According to BlockBeats, as of June 20, 16.3% of all staked Ethereum (ETH) is now re-staked in protocols such as Eigenlayer, Karak_Network, and Symbioticfi. This indicates a significant shift in the way ETH is being utilized, with a growing trend towards re-staking in these protocols.

The re-staking of ETH in these protocols suggests that investors are seeking to maximize their returns by leveraging the benefits offered by these platforms. This trend could potentially lead to a change in the dynamics of the ETH market, as more ETH is locked up in these protocols, reducing the available supply in the open market.

However, this also raises questions about the risks associated with re-staking, particularly in the context of the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market. Investors need to be aware of these risks and make informed decisions when choosing to re-stake their ETH.

In conclusion, the re-staking of ETH in protocols such as Eigenlayer, Karak_Network, and Symbioticfi is a growing trend that could have significant implications for the ETH market. Investors need to be aware of the potential benefits and risks associated with this practice.