BAD NEWS: CRASH has BEGUN. It will be a bad one.

GOOD NEWS: CRASHES are the best time to get rich. Bargains will float to the surface.


1: DON’T CATCH FALLING KNIVES: Just because prices are falling DO NOT get GREEDY. Wait til prices have bottomed and no one wants the asset you want.

2: STUDY. YouTube is a great source for real and fake

Teachers. Invest time to get into the heads of the teacher.

3: NEW FRIENDS: Seek new friends who are on the same path you are on.

Stay away of VICTIMS: people who blame others for their problems. Stay away MARXIST: people who expect the government to solve their problems.

4: Start a SIDE HUSTLE: OWN your own business. A. I. is going to wipe out millions of jobs. Start a small business and become an entrepreneur….not an employee afraid of losing their job.

5:: Choose GREAT TEACHERS: YOUTUBE has an abundance of teachers: Some good many bad. I suggest you choose my teachers. My real real estate teacher is Ken McElroy. Taxes: Tom Wheelwright. Stocks: John MacGregor. Oil: Mike Maucelli. They all have books and their own Pidcasts. Be very careful who influences your brain, your attitude, and your spirit.

6: DON’T SAVE MONEY: Fake money (US dollar, Euro, Yen, Peso) goes down in value. Save gold, silver, Bitcoin, real money that goes up in value, especially in a market crash.

TAKE CARE and make this CRASH the best thing that ever happened to you.