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Currency: PEPE/USDT

Date: 03-29-2024 03:05 AM

Current price: 0.00000797

Change in 24 hours: +3.91%

Volume within 24 hours: 43.09T PEPE / 342.78M USDT

Technical analysis indicators:

Moving Average (MA):

MA(5): 1,389,671,536,405

MA(7): 0.00000804

MA(10): 1,355,855,129,567

MA(25): 0.00000790

MA(99): 0.00000796

Relative Strength Index (RSI):

180 days: 907.59%

90 days: 494.03%

30 days: 207.34%

7 days: 0.63%

Today: 1.61%

MACD indicator:

MACD line: above the signal line

Divergence: positive

KOV KDJ indicator:

K: 90.24

D: 82.34

J: 74.45


Current price is above all moving averages.

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is in the overbought zone.

MACD indicator indicates an uptrend.

The KOV KDJ indicator indicates an overbought area.


The upward trend is expected to continue in the short term.

There may be some correction in the near term.

Technical analysis indicators should be closely monitored to determine entry and exit points.


This analysis is only a prediction and does not constitute investment advice.

Investors should conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.

Additional notes:

The Japanese candlestick chart is showing a bullish pattern.

There is a large trading volume.

There is some support at 0.00000738.

There is some resistance at 0.00000832.


Use a stop loss order to protect your profits.

Do not invest more than you can afford to lose.

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