In a bullish market, there are numerous avenues to wealth:

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1. Holding mainstream coins like ETH or alternative options such as Ripple, Link, Ada, and Fil can lead to substantial gains.

2. Trading contracts and leveraging positions offers opportunities for greater profits.

3. Speculating on new projects can be lucrative for those who focus on emerging opportunities.

4. Investing in local dogs and memes doesn't always require a rationale; their market-moving potential speaks for itself.

5. Engaging in DeFi offers the dual benefit of rising mainstream coin prices and high-interest rates, along with potential airdrops.

6. Investing in NFTs can yield significant returns as the market continues to grow.

7. Participating in chain games provides opportunities for profit even with minimal starting capital, and investing in game coins can lead to direct gains.

8. Specializing in yield farming and airdrops can be profitable for those who excel at maximizing these opportunities.

The influx of new funds into the market creates a diverse range of opportunities, with money flowing into various tracks within the cryptocurrency space. Success lies in aligning one's strengths and resources with the right track, as each requires different skills and investment levels.

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