In our current era, digital currencies have started to play a major role, and it is expected that they will be an alternative to paper currencies in the future, and play a major role in creating new opportunities employment and providing a wide range of jobs. segment of people to this virtual world. But if the internet is completely shut down one day, will it affect the global economy and individuals in particular? fish. I dream that one day digital currencies will be a reason for me to get rich, or rather, that the Binance platform will be a reason for me to get rich. It made my life better, or the day I discovered this platform. , I was very happy because it really gives opportunities to everyone without exception, but this world must study the market well, be patient and not take risks. A digital currency will be cheap today and in a year or two or more.

It becomes of great value and vice versa, so you have to understand the digital currency market well, and in the end I believe that the appearance of the Internet in general was a good omen for humanity, but we must not forget the real world, getting some fresh air and looking at the sky and the stars.