Read it and Keep these things in Your Head🫡

Why I Tell you Guys that Perfect Entries Don’t Exist?

Because you will Never get ideal condition for buying or selling

Market can Surprise you in Multiple Ways

The key is to work on your system and allign it accordingly to the market Conditions

Have you seen this ?

Whenever Market start Pumping and you Don’t Hold any spot bag

You will start Getting Fomo

Thinking that I Miss Everything?

Should I Enter Now ?

Reason is Simple : Price & Sentiments drives you Crazy

You don’t respect your levels

You keep Looking for Sniper shots of Bottom instead of riding what the Market is presenting

One of the Common Mistake :

Price at Neat ATH

Everyone is Euphoric

You sidelined & having fomo thinking if I get $BTC in Good dip I WILL Sell my House & will go all In

You Get Discount

Sentiments Change

People calling it’s Over

You start getting panic and decide to wait or short the Market

You Don’t Trade Base on your own Trading system

Red scare you and Green make you Euphoria

Happens all the time & that’s why very few People make it Big

So Don’t Get Worried

There is hundreds of Opportunities Ahead

This Casino will keep rewarding the patience people with Plans

The key of the game is to survive

Survive when things are not going that good

Protect and play defensive when odds are not in your favour

Play aggressive when market start paying you good

Just remember that there will be

Hundreds of Good Rallies like this

Just Don’t Lose Your Main Capital in greed of making quick money

The smart ones also plan when the rest keep Panicking

If you want to make it Big for this cycle

Just bid-spot leaders of Every Next Big thing in Good discount than randomly shooting to catch top or bottom

If you know the Catalyst

If you know the trend

Why would you be a stubborn kid keep waiting for ideal Entries ?

Always Diversify and Stop Trading in Extreme

Recall the Sentiments when we were at Low

Did the Market tell you all that it's Perfect time bid it ?

Do you Expect Good News on Bottom?

A Trillon dollar casino can Easily Present you things that can make you fearful

Thats the Reason Herd Never buy Fear because of No Plan

Retailers always fomo on Top

The best advice I can give you is to have some Patience

This is one the Most Rewarding space if understands accordingly and play accordingly

If you are Newbies Try to Build your Roots in Market

Be in Spot avoid Leverage

Gradually Build your Empire

Have Short to Mid term targets for your portfolio & Plan that accordingly

Zoom out your Current state

Don't Go all in any Setup

Diversify in Every category accumulate in every Good dips and don't gamble instead play it as game of Probabilities

The best thing is to Keep riding your winners

Every Setup have its Timing

Build a winner mindset

Your Goal should be to make Millions Not Pennies

You don't need to be in Every Setup

No one can Play the Market all the times

At the End it's all the Game of Risk Management and Position Sizing

Smart ones Keep Extracting the Juice from Winners Plays and keep the Losers ones Small

Sticking to your plans is the key here

I see alot of New Millionaires after this Bull Run

In sha Allah

Wishing you all the Best in this Beautiful Journey ❤️

#ETH_ETF_Approval_23July #Bitcoin