According to Odaily, Privy, a provider of identity verification tools, has announced the introduction of support for cross-application wallets. This feature allows users to log into other applications using their existing embedded wallets, thereby achieving interoperability.

The first batch of integrations includes Zora, OpenSea, Fantasy, Icebreaker, and Adimverse. More support will be added in the future. This move by Privy is a significant step towards enhancing the interoperability of different applications, making it easier for users to manage their digital identities across various platforms.

The introduction of cross-application wallet support by Privy is expected to streamline the user experience by allowing seamless access to multiple applications using a single wallet. This not only simplifies the process but also enhances security by reducing the need for multiple logins and passwords.

The company has not yet disclosed the timeline for the addition of more support. However, the announcement indicates a promising future for users seeking a more integrated and seamless digital experience.