Understanding how the crypto market can be manipulated, especially by major exchanges, is crucial for any trader looking to survive and thrive. Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

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The Role of High Leverage

- 100x Leverage: Many traders are enticed by the potential of 100x leverage, where they can amplify their positions significantly. However, this is a double-edged sword. High leverage means even a small market move against you can result in total liquidation.

Market Manipulation by Exchanges

- Retracing Red Lines: When traders open highly leveraged positions, especially those on the losing side ("red lines"), exchanges like Binance will often move the market to retrace these levels. This isn't just coincidence—exchanges have full visibility into their order books and can manipulate prices to liquidate these positions, thereby pocketing the margin.

- Goal of the Exchange: The exchange's objective is to eliminate all highly leveraged positions. The "red" and "yellow" lines on a chart typically represent these over-leveraged positions. By retracing and liquidating these positions, exchanges can clear these lines, effectively resetting the game and profiting from the liquidations.

- Blue Lines: Some less-risky positions (often represented by "blue lines") might remain untouched for longer. These are typically lower-leverage trades that aren't as profitable for the exchange to flush out immediately. However, even these can be targeted if they accumulate enough potential profit for the exchange.

### What You Should Do

- Stop Relying on TA Influencers: The crypto market isn't purely driven by technical analysis (TA), despite what many influencers may claim. TA can be useful, but in a manipulated market, it often becomes irrelevant. Grifters and so-called "experts" may not have your best interests at heart, and following their advice blindly can lead to significant losses.

- Recognize the Game: Accept that crypto trading on major exchanges is more akin to gambling in a casino. The house (the exchange) always has an advantage, and understanding this dynamic is the first step toward becoming profitable.

- Adapt Your Strategy: Knowing that exchanges aim to liquidate over-leveraged positions, adjust your trading strategy accordingly. Avoid high leverage, trade smaller positions, and consider using stop-loss orders to protect your capital.

Final Thoughts

The key takeaway here is that crypto trading on major exchanges is heavily influenced by the platforms themselves, which act in their own financial interest. By recognizing and adapting to these market manipulations, you can better navigate the crypto landscape and increase your chances of success. Remember, the market doesn't move randomly—there's a method to the madness, and it's often driven by the exchanges themselves.