Top 3 Organizations Close to Bitcoin in Ideology:


1. Freemasons:




Decentralized structure: Like Bitcoin, Freemasons do not have a central governing body. Masonic lodges are autonomous and self-governing.

Freemasons value freedom of thought and speech, which is similar to the ideals of Bitcoin, where transaction information is available to everyone.Freemasons support each other in times of need, which resonates with the Bitcoin community where people help each other solve problems.


Strict hierarchy and rituals: Freemasonry has a multi-level structure and uses rituals that are absent in Bitcoin.

Secrecy: Freemasons do not advertise their activities, while Bitcoin is an open system.

2. Rosicrucians:


Search for secret knowledge: Rosicrucians, like many Bitcoin enthusiasts, believe that this technology has a deep meaning and potential.

The desire to improve the world: Rosicrucians want to make the world a better place, which is in line with the Bitcoin idea of creating a more just and decentralized financial system.

Use of symbols and allegories: Bitcoin, like Rosicrucian symbols, has a multi-layered interpretation and is open to different interpretations.


Mysticism: Rosicrucians are a mystical society, while Bitcoin is a technology based on cryptography.

Closedness: Rosicrucians do not disclose their secrets to the public, while Bitcoin is completely transparent.

3. Digital Nomads:


Global mobility: Bitcoin allows people to easily make transactions around the world, which fits the lifestyle of digital nomads.

Use of technology for work and life: Bitcoin is a technology that can be integrated into the lives of digital nomads.

The pursuit of independence: Bitcoin gives people more control over their finances, which is important for digital nomads who value autonomy.


Informal community: Digital nomads are not an organized community like Freemasons or Rosicrucians.

Additional organizations:

