📉 Bitcoin Daily 📈

PPI numbers were positive yesterday, so stock indices went higher and BTC followed - grown back above developing Year VWAP. The fight goes on and the longer it stays above that crucial level, the higher chances to see it grow to developing VAH around 68k.

Today at 12.30 UTC announcement for Inflation Rates. Should cause more volatility with possible range in between 60k and 64k.

Bearish scenario I wrote yesterday didn't happen as BTC hold strong above 58k. And losing that level was the condition for bearish scenario to trigger. Same condition remains valid, although now it feels a lot further from happening. Zones are the same: 56 / 54 / 51.5k

Nearest liquidity pools:

above - 61600 / 61915 / 62213 / 63444

below - 60115 / 59750 / 58300 / 57580

Lines on the chart:

🔸64601 - July close

🔸62766 - June close

🔸60650 - May open

🔸58218 - June low

🔸56537 - May low

🔸55830 - July 1st week close

🔸53329 - July low

Trend: D ▶️ W ▶️ M ▶️

🤑 F&G: 30 < 31 < 25 < 39 < 40