🚀Bitcoin's having a renaissance, folks! Grayscale's got its eyes on some cool new Layer 2s (L2s) that could bring fresh use cases and pump up market demand for BTC.👀

• BitVM, one of Bitcoin's most awaited apps, is set to open the network to smart contract functionality. Think Ethereum, but on Bitcoin.

• Optimistic Bitcoin rollups are in the works, letting users batch cheap transactions off-chain before settling them back to Bitcoin.

• Spiderchains, another L2 tech, are secured by staked Bitcoin within decentralized wallets.

• Babylon's expanding the Bitcoin staking world with its BTC re-staking tech.

• Taproot Assets aims to bring tokenization, specifically stablecoins, to Bitcoin's Lightning Network.

Grayscale reckons Bitcoin's underdeveloped smart contract ecosystem could be a massive untapped market. If these developments lead to more adoption, we could see a larger market and potentially higher value over time.💰

What do you think? Which L2 tech gets your vote? Let's chat in the comments! #Bitcoin #Layer2 #DeFi #Web3