⚡️ Solana Founder Reveals Fix for Network Glitch: Challenges Ahead

✅ Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko has announced that the bug causing disruptions in the blockchain ecosystem has been identified and patched. However, he warns that implementing further updates won't be a walk in the park.

⚙️ The glitch stemmed from the v1.14 upgrade, which proved more complex than expected. Yakovenko emphasized that dealing with such bugs is far more challenging than tackling liveness failures.

🌐 Since March, the Solana network has grappled with a high transaction failure rate of 77.4%, impacting users and services alike.

📈 To combat this, the Solana Foundation is taking measures like Optimizing Computing Unit (CU) Usage and planning a major update (v1.18) in April to enhance network performance and reliability.