Ramon Canales, head of product delivery at Matter Labs and the developer behind zkSync, a solution aimed at decreasing the expenses associated with Ethereum transactions, revealed that the upcoming upgrade of zkSync is scheduled for release on May 13th.

The latest upgrade incorporates P256Verify, a precompile enabling signature verification of the secp256r1 elliptic curve. Additionally, it will introduce ecAdd, ecMul, and ecPairing. 

Moreover, the implementation of Bridgehub, a foundational component facilitating interoperability across all ZK Stack blockchains, will be included. Ramon Canales further mentioned that additional efforts will be dedicated to enhancing the seamlessness of cross-chain transactions. At present, blockchains can communicate directly with each other through Layer 1 protocols.

Regarding ZK Stack, the protocol has completed the necessary work to support Validiums, a custom data availability (DA) layer, and custom base tokens. These functionalities will become accessible for ZK Stack’s blockchains following some forthcoming server adjustments.

The ZK Stack is a modular framework that provides the capability to deploy zero-knowledge (ZK) rollups, which are highly secure blockchain solutions.

Furthermore, the ability to execute .transfer/.send calls without providing gas will be activated. This feature has the potential to release ETH that may be trapped in contracts deployed without adhering to best coding practices.

As promised – Next @zksync upgrade happens next Monday, May 13th.Exciting new features coming – Read a small summary on the , or keep an eye on @zkSyncDevs tomorrow for the full story.1 / 5https://t.co/B06f6Ssh1U

— Ramon – 9tails.(eth | lens) (∎, ∆) (@ramonIsTweeting) May 7, 2024

zkSync Incorporates Avail’s Data Availability Layer For Aid Developers 

zkSync is a protocol designed for efficient and cost-effective payments on the Ethereum network, leveraging ZK rollup technology. It relies on ZK proofs and on-chain data availability to maintain the security of users’ funds, ensuring their safety akin to remaining within the mainnet.

Recently, zkSync has incorporated Avail’s data availability (DA) layer into its framework, aiming to support developers in building blockchains that offer enhanced scalability, cost efficiency, and adaptability. With Avail DA, users gain the capability to seamlessly integrate a rollup technology stack into an established decentralized network of validators, which furnishes the essential hardware for blockchain operations.

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