shocking fact about money

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is a strong advocate for Universal Basic Income (UBI), and he spent three years conducting a large-scale experiment: In 2019, he selected 1,000 people in Texas and Illinois who were below the poverty line (with a household income of less than $29,000 per year) and gave them $1,000 per month for three years, while also selecting another 2,000 people with similar conditions and giving them $50 per month as a control group. The results of this study have now been published in a paper.

Before presenting the conclusions, it may be necessary to explain what Universal Basic Income is. It is a long-standing social welfare proposal that argues that national finances should "guarantee" a basic income for all citizens, without any conditions attached, to ensure that everyone can maintain a basic standard of living even if they do not work.

UBI has always been a utopian proposal, with many small-scale experiments and variations, but there has been a lack of large-scale research to validate its feasibility, especially the vision of its proponents that after ensuring a basic income for all citizens, human dignity will be further established, and people's creativity will be unleashed, creating greater economic benefits for society.

Sam Altman, as an AI industry practitioner, has a deeper understanding of AI replacing human jobs, so he has always been enthusiastic about establishing a UBI system. This project raised a total of $60 million, of which $14 million came from his own pocket, making it the largest cash assistance experiment in history.

So, what's the conclusion? The study found that this UBI test did not yield clear results. Isn't it a bit confusing? After investing so much money, is that all? Can you tell me whether this plan is feasible or not?

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