This guy who initially bet $100 dollars on Ethereum at age 15 is now worth million!

This is the story of Eddy Zillan, one of the initial investors of ETH and now he's worth millions.

At the age of 15, this Eddy Zillan invested his savings into cryptocurrencies. He did not go with a legal way to buy it since Coinbase isn't allowing anyone below 18 to use the platform, but he got inside, nonetheless. His initial investment was as little as $100 worth of ETH. Just one day after buying that ETH, his gamble already made a 10% return.

Knowing that he can made profit, Zillan continued to buy more cryptocurrencies, mostly alt coins. He said, "I thought, 'Wow, I just made a 10% return in a day. That's crazy!'"

So, he added more cash that he gained from teaching tennis, first he put $1000, then the next week he added $5000, then another week later he emptied his entire lifesaving worth $5000 to buy another cryptocurrency. His parents, however, did not like the bet that he just made, since at those day cryptocurrency is still at early age. His father said that its too risky and reckless. Still, since it was his money, they cannot stop him at all.

Fortunately for Zillan, with thorough research and a bit of luck, his returns began to skyrocket. Just within a year, his initial investment had turned into a whopping $350.000!!!

He used that money he gained to start a crypto discussion community and he became some sort of guru there aswell, charging $250 per hour 🤨. With the money he gained by tutoring crypto millionaire wannabe, he successfully turned his portfolio into million dollars. And mind you, this is all happened in 2018.

Like most youtuber today, he gains more client by leveraging the gain that he gets from his luck in his initial crypto journey. He bought sport cars to gain more customers and build more credibility in his Instagram.

Why would he do that? I think he shifted his strategy from trading game into crypto guru game. I mean $250 per hour can already earn you thousands of dollars in a single month.#write2earn