📢 Earn $100-$1000 Monthly Passive Income: Calculating Daily Rewards (APR) 💰

Hey everyone!🙋 Yesterday, I shared an exciting opportunity to earn up to $100 or more, depending on how much you stake.

🚀 Here’s a clearer explanation since some followers were confused by the terms:

🔺- Binance Earn

TVoffers dynamic APR for various products, meaning the APR can change.

🔺- APRl(Annual Percentage Rate) is the yearly interest rate, not monthly.

🔺- Rewards are earned daily, so you don't need to wait a whole year.

🔺- Rewards are calculated based on the APR.

🔺- Flexible staking allows you to unstake anytime.

🔺- APR differs from APY (Annual Percentage Yield), where earnings are reinvested to generate more rewards until redeemed.

🌐 Calculating Daily Earnings (APR)

Using FDUSD as an example, Binance Earn offers an 11.57% APR. If you stake $20,000 in FDUSD:

🔺- $20,000 x 0.1157 = $2,314 APR (one-year reward)

🔺- $2,314 / 365 days = $6.34 (daily reward)

🔺- $6.34 x 30 = $190.2 (monthly reward)

🏮 Compare this with the automatic calculation in the attached image.

This method applies regardless of the amount staked. Note that slight changes may occur due to APR fluctuations and early rewards.

📢 Remember, your generous tips ❤️ help us research more opportunities.
