more enjoyable for everyone. Additionally, it has a novel dual-token PoS mechanism that uses native BTC security and is fully compatible with EVMs. It also has a hybrid DeFi and CeFi yield mechanism that lets BTC holders earn yields through native validator staking, the DeFi ecosystem, and a CeFi mirroring mechanism that is powered by Mainnet Digital and Ceffu.

With over a billion dollars in Total Value Locked (TVL) and over 400,000 early donors, the project has grown substantially since its launch in late January 2024, and it has the support of prominent investors.

#BB #bouncebit $BB #altcoins #BTC