If you buy these cryptocurrencies in 2024, you can get 100 times the income!

If you buy these cryptocurrencies in 2024, you can get 100 times the income!

1. Doge

As a senior witness in the field of cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin jumped into the eyes of investors with the help of Elon Musk from 2021 to 2022, and undoubtedly became a bright star in that period. Although some people question its intrinsic value, no one can ignore the broad consensus it has gathered in the market. The judgment of the economic model may be a matter of opinion, but Musk, with his extraordinary influence, has repeatedly proved the extraordinary ability to promote Dogecoin to leap into the sky. His firm belief and far-reaching impact on Dogecoin should not be underestimated.

From the macro perspective of the chart trend, since its launch, the price of Dogecoin has climbed from $0.05 to around $0.22, achieving a nearly quadruple increase. Subsequently, the market entered a consolidation period of more than three months, during which price fluctuations formed a stable bottom area. At this stage, short-term fluctuations and band operations may no longer be the focus, but should focus on a longer-term investment layout. Based on the market cycle theory, the K-line trend under the large cycle often shows stronger stability. The take-off of Dogecoin only takes time to brew and the ignition of a trigger event.

At present, the price of Dogecoin undoubtedly provides investors with extremely high cost performance, and is an ideal choice for laying out the future and waiting for flowers to bloom. You don't need to worry too much about short-term fluctuations, but you should hold long-term confidence, wait for the fuse that ignites market enthusiasm to appear, and witness Dogecoin's soaring again.


Avalanche (AVAX) is drawing an attractive picture for investors seeking opportunities. Its trading range is stable between $24.82 and $31.49, although recent market adjustments have caused prices to fall slightly by 11% and 10% in the past week and a month, potential of AVAX. What is particularly