According to Odaily, Jupiter's co-founder, known as Meow, has expressed his views on the importance of decentralization in all markets. He shared his thoughts on the X platform, stating that he is not inclined to participate in political games. He believes that all political parties are concentrations of nepotistic power and that any individual, including himself, could potentially become a complete scoundrel if given enough power.

Meow emphasized the need for decentralization in all markets, as this would lead to the decentralization of finance, and ultimately, power. He pointed out that this is why the emergence of DeFi and Meme coins can serve as a fortress against global centralized forces, and not just as a meme. By demonstrating that individuals, small distributed teams, and decentralized communities can collaborate and create value, even better than the best among them, we will ultimately achieve decentralization of value creation, financial channels, and ultimately power.

Furthermore, Meow expressed his unease about the crypto industry celebrating ETFs. He questioned whether the world owning ETH/SOL through BlackRock would increase or decrease our level of decentralization.