According to Odaily, a digital address tagged as 'Luna Foundation Guard' has recently transferred approximately 1.974 million AVAX tokens. The transfer, which took place 15 minutes prior to the report, was sent to an address beginning with 0x134. The total value of the transferred tokens is estimated to be around 71.19 million US dollars.

The Luna Foundation Guard is known for its significant transactions in the cryptocurrency market. However, the purpose behind this recent large-scale transfer of AVAX tokens remains unclear. The recipient address, starting with 0x134, has not been linked to any known entity or individual in the crypto space.

This transaction underscores the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market, where large-scale transfers can occur at any time. As of now, the impact of this transfer on the AVAX token's market performance is yet to be seen. The AVAX token is a key player in the crypto market, and such significant movements could potentially influence its market value.

In conclusion, the Luna Foundation Guard has made a substantial transfer of AVAX tokens to an unidentified address. The implications of this transaction for the broader cryptocurrency market remain to be seen. Further updates will follow as more information becomes available.