Flexibility is a strength in trading. The ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions is what separates successful traders from the rest. So, don't let your ego hold you back—it's better to be profitable and wrong than stubborn and in the red.

What truly matters in trading is how well you manage your risk and, ultimately, how profitable you are. It’s crucial to understand that nobody can be correct all the time, and being wrong occasionally is perfectly normal. The key is accepting this and being flexible enough to shift your perspective when the market changes.

Even if it means changing your stance multiple times, do it. The market is dynamic, and your strategies should be too. You make profits by trading with the current market trend, not by sticking rigidly to your preconceived notions.

Many traders make the common mistake of hesitating to adjust their market outlook. They often cling to their original bullish analysis, even when the market moves in the opposite direction. Instead of adapting, they continue to draw chart levels that align with their initial bias. But remember, being right or wrong in your analysis is not what truly counts.

If the market was expected to move upward, but you notice a shift in the trend, don’t hesitate to change your approach. Stubbornly sticking to your original outlook won’t help you; instead, it can lead to unnecessary losses. Success in trading isn’t about proving your analysis right; it’s about aligning yourself with where the market is heading.

Always remember, you need to trade where the market is headed, not where you want it to go. It’s okay to be wrong; no one can be right 100% of the time. Adapt your bias as the market shifts, and never be afraid to adjust your plans—even if you have to do it 100 times.

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