A List of Crypto Halving Events that You Should Know About

Bitcoin Halving, a four year cycle with an initial block reward of 50 BTC now 6.25 BTC per block and will become 3.125 in a little more than 2 weeks a long way from the humble beginnings of 2009.

All eyes are on $BTC The biggest crypto currency by market capitalization casts a very big shadow one that absolves other Halving events in the crypto space.

Here is a list of other important halving events in 2024 that you should know about.

1. BITCOIN CASH $BCH : 03. April 2024

2. BITCOIN GOLD : 23. April 2024

3. ETHEREUM CLASIC $ETC : 31. May 2024

4. DASH : 09. July 2024

While BITCOIN Halving is the most important event in the crypto space, keeping an eye on other events might shed some light on understanding the dynamics of the general market direction.

#BitcoinHalving. #BCH #ETC #DASH