Every day, we compete with each other.

One trader's TP is another trader's Stop Loss.

So, who wins at the end?

The Focused, Calm, Emotionally-Intelligent trader will always take the money of the

FOMO, Emotional and Unfocused trader.

So - what can be done to ensure you win?Trading is about Focus

Time = Energy Wasted .

Energy Wasted = Loss of Focus and Edge.

The more time you spend on charts, the more energy you waste, the smaller your edge becomes. It's Counterintuitive, but the less you trade, the better you will perform. Why is that?

You have a Performance Edge You will always have an Edge over the other traders.

Traders who spend 8 hours on charts never have an edge. They get beaten by traders who spend 1 hour a day.

So - pick a trading window and dedicate full focus Take your trades and then rest.

When the market is unclear - Rest.

When there is heavy news - Rest.

And like a sniper - show up Fresh at the right time,

while the impatient are already blown up