What should we do at this time?

BTC dropped 10% yesterday, altcoins dropped 20 - 25%. I believe BTC.D will continue to rise soon.

If you want to DCA altcoins, buying some at this price is still okay. But for those with an all-in approach like mine, I think it's not yet time to buy. If you buy at this stage, you might be sitting at the top for a long time, maybe a few months. Therefore, I still prefer holding onto cash.

But if you're afraid of missing out, I think buying ETH is reasonable.

Buying ETH, you might temporarily chase the peak, but it's easy to come back to shore and make a profit. My target for ETH this season is > $10,000.

Buying ETH now and putting it into various airdrop projects for restaking, along with other platforms, is a good idea.
I myself recently bought ETH to stake in Puffer:

🔅 Buy ETH and stake it in Lido
🔅 Then, take stETH and stake it in Puffer
Next, take pufETH and stake it in Zircuit

Consider it as holding ETH. Otherwise, think about buying altcoins in a few months.