According to Odaily, Story Protocol has announced a collaboration with Holoworld AI to launch virtual characters that can earn royalties. This innovative venture allows users to create fully customizable characters, from personality to appearance, and transform them into virtual celebrities. The programmable IP will support users in registering, owning, and earning royalties.

The integration of artificial intelligence and creativity in this project is a significant step forward in the digital world. Users are given the freedom to design their characters in any way they see fit, providing a unique and personalized experience. The ability to earn royalties from these characters adds an economic incentive to the creative process, potentially leading to a new form of income for digital artists and enthusiasts.

This collaboration between Story Protocol and Holoworld AI is a testament to the potential of combining technology and creativity in innovative ways. It opens up new possibilities for user interaction and engagement in the virtual world, while also providing a potential source of income through the ownership and registration of these virtual characters.